Love Me

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Love Me
Request for Tori
A/N: This is a sequel to Take Me In.

It had been two years since Loki had taken you out and confessed his feelings for you. He decided to stay on Midgard permanently, managing to get a job to help support you. You both stayed in your cozy apartment, cohabitating contentedly.

You were sitting on your bed, working on a sketch of Loki himself, when your cell phone rang. You'd taught him how to use a phone after he made the decision to stay on Earth.
"Hey you," you answered after checking the caller ID, holding the phone to your ear with a smile.
"Hello, my love," his silky voice replied. "I just wanted to inform you that I will be a tad late returning home tonight."
"Oh?" you replied, raising a brow even though he couldn't see it. He was usually late when he was buying a gift for you or arranging a date.
"Yes," he said. "Do not worry. I shall return home soon."
"Alright love," you smiled. "See you when you get here."
"Goodbye darling."
With that, he hung up. You returned to your sketch, wondering if he had similar plans tonight.

Loki had a plan. He loved you and wanted to continue his relationship with you, and he wanted to make sure he never lost you. He had been nothing but honest with you, telling you everything and keeping no secrets. He loved you more than he'd ever loved anything.
He'd been saving up every cent from every paycheck he earned, minus the handful of times he'd splurge in order to shower you with gifts (such as your birthday, your anniversary, and a few Midgardian holidays that you'd taught him about) or offered to cover the check on a date.
He walked to the best jewelry store in the city – as much as he loved letting you teach him about your strange mortal customs, he refused to drive a car – knowing exactly what he wanted since he'd had it specially ordered.
He walked inside and smoothly went to the counter. "I am acquiring an order for Loki (l/n)," he told the salesperson. He used your name whenever it was required. He didn't like reminders of his parentage, biological or adoptive.
"Oh, yes," the salesperson nodded, recalling the name. He reached under the counter and produced a small green velvet box. He opened it to reveal a thin silver band, decorated in the middle by two gemstones. One was an emerald, to represent him, and the other your birthstone, to represent you. They were held together by a silver infinity symbol, attached to the silver band.
"Perfect," Loki smiled, offering money to the salesman.
"I'm sure the lucky lady will love it," he smiled.
"I hope so," the god replied softly, slipping the box into his pocket. He then walked back to your shared apartment, unlocking the door with his key and stepping inside.
"Love?" he called out. "I'm home."
When you didn't answer, he sauntered down the hall to your bedroom and slowly opened the door. He smiled at the sight that greeted him – you'd fallen asleep with your sketchbook in your lap. One hand was resting securely atop the book while the other lied limply at your side. He quietly entered the room and gently pried the book from beneath your hand. He smiled as he saw his own face on the page, drawn with gentle lines and careful shading.
He set the book on the bedside table before kneeling beside the bed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You stirred slightly, turning your head to face him, still asleep. He kissed your lips instead, lingering for a moment as your eyes opened. You smiled tiredly as his hand caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch, your smile growing.
"How are you, love?" he inquired softly.
"Perfect now," you whispered.
"I saw the picture you were working on," he noted with a smile. "I'm flattered."
You blushed. "I'm glad you like it."
He kissed you again, resting his forehead on yours. "You don't have any plans tonight, right?"
You shook your head. "Not unless you do."
"We do," he smiled. "I'm taking you out tonight."
"Ooh," you smirked. "What are we doing?"
"You'll see," he said, kissing your nose. He stood to leave the room, turning back to smile at you. "We leave in one hour, love."
With that, he left you to change. You slowly stretched and sat up, thinking about what to wear. You had no idea where you were going, so you weren't sure how to dress. You stood and walked to your closet, thumbing through your dresses. After a moment of consideration, you chose a (f/c) number with a sweetheart neckline and one-inch-thick straps. The skirt puffed out just enough to give an effect, and there was a matching belt attached around the waist to accentuate your curves. You chose a pair of Mary Jane heels and made your way to the bathroom to do your hair. You curled your (h/l) (h/c) locks into loose waves, leaving them to fall gracefully against your shoulders/back. You applied a light layer of mascara before stepping out into the living room.
"Loki?" you called. "I'm ready."
He appeared from the kitchen with a loving smile crossing his features. "You look stunning."
"Thank you," you blushed. He offered you his arm, letting you link yours around his as he led you outside.
"Are we walking?" you inquired as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. It was a warm night, so you weren't worried about bringing a jacket. But you could still appreciate the warm weight of your boyfriend's arm across your shoulders.
"It's more romantic that way," he smiled, leaning down to kiss your head. You hummed happily, snuggling into his side as you walked to your destination.

You soon stopped in front of one of the fanciest restaurants in New York – the very restaurant where you had your first date.
"Loki," you breathed in awe. You looked up and smiled at him, which he returned as he led you inside.
"Holmes," he told the hostess, who nodded and led you to the same secluded table that you'd sat at during your first date. You smiled as you slid into the booth, watching as Loki sat across from you. His right hand intertwined with your left as you ordered your drinks.
"I love you, (y/n)," he whispered, leaning across the table to capture your lips.
"I love you too," you replied as you pulled back.
"I really love you," he insisted. You opened your mouth to reply when he continued. "You have completely turned me around. You have made me a better man. I've given up all of my wicked schemes and hair-brained dreams of becoming King because I've found something much more precious to me. I've found you. I could never ask for more. You are truly the best thing to ever happen to me."
You smiled genuinely as his emerald eyes gazed into your (e/c) orbs. He lifted your left hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles, keeping his hold.
"I have something to ask you, (y/n)," he stated.
"What is it?" you whispered.
He kept your hand in his as he slid out of his seat and moved to stand beside you, kneeling down. You knew that action in itself was a testament of how much he loved you – after attempting to conquer a realm and make the world kneel, kneeling for someone else was a true act of letting go.
"(y/n), I want to love you and stay with you and make you happy for the rest of my days," he said softly, sincerely, still grasping your left hand. Some of the restaurant patrons had caught sight of Loki's current state and had turned to watch, many with knowing smiles on their faces.
"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked, producing the green velvet box from his pocket and opening it to reveal the silver ring he'd picked up earlier.
Your free hand flew up to your mouth to stifle your gasp. "Loki..." you breathed happily, speechless.
"Is that a yes?" he chuckled, sliding the ring onto your finger.
"Yes!" you squealed, jumping as he stood, pulling you up with him. You threw your arms around his neck, smashing your lips to his as the other patrons offered you congratulatory applause.
"I love you so much," you whispered, pecking his lips again.
"I love you more," he whispered, his arms wrapping around your waist. Your silver ring shone in the light of the restaurant as your lips met once more.

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