Into The Woods

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Into The Woods
Request for Likain Haki Seriko
A/N: So I was going to make it a modern AU with the Avengers and all but I couldn't find a way to incorporate Loki where the Avengers wouldn't know him so I made it the same time frame as "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"
So RRH never really focuses on the wolf, so I kinda had to stretch it. Also, the twist after you meet the wolf (you'll know what twist when you get to it) just came to me in the moment.

You'd always been warned against going into the woods on the edge of the village. Your entire family had warned you, repeatedly, but that didn't cease your curiosity. You could see the thick of it from your bedroom window, watching the water drip off the leaves and the sunlight cast shadows on the ground.
Your adopted father, Anthony, always watched when you left the house, making sure you weren't going outside the village. He was especially protective considering that a wolf roamed those woods, the very same wolf that killed your parents when you were a babe. Anthony and his brother Bruce had fought the wolf, rescuing you in the process. They'd adopted you since you had no other family left.
Your cousins Steven and Clint were kinder, though still protective. They often escorted you through the village since you were the youngest of the family. They'd play games with you and help you when you needed it, though you got along with your sister Natasha the most. She was the only other girl in the house, and sometimes you just needed girl talk.
Thor, a friend of the family, had become close as well. He was like another uncle to you, since he was always at your house, teaching you things. He told you stories of past ages, times long ago. They fascinated you, but the story you loved the most was the man who turned into a wolf.
According to the legend, there was a man who always played pranks on his family, frightening and eventually hurting them. The family was so afraid of him that they went to a seer to find out his destiny. The seer told the family that if he wasn't stopped, the man would continue his tricks and eventually kill someone. Worried for the future, the family found a shaman that could help control the man. The shaman told them that he would cast a spell on the man that turned him into a wolf whenever he tried to hurt someone, and he would only be human when he truly repented for his sins. The family agreed and the shaman created a brew that the man would have to drink to set the spell.
It had always been your favorite story. Thor always told you that his stories were based in truth, and it made you wonder if the wolf was still out there somewhere. It added to your curiosity about the woods on the edge of your village, and it was also one of the reasons your father wouldn't let you explore.

You awoke at the break of dawn one morning, unable to sleep any later. You couldn't help but stare longingly out your window, gazing into the freshly awakened woods. Last night's rain was still evident, dripping off the leaves and creating sunny puddles on the ground.
Your (e/c) eyes scanned the room, taking note of your still-sleeping sister and the silence that filled the house. Good – no one was awake yet. You quietly slid out of bed, shuffling over to your dresser and pulling out a warm but simple dress. After changing you slipped on your leather boots and jacket, making your way to the door as quietly as you could.
You managed to slip out the door without making a sound or wakening anyone, and you let out a sigh of relief. You'd be dead if anyone caught you. You smiled softly as you walked away from your house, grateful for the warmth of the summer morning. Not many villagers awoke so early, only those that had something to sell, such as the butcher and the baker. But they all lived further down the way than you planned on going, so there shouldn't be anyone around to catch you.

