Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts
Request for Chloe
A/N: You didn't specify anything about your mom, or your relationship with your dad, so I made it up.
I finally get a break from Steve!

You held your head high as the guard led you into the dungeon. Though the cell walls were impenetrable, most of the criminals were crude and liked to leer at pretty girls when they walked past. You could easily handle any of them in a fight, but that didn't stop the stares from making you uncomfortable.
"Hey," the guard said, thumping his fist against the wall of one particular cell. "You have a visitor."
The Asgardian on the other side stood, turning his attention from his shoes to the hallway. His lips twitched in a smirk when he saw you. "Hi, (y/n)."
"Hi, Dad," you replied, nodded to the guard to let him know he could leave. The guard reluctantly complied, turning to head back to the rest of the palace.
"It's been a while since you've visited," he said.
"I thought you deserved to know that Mom died," you whispered. You were a tough half-breed, but such a traumatic event could still choke you up. You and your mother had always been close.
"Oh, (y/n)," your father breathed. "I'm so sorry. Where are you staying now?"
"At home," you shrugged. "I'm an adult. It's my house now."
He nodded. "As well it should be. You deserve it."
"Pathetic," came a snort from behind you. You turned around to find none other than Loki across the hall from your dad.
"Nobody asked you," you replied, playing tough.
He chuckled. "Look at you, pretending to be strong. Stupid, pathetic mortal. You'll die on your own."
"Half mortal!" you corrected. "I can handle myself."
"I hardly think so."
"I bet I could take you down if you weren't trapped in that cell."
He glared up at you. He hated being reminded how stuck he really was. "Delusional, too."
You growled and opened your mouth to reply when your father intervened.
"(y/n), calm down. He's just a Jötun mutt; he's not worth your anger."
You swore you saw hurt flash in Loki's emerald eyes before he turned away, curling into himself and pretending to read his book.
"Time to go," the guard called, descending the stairs. You nodded and turned to your dad with a sad smile.
"I'll come back in a few days," you promised.
"Love you, (y/n)," he stated.
"Love you too," you replied, turning to follow the guard.

A week later, news of Malekith's attack on the kingdom spread through the realm like wildfire. Everyone was putting up defenses in case the dark elves got bored with the kingdom and attacked the civilians. After Malekith took his anger out on Queen Frigga, you could see her funeral from your lonely house. Once you were sure the elves had gone, you made your way back to the kingdom to offer your condolences.
You were escorted into the throne room where Odin and Thor were speaking. They seemed to be in argument, so you respectfully looked at your toes as to not look like you were listening. When the guard finally caught their attention, Odin cleared his throat, signaling that the conversation was over for the time being.
"Hello again, dear girl," Odin greeted. "What brings you here? You have just visited your father earlier today, have you not?"
"Yes, Sir," you nodded with a courtesy. "I am actually here to see you. I just wanted to express my condolences. Queen Frigga will be deeply missed."
"Thank you, child," Odin replied, surprisingly kind. You mused that the loss of his wife was softening his harshness, at least for now.
"I shall go," Thor stated roughly, causing you to look up in confusion. He had always been such a kind man, especially in comparison to his father. You wondered what their argument had been about, and why it had upset him so.
Odin nodded, dismissing the blond. He then turned back to you. "I'm afraid I have nothing left to say. You may visit your father again if you wish, or my men can escort you home."
"I would like to visit again," you nodded. Odin eyed the guard beside you who then bowed to the king before turning around and leading you out of the throne room.
When you reached the dungeons to see your father, you noticed that Loki's cell was empty, save for shredded books and remainders of broken furniture.

A few days later, you were alone in your home when you received a letter. Your name was written on the back of the envelope in delicate script, leading you to wonder whose handwriting it was. Using your letter opener, you sliced open the envelope and pulled out the carefully folded parchment. Matching script decorated the entire page. It seemed to have a lot of thought and patience put into it for the writing to be so neat. You sat back on your bed as you began to read.
I am sure this letter will be a shock to you. I hope you have not suffered too deeply after the events at the palace. If I was informed correctly, you were at home, safe from the chaos and destruction. I do hope this is true. I suppose, if it wasn't, you wouldn't be reading my letter.
I want to apologize for those horrid words I spouted at you. You are not pathetic, nor stupid or delusional. You seem like a bright and talented maiden. It was simply my bad experiences with mortals that made me confront you so harshly.
The original reason for this letter was to let you know that, despite my rude first impression, I have become quite fond of you. I regret that I have only been in your presence once, and I did not behave in a way you deserve. I must admit, I believe I've fallen for you. I do not know you personally, but your fiery spirit certainly caught my attention. Your beautiful (h/c) locks and sparkling (e/c) eyes were a pleasant bonus in addition to your colorful personality. I wish I could have gotten to know you better and perhaps asked your forgiveness for my behavior.
If you're reading this sappy message, it means I did not survive Thor's plan. I accompanied him in tracking Malekith down in an attempt to both destroy the dark elves and save Thor's mortal woman. I do not know what will become of her, but I'm afraid my time has come. I've been struck down.
I do not know if you even care about my demise, but as I've said, I've fallen for you, so I wished to express my apologies and ask that you remember me as something better than that jerk in the cell across from your father.

