I Understand

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I Understand
Request for Aurora Shannon

Your big brother was all you had. Neither of you knew your parents very well, having spent most of your childhoods at boarding school. So the two of you bonded, make sure you were always there for each other.
That didn't mean that you were the best of friends, especially after you got kidnapped. You were taken by an unknown force and experimented on, resulting in your development of telekinesis and telepathy. Tony, your big brother, thought it was really cool, especially since you could now help him with his projects, but he didn't understand you. He didn't understand that you couldn't turn your telepathy off. It wasn't a natural gift, so you hadn't learned to control it. You weren't even sure that you could. So you had the voices of everyone you met running through your head all day, like a TV on which you couldn't even lower the volume.
You enjoyed your telekinesis. You often used it to play with Tony, floating his toys away either as a game or to make him do your bidding. He enjoyed it as well, always asking for your help with his more complicated assignments.

When your brother was recruited for the Avengers, you wanted to help. SHIELD had done background checks on Tony and therefore knew about you and your powers, but they weren't sure if you could be trusted. You refused to stay behind and let your brother get hurt, so they let you stay on the Helicarrier with the agents, where they could keep an eye on you.
When the Battle of New York began, you weren't allowed to participate. You watched all of SHIELD's monitors, keeping up with what was happening outside. You worried for your brother and the team, but you couldn't help the fascination that bubbled up inside you whenever Loki confronted them. There was something about him that captured your attention and made you want to talk to him.
SHIELD captured Loki, locking him back in his glass cell. They wanted to interrogate him, even after the Avengers won the battle. You often tried to sneak into the cell room to talk to him, because your brother refused to grant you his permission, but you always got caught before you could finish the journey. When Tony found you, he'd carry you back to your room, while if any of the others were the ones to catch you, they either carried you themselves (such as Steve or Thor) or informed Tony to come retrieve you (such as Natasha or Bruce).

