Run, Baby, Run

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Run, Baby, Run
Request for Aurora Shannon
A/N: Sequel to "I Understand." So I re-read this story so I knew what I was continuing from, and damn, if I do say so myself, that was a great Loki love moment. So the request was for either Loki to be accepted or for Loki and the reader to run away together. Let's be honest – there are lots of stories with Loki as the good guy, especially in my series. I really wanted to write a reader-switching-sides story instead.

Tony never forgave you for fraternizing with the enemy, and neither had the rest of the Avengers. They all believed Loki was an evil monster, and they shunned you for being kind to him. You couldn't believe how close-minded your supposed friends were.
Loki understood you, and you him. You were two kindred souls. Even if your differences came in different ways, him being born with his and yours having come from illegal experimentation, you understood each other better than anyone ever could.

When JARVIS informed Tony of your whereabouts, you only had a few moments left with the mischievous god before you were rudely dragged away, your brother's hands roughly gripping your arms. He all but threw you into a wall, his chest heaving with angry pants as he glared at you.
"What the Hell were you thinking?!" he demanded. "He's dangerous! He's the enemy! He's a monster!"
"So am I!" you cried in return. "Ever since I was kidnapped, everyone treats me differently. No one cares that it's still the same person underneath; they only care what I can do for them. They want me to read minds and help them move their crap. No one cares about the real (y/n) anymore."
"And you think Loki does?" Tony countered. "He's using you, (y/n). He seduced you and pretended to care about you so he could use you to escape. He doesn't care about you."
"He cares more than you do!" Tears streamed down your face as you stood up to your brother, something you rarely did. "He understands. You call him evil and a monster and the enemy, but he showed me more kindness in the ten minutes I was with him than any of you have since my accident. I've felt like an outsider since I came back, but Loki made me feel like a person instead of a mutant."
Tony was taken back. You never screamed at him, and now you were defending his biggest enemy. What had happened to you? Anger mixed with concern and hurt, all melding into the cold glare he was sending you. "Fine. If Loki's so wonderful and you think I don't care about you anymore, then go. Go be with the enemy. But if you leave with that monster, don't even think about coming back."
A gasp fell from your lips at his words. You'd been best friends all through childhood, and now he was kicking you out? And not just kicking you out – he was banishing you. Tears continued streaming down your cheeks as you turned on your heel and ran to your room.
"Stark..." a soft voice called. Tony turned his head to see Steve and the rest of the team lingering at the other end of the hall.
"Don't," the billionaire replied angrily, heading to the elevator.
"Do you think Lady (y/n) will really leave the Tower?" Thor asked Steve.
"Tony seemed pretty serious about kicking her out," the blond sighed. "Thor, what's your brother really like? Do you think he's using her?"
Thor looked into the cell room. The door had been left open during Tony's outburst, and Loki had seen the whole thing. The raven-haired god was now sitting on the floor of the cell, his hands clenched into fists, his emerald eyes glaring at the wall of the cell almost hard enough to break the glass. He wanted to rip Stark apart for yelling at you the way he did. Though he had to admit; if he could find a way out of this prison, he would be more than happy to offer you a place to live. He wasn't sure exactly where that would be, since neither Asgard nor Earth wanted anything to do with him. Perhaps you could start your own home on a neutral realm, carve out your own little corner of Vanaheim. It wasn't overly populated, and its current inhabitants were very peaceful in comparison to everyone else he'd encountered.
Thor's brow raised in surprise. "He seems very concerned for Lady (y/n). I believe he truly cares for her. I do not think he plans to use her."
"Do you think she'll be safe?" Bruce asked. You'd grown close to the team, having spent a lot of time with them in the Tower. They all worried for you.
Thor looked at Loki again. His knees were brought up to his chest and his head was held in his hands. His shoulders were shaking ever-so-slightly. Thor knew he was trying not to break. "She will be safer than she has ever been. My brother has a temper and a cloudy view of the world, but he is protective of those he loves. He will keep her safe above anything else."