I love you, (y/n).
You stared at the parchment, dumbfounded. Loki loved you? Loki... apologized? Your immediate thought was to rush back to the kingdom and ask Thor or Odin if the letter truly came from Loki, and if he was really gone. You wondered if they would know, or even care. Everyone in Asgard knew Odin and Loki were never on the best of terms, and the last time you'd seen Thor, he was mad at the King as well. Was Thor even home? Loki had died accompanying him, so maybe Thor was still gone.
But you had to know.

You steeled yourself as you approached the doors of the throne room. Once Odin bid you entrance, the guard dismissed himself.
"You again, child?" he greeted in surprise.
"My King... I have questions."
He nodded, silently urging you to continue. You tightly gripped the letter in your hand, glancing down at it.
"Yesterday, I received this letter. The signature says it's from Loki, and that he died trying to help Thor fight Malekith."
"So what is your question?"
"Is it true? Is he... dead?"
Odin gauged your body language. He noticed the way your brows furrowed in concern and confusion, and the way your fingers held tightly to the letter as though it were your most prized possession. He nodded curtly. "Loki was killed by a dark elf. He fought and died nobly."
You tried to hide your surprise. That was the closest thing to a compliment you'd ever heard come from the King. You stared down at your feet, feeling embarrassed about the contents of the letter.
"What did the letter entail?" Odin asked. "Surely he wrote more than just informing you of his death."
"There is more, Sir... I just don't know that you'd care for it."
"Let me read it."
A crimson color took over your cheeks as you shuffled forward, extending your arm and offering the parchment to the King. He took it swiftly, and the ghost of a smirk twitched on his lips. He read it silently, causing you to shift your weight from foot to foot and fidget nervously.
"He was in love with you," he stated, folding the parchment back up.
"Apparently," you replied.
"Did you know about this?"
"Not until I received the letter."
He hesitated before speaking again. "Do you return his affections?"
"I..." You were caught off guard. The prince was certainly handsome, and before he called you a pathetic mortal, you'd found him fascinating. You always wanted to know more about his Jötun heritage, but you'd never been friends with the god. You'd heard stories of his and Thor's childhood, how Odin favored Thor and left Loki behind, and your heart broke for him.
Before you could register what happened, a presence stood directly in front of you.
"You shouldn't think so loudly," a familiar, silky voice cooed in your ear. "One might think you were falling for a criminal."
You looked up in surprise to find that it was Loki who stood before you. You glanced behind him to find the throne empty, leading you to stare up at him in confusion. He simply chuckled and snapped his fingers. A golden light cascaded over him, shifting his appearance until he looked like Odin again.
"You're not dead..." you whispered.
"No," he replied, changing back to himself. A genuine smile rested on his lips. "Did you like my letter?"
"Was it true?" you asked. "Everything you wrote..."
"Yes," he replied sincerely. Cold fingers gently hooked beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. "I meant every word. Did you mean all of those nice thoughts about me?"
Your face flushed as you realized he'd read your mind but you nodded nonetheless. "It hurt to think you were gone..."
"That was never my intent," he stated. "But it was the best way to determine if my affections were reciprocated without making you uncomfortable."
"Confronting Odin was extremely uncomfortable," you admitted with a small smile. "But I'm glad you're alive."
"Now, I have a very serious question." You watched as he knelt down before you, honesty and admiration in his emerald eyes. He took your slender hands in his, squeezing gently. "Will you be my Queen?"
A gasp escaped your lips as you looked down at him. "Queen? You want me to be your Queen?"
He smiled and nodded.
"I'd love to," you breathed. With a grin he stood, wrapping his arms around your waist. He lifted you into the air, spinning you around. You let out a giggle before he set you back on the floor, pulling your body against his. You responded immediately when his lips pressed against yours. Your hands slid up to tangle in his raven hair while his fingers dug into your hips.
"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Loki."

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