You sat in your room with a sigh, wanting to go out and visit the fugitive.
"JARVIS?" you called out.
"Yes, Miss Stark?" the AI replied.
"If I leave to try and visit Loki, can you promise not to tell anyone where I went?" you requested.
"I promise, Miss Stark."
You loved that about JARVIS. Tony had designed it to be completely manipulable, always accepting the orders it was given, no matter the request. You couldn't ask any of the team to keep a promise like that – they'd all go running to Tony, claiming that they were trying to keep you safe by keeping you away from Loki.
You took a breath as you opened your door, closing your eyes and listening to the hallways. You couldn't hear anyone's private thoughts, leading you to believe that no one was within range.
You slunk into the shadows, creeping along the wall as you walked down the corridor. You knew where the cell room was, and you stopped every so often to listen for a thought or physical sound. You moved slowly, careful not to make too much noise or attract any attention to yourself. You made sure not to make an obvious presence while passing Tony's many security cameras.
You finally stood at the door of the cell room, closer than you'd ever gotten. You'd been appointed a staff card which gave you access to most of the Tower's secret rooms. Fury had been entirely against the idea, still uncertain of your intentions, but he'd given in after a long and tedious speech from Tony about how you were his sister and not an evil mutant alien.
You slid your car along the slot in the handle and watched as the light turned green. You turned the handle and opened the door, sliding inside before closing it behind you. You heard the lock automatically click into place as you turned around to face the large glass cell.
"Ahh," a smooth voice greeted, "Lady Stark."
"Loki," you greeted slowly. You'd never so much as spoken to him from across the room, much less just outside of his cell.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he inquired with a smirk.
"I wanted to see you," you replied simply, silently listening for his underlying thoughts, in case they were dangerous.
"And why would you want to do that?" he questioned. "The rest of your friends seem very keen on ignoring my presence, unless of course they're coming to check on my security."
"They're also very keen on keeping me from visiting," you noted, dragging a chair up to the cell and taking a seat.
"Then why did you come?"
"I wanted to see you," you repeated. "You're interesting. I thought we could talk."
How sweet, his inner thoughts stated. The pretty Midgardian wanted to- NO. Stop it. Out loud, he replied, "Why would I talk to a lowly Midgardian?"
"Because I'm the only one that isn't treating you like a monster," you whispered, smiling on the inside that he thought you were pretty.
I am a monster... "And why aren't you?"
You'd been briefed on his history, understanding why he'd done everything he'd done. You didn't know every detail, but you knew of his true parentage and adoption, and his right to a throne constantly being denied. "Because I understand."
He hesitated, staring at you. Could she possibly- "What do you mean, you understand?"
"I have powers," you explained. "I wasn't born with them but I still haven't been trained on how to control them. I was kidnapped and experimented on, and regardless of how cool people think it is, they don't understand. I may not turn blue or have ice cold skin," you caught the hatred that flashed in his eyes, "but I'm still different, and that can be really lonely."
"What powers?" he questioned softly.
"Telekinesis," you replied, choosing to keep the telepathy to yourself in case he accused you of reading his thoughts – which you were, but you didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
"Interesting," he grinned. "So you could let me out of here if you wanted to."
"I could," you replied slowly.
No... Don't use her... she's different... He decided not to press the idea of getting out, instead taking a seat on the floor of the cell, close to you.
"Can I see?" you inquired softly.
"See what?"
"Your... other form?"
He looked up at you suspiciously, finding nothing in your eyes but curiosity and admiration. He sighed before nodding and standing. He closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles, his hands resting limply at his sides. He took a breath and his skin changed, the ivory morphing into soft cobalt. He opened his eyes and looked at you, flashing his blood red eyes. You looked up in awe, fascinated by his natural form.
"Do you see?" he whispered. "I am a monster."
"No," you replied, shaking your head. You stood, pressing as close to the glass as you could get. You lifted your hand and pressed it to the frame, trying to feel his skin through the glass.
He watched you silently, lifting his own hand to match yours. All that separated you was the thin wall of the cell.
"You understand," he whispered, his forehead leaning against the glass.
"So do you," you whispered back, looking up into his garnet orbs. You hesitated before igniting your telekinesis to open the cell enough to let you inside. You jumped slightly at the feel of just how cold his Jötun skin was. It felt like holding hands with an ice cube, but you didn't pull away. You were mesmerized by his eyes, and all of the emotion held within them. You saw the anger and hatred towards his adoptive father and lack of a throne, as well as the sadness and rejection caused by always being in Thor's shadow. You saw the loneliness and confusion from being pushed away, and the uncertain curiosity that came from your close proximity.
You brought your other hand up to cup his cheek, your thumb slowly running over the runes on his face. His eyes closed as he leaned into your touch, a soft sigh leaving his slightly parted lips. You ran your fingers down the side of his face, feeling the icy flesh and the carefully crafted runes.
His free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you as close as you could get. You gasped slightly as you felt the cold press against more of your body. You untangled your hand from his and reached up to grasp his face with both hands. His now free hand rested on your hip, his thumb sliding under your shirt and rubbing small circles. You jumped slightly, pressing closer to him at the contact.
He leaned in closer, causing you to close your eyes and do the same. He pressed his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His icy lips sent an electric thrill to your entire body as you stood on your tip-toes, trying to press even closer. His arms tightened around your waist possessively, as if trying to claim you.
You broke away for a much-needed breath, looking back into his now emerald eyes. He'd slowly faded back into his Asgardian form, still looking at you with the wonder and admiration that he had when you didn't run from his Jötun form.
"I want you to be mine," he whispered, still holding onto you. "I know you are a Midgardian, and I am a monster, but you have treated me with more kindness than I have received in my entire existence. Please, I want you to be mine."
Your eyes widened as your lips moved into a soft smile. "Absolutely."
He returned your soft smile before pressing his lips to yours again.

"What is it, JARVIS?"
"You might want to check the security tapes for the cell room, sir."
A small pause as the Tower's namesake checked the tapes.
"...What the hell is Loki doing with my sister?!"

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