Your heart broke as you unburied your duffle bag. It ended up in the back of your closet, having no further use since you lived in the Tower and never thought you'd be moving out. You bit your lip to stifle a sob as you pulled out the bag, throwing it on your bed. Your hands moved of the own accord, opening dresser drawers and pulling out piles of clothing, tossing them into the bag. You made sure to pack your jackets and shoes as well, finding some old backpacks buried in your closet as well for extra packing. You collected your toiletries from the bathroom and took down every piece of decoration, every ounce of self-expression you'd put into your room. Within an hour, the room you'd lived in for most of your life was empty and cold. It looked like a plain guest room now that every piece of you was stuffed into bags.
"Lady (y/n)?" a deep voice called, a rough hand knocking on the door.
You let out a sigh and dragged a hand across your eyes. "Yes, Thor?"
"May I speak with you?"
"Come in."
He squeezed into the doorway and gently closed the door behind him. "Lady (y/n), do you love my brother?"
You were caught off guard, staring at the blond. "I... I would like the chance to love him."
To your surprise, he smiled. "I have spoken to Director Fury as well as my brother. Fury has agreed to release him as long as he never returns to Earth."
Your heart fell, wondering why Thor would tell you such hurtful news. How would it help you to know that Loki was leaving forever?
"Your friends and I have spoken to Loki, and he wishes for you to leave with him," the blond concluded.
Your heart leapt. "Wait, what? He wants me to go with him? Where?"
"I was thinking Vanaheim," a silky voice replied from the other side of the door. The knob turned and the door opened, revealing the tall brunette. "Fury let me out as long as Rogers escorted me to your room to make sure I didn't try to run."
Thor stood, walking around his brother to leave the room and give you some privacy. He and Steve stood outside the door, easing Fury's concerns about Loki hurting you or bolting.
"I felt the connection between us," Loki began, sitting on your bed and taking your hands in his. "I have never felt so close to anyone. You have shown me so much kindness, and you understand what it is like to be the outcast. I never want to be without you, (y/n)."
A small smile graced your lips as you looked up into his eyes. "So I wasn't imagining things? You really care about me?"
"More than you realize," he replied. "That's why I want you to come with me. Vanaheim is hardly populated. There would be plenty of space for us to make a new home, together, without being bothered. You could still visit Thor, and I can concoct a spell to help you visit your friends."
"That sounds incredible," you breathed. He pulled you into a hug, cradling your head to his chest. Your arms wrapped around his waist, breathing in his icy, minty scent.

Loki used what was left of his magic to teleport you and him to Vanaheim. His powers hadn't been stripped in his imprisonment, but being on Earth weakened his magic due to there not being enough magic for him to draw from. Once on Vanaheim, a realm of lesser gods, his powers slowly charged back up to full power.
You looked around the field you landed in. Healthy grass blanketed the ground and the sky was a beautiful bright blue. It was the most beautiful and peaceful scenery you'd ever seen. It looked like a nature painting. (1)
"Loki, it's perfect," you whispered, spinning around in the warm air. He smiled at your enthusiasm, turning to look at a cave a few feet away.
"What do you think of that cave for our home?" he asked.
You tilted your head in confusion. "A cave?"
He grinned, holding his hands up, palms facing the cave. He closed his eyes and mumbled a few words that you couldn't understand. Green and gold sparkles surrounded the cave. The walls expanded outward and upward. The cracked, uneven opening of the cave rose and transformed into an elegant archway. You had to shield your eyes as the sparkles brightened, the light rivaling the sun. When it died down and you could look without being blinded, you could swear that it had been a palace all along, not a cave.
Loki turned to you with a genuine smile, wrapping his arms around your waist. As soon as you returned the gesture to his neck, he bent his knees and hooked one arm under your legs. He lifted you bridal style, eliciting a giggle from your lips. He proudly carried you over the threshold of your new home, leading you to the bedroom and setting you down on the plush feather bed. It was elegantly decorated with (f/c) silk and black velvet. He even used your personal decorations, your posters on the wall and your picture frames atop the dresser. A hallway led from the bedroom to the kitchen, created from stone and marble. In-between the two was a bathroom with a large claw foot bathtub and a shiny porcelain sink. Loki also added running water and indoor plumbing.
"It's perfect," you breathed happily, lying down on the bed. Loki lay beside you, propping himself up on one arm. He leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, his other hand resting on your hip. You tangled your fingers in his raven hair, causing him to sigh softly.
"I love you," he whispered against your lips.
You smiled up at him, resting a hand on his face. "I love you too."

(1) I don't know much about the nine realms outside of Asgard, Midgard, and Jötunheim, so I'm making it up. I did look up who each realm belonged to, and lesser gods seemed like a better option than Hel or giants or dark elves.

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