This Is Love

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This Is Love

Request for EndlessDaydream

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH CAN YOU DO ONE THAT'S LIKE "Imagine Loki pulling away slowly after an unexpected kiss, and in a confused tone he asks, "Is this love..?"" PLEASE THAT WAS ONE I FOUND ON TUMBLR AND I THOUGHT YOU'D BE PERFECTLY HONORABLE TO WRITE IT"

The raven-haired boy shuffled down the hall, pulling his black leather jacket tighter around himself. His shoulders were hunched and his gaze was downcast to try and deter any social mingling. His black boots thumped softly against the smooth floor as he tried to maneuver towards his locker undetected.

Loki was used to living in the shadows. He always received less attention than his bright-haired older brother, but he had come to cope with it rather than be offended by it. He enjoyed his alone time and people backing away, instead fawning over the tall brute he always entered the school behind. No one bothered Loki.

Thor was tall, blond, and muscular. He had a pretty girlfriend and popular buddies. He played sports and went to school dances.

Loki was just as tall, but thinly built. He had been single since he found out at age thirteen that his "girlfriend" had only gone on a date with him due to a game of Truth or Dare. He wasn't involved in any clubs or teams, and he only partook in after-school gatherings when it was required for his grades.

Lost in his thoughts, he collided head-on with an unknown force. He stumbled back, catching himself before he fell. His books, on the other hand, tumbled to the ground, bending pages and scattering notes across the tile. He could hear the condescending laugh of Tony "Mr. Popularity" Stark, but before he could sneer at the spoiled brunet, a feminine voice caught Loki's ear.

"I'm so sorry! I should have been paying attention!"

Loki's emerald eyes glanced up from where they'd been watching his slender hands gather his belongings to find that the owner of the voice was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

You offered him a bright smile. "Are you okay? I hope I didn't injure your books."

"I... They're fine..." Words jumbled in his throat, preventing him from forming a proper sentence or informing you that you had absolutely nothing to apologize for. Your (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) shimmering in the sunlight that streamed through the hallway window caught him off guard, and all he could focus on was your smile.

"Are you sure? I totally didn't mean to run into you. I was lost in thought and wasn't watching where I was going."

He nodded, standing and offering you his hand. He desperately hoped you didn't notice the shiver than ran through his form as you placed your hand in his, allowing him to help you to your feet. Your fingers lingered against his for a moment before you reluctantly let go, reality crashing down and reminding you that you had to get to class.

Or maybe that was the bell, screaming like a banshee from every speaker in the hallway.

"I'll see you around?" you asked more than stated, hoping that the pale, black-haired boy you'd been crushing on wouldn't reject you.

He nodded hesitantly. "I... I'd like that."

Your bright smile returned, and you stood on your toes to press a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Bye, Loki."

A blush danced across his cheeks, darkening where your lips had been. He turned to watch you scamper away, his heart fluttering with a hope and affection that he'd never felt.

"Bye, (Y/n)."

Over time, you grew closer to Loki. Afternoons were often spent at your house, in the park, or at the diner down the street. Loki wanted to be anywhere but home, and it didn't take long for him to explain why.

When he told you how hard things were at home, how he was constantly compared to his brother and how he felt like a disappointment to his parents, you listened to every single word with a gentle heart and loving arms. At the end, he curled into your chest, biting back tears as to not appear weak, though you could never think of the raven-haired boy as such. His story tugged at your heartstrings, and you crumbled at the thought of how poorly he was treated. You'd seen how different he and his brother were, but you didn't understand why Thor was so popular. You'd always favored the younger.

As graduation drew near, your favorite raven was put under even more pressure. Even though he still had a year to go, his older brother was graduating and moving on with his life. With the ceremony came questions of, "When are you moving out, Loki?" and "What are you doing about your future?"

It was late on a Thursday night when Loki appeared at your window. The sight wasn't new - he often sneaked out and sought refuge in your cozy bedroom when he was fighting with his family.

What was new was the lack of warning- he always texted you before he came over- as well as the tears streaming down his face. You frantically pushed the window open and pulled him inside, letting him collapse in your arms before gently inquiring about what had happened.

"The usual fight," he murmured, his nose buried in your shoulder as he tried to collect himself. He hated feeling weak. He always felt that he had to be strong, to prove himself. And lately, he wanted to be strong for you, to protect you.

"Did something happen?" you whispered, petting his silky locks and gently carding your fingers through.

He exhaled a defeated sigh. "It started off the same - judging my choices and comparing me to my brother. Then... he said it. My father said the words I'd always expected but never wanted to hear."

"What words, Loki?"

He lifted his tired head to gaze at you through red, puffy, tear-stained eyes. "'Why can't you be more like Thor?'"

A gasp fell from your lips before you could suppress it. "Loki... I'm so sorry."

He nodded softly, returning his nose to your shoulder and pretending that he wasn't staining your shirt with tears and snot. Your arms wrapped securely around him, one hand playing with his hair while the other rubbed soothing circles into his back.

"Loki... Can I try something?"

He lifted his gaze once more, his perfect brows furrowing curiously at you. He nodded once, intrigued by the question.

You placed your hands on either side of his face, inhaling to steady your static heart. You then leaned forward, pressing your lips to his, gentle and loving. He hesitated in shock before returning the gesture, his arms wrapping around your torso as his lips melded perfectly against yours.

"Is this..." He interrupted his own question, words catching on his tongue as he tried to organize them. "Is this... Love?"

A soft smile gaced your lips as you kissed him again. "Yes, Loki. This is love."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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