Quiet as a mouse you pulled your blood red hood up over your head to shield you from the cool breeze blowing through the air. You walked a few houses down before turning around the corner and walking towards the woods, making sure that, if one of your family did waken, they wouldn't see you immediately.
You walked carefully, stepping so that the leaves didn't crunch in the slightest. You repeatedly looked about the area, keeping an eye open for any authority figures guarding the border or any villagers that could see you and report your absence.
You finally reached the woods and slipped inside, hiding behind and in-between trees, using the shadows to cloak your figure. You looked around cautiously, jumping slightly as a soft growl came from the left. You turned on your heel, coming face to face with the wolf you'd been so interested in.
"Hello," you greeted gently. "I am not here to hurt you."
A soft sound came from the wolf's throat, neither submissive nor dominant. It took a step closer, bowing its head softly, as though accepting your presence. You slowly reached a hand out, resting your fingertips in its fur.
"I have a question," you began, gently rubbing your hand against its head. "It sounds silly now that I'm actually asking, but... Are you human? I mean, you're not now, but were you? My father's friend is always telling me stories about a man who was cursed into being a wolf until he repented for his sins, and my father is always warning me against going into the woods because of the wolf... I only wonder if the stories are true."
The wolf simply looked at you, tilting its head to the side. You sighed softly – of course the stories weren't true. Nothing that wonderful could be real. Now you were out in the woods, talking to a wolf that may suddenly decide to eat you, just for a stupid theory.
You turned around and began heading back to the village when a voice stopped you. "Wait."
"What?" you whispered, turning back around. The wolf remained in its body, looking up at you through emerald green eyes.
Your eyes widened as its body shifted, a soft green light encasing it. When the light dissipated, a human man stood. He had long black hair and piercing emerald eyes, and wore a green tunic with black leather pants and boots.
"So the stories are true?" you inquired softly.
"Yes," he replied.
"How could you speak to me before you changed?" you wondered.
"I can only communicate with those who believe," he explained.
You nodded slowly. "Wait... If you're a human, does that mean you've repented? Those were the terms, were they not?"
He nodded with a soft smile. "I have waited a long time to be human again. I repented a long time ago, but my family is long gone, and I had nothing to return to. So I remained a wolf. Until you."
"Me?" you asked, confusion returning. "Why me?"
"You showed no fear," he replied, stepping closer. "You wandered into the woods and faced down a wolf that could have killed you, just to see if your beliefs were placed correctly. That is exceptional."
You blushed lightly. "My family would have said it was stupid."
"I do not think so," he smiled.
"What will you do now?" you asked. "Do you want to stay human?"
"It would be a nice chance," he nodded. "But where would I go?"
"You could stay with me," you offered. "My father will be furious at first, but once he understands that you're a person, he'll be okay."
"I suppose it's worth a try," he agreed. You nodded and reached out, grasping his hand in yours and leading him back to your house.

"Where have you been?!" Anthony exclaimed as you returned home.
"Father, listen-"
"Have you any idea how worried we were?!" he cried. "No one in the village had seen you! We thought you were dead!"
"Father, I'm fine-"
"I'm never letting you out of my sight!" Anthony began pacing, still fuming, before his eyes landed on your guest. "Who is this?"
"This is..." you hesitated, recalling that you hadn't asked his name.
"Loki," he replied simply.
"Loki..." Anthony repeated cautiously as Thor sauntered into the room.
"You!" Thor greeted in surprise.
"Thor?!" Loki returned, eyes widening.
"You know each other?" you asked in confusion.
"(y/n)..." Thor sighed. "Do you remember the stories I told you of the man who was turned into a wolf for his crimes?"
"Yes," you nodded. "This is the man. What's wrong with that?"
"He was my family," Loki replied sullenly.
"What?!" you replied.
"It was a family fable," Thor explained with another sigh.
"This is the brother that you said went missing?" Anthony said, looking between Thor and Loki.
"Yes," Thor nodded.
"But he's human again," you pointed out. "That means everything's fine, right?"
Thor eyed Loki cautiously. "Have you truly repented?"
The black-haired man resisted an eye roll. "Yes, Thor. Would I be human if I had not repented?" His eyes quickly glanced towards you.
Thor noticed. "I see."
"So it's okay now, right?" you clarified.
Thor smiled softly. "Your father may not approve, but I do."
"Approve of what?" Anthony asked carefully.
"My brother has repented," Thor began, "because he met (y/n)."
"Me?" you replied, looking between the two of them.
"When we went to the shaman to see what we could do," Thor explained, "he told us that you would only become human if you truly repented for your sins or your fell in love."
"They just met!" Anthony cried. "You can't tell me they're in love!"
"Love is love, Father," Natasha stated, padding into the room. She'd overheard the second half of the counter.
"I will only pursue a relationship with your daughter with your permission," Loki stated, bowing slightly. "My days of ignoring rules and regulation are done."
Anthony hesitated, eyes darting between you and Loki. "Alright. You have my permission. But if you hurt her, I will send Thor after you."
"Thank you, Sir," Loki smiled, looking down at you.
Anthony smiled, gesturing to the door. "Go show him around the village."
You nodded with a grin and led Loki outside, walking down the path. "That went better than I expected."
"I did not expect my brother to be your father's friend," Loki admitted.
"Is that okay?" you asked worriedly.
He smiled reassuringly, stopping in his tracks to face you. "The past is in the past. All that matters is what is in front of me."
You looked up at him as his arms wrapped around your waist. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you stood on your tiptoes to reach him. A small smile claimed your lips before his lips did, pressing against yours and melding together perfectly.
You'd always loved wolves.

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