I Can See Clearly Now

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I Can See Clearly Now
Request for harmony is a chibi
A/N: Idea stolen from Jingle Banner.

Some of Loki's punishments had ended up more severe than being locked in Asgard's dungeons. In fact, Odin had decided against locking the trickster in Asgard at all. Given his apparent distaste for mortals, Odin banished him to live powerlessly on Midgard, along with all of his other penalties.
For his lies, his lips were to be sewn shut with thick black twine. The process felt like someone were ripping his lips apart, but he stayed quiet. He wouldn't diminish his pride over a little bit of torture.
For his deceit, his eyes were attacked by bulky birds, scratched beyond recognition. He couldn't see a thing, and without his magic, he had to learn to live like a blind mortal.

He spent the first few nights stumbling through the streets of (hometown), growling whenever someone offered assistance, because, in his own mind, he was a god and didn't need a pathetic human's help. People would scoff and saunter away offended, and it took a long time for Loki to give up enough of his pride to accept help. He couldn't see, he couldn't speak, and he had no idea where he was. He had nowhere to stay, and his new mortal body was howling in starvation.

He was slumped down against a brick wall when he finally accepted assistance.
"Hold out your hand," a soft voice said. He reluctantly complied, grumbling to himself.
"This is (y/n), she's a guide dog," the voice explained. The soft fur of your head touched his hand and he waited hesitantly. You tilted your head up, rubbing your nose into his palm.
"She will be your eyes and your voice," the voice continued. "She'll take very good care of you. I'm just moving out of my apartment and I can't take her with me, so I want to give her, and the apartment, to you."
Loki nodded stiffly, unsure of how else to respond.
"I'm sure you two will be happy together," the voice concluded before offering a goodbye and walking away.
You barked, licking the side of the god's hand. He tried to smirk, but even the slightest twitch irritated his stitches, so he let it go. You tilted your head and whimpered. You didn't know this man, but that twine through his lips had to hurt. And his eyes looked not only blind, but agitated. Infected, almost. It hurt your heart to see a human so in pain.
You barked again and jumped slightly, and after a few times he got the hint that he was supposed to stand. Taking your leash in your mouth, you nudged his hand with it until he grasped it. You began walking, slowly at first, to get him used to it. He followed hesitantly, upset that he still couldn't see. You picked up the pace slightly, walking at a normal speed, tail wagging happily.

In a few minutes, you were back at your apartment. Loki fumbled with the doorknob before managing to twist it and push the door open. You led him inside, giving him a tour. You let him get familiar with the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, and all of the furniture arrangements. He flopped down on the couch in the living room and let out a sigh. You hopped on the couch beside him, resting your head in his lap. You let out a whimper, causing him to rest a hand on your head. Closing your eyes, you nudged his hand, rolling over onto your back. His other hand rested on your belly and rubbed gently, earning a contented bark from you. He soon fell asleep, head lolled back against the cushions and you snuggled comfortably against his abdomen.

It took Loki more time than he'd like to admit to adjust to his lack of sight. He often tripped over his own feet and stumbled into the side of the couch, followed by a loud grumble and a few Asgardian swear words. You would quirk your heart to the side, wanting nothing more than to help him.
You began barking when he got close to running into an object, and he would turn around to scold you for barking. After a few weeks, he realized that you were warning him, and he calmed down. He even smiled when you let out a yip, knowing that you were simply looking out for him.
He became protective of you as well. He always had to take you inside the stores with him, seeing as you were his guide dog. But he could hear the undertones of other people's comments, and he wondered why these strange mortals were so interested in a dog, but he didn't like it. He occasionally poked through the bystanders' minds, and then he heard the judging. They wondered why he deserved such a beautiful, loyal dog, and that bothered him. How dare they even think about him and his dog? You were his, and his alone.
Those thoughts occasionally got to him, when you were asleep on his lap and he was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Did he deserve you? Did he deserve a chance to get back on his feet? Did he even deserve to be alive after all that he did?
Sure, he was a confident god, but he had done so much wrong. And now he had you, and he wondered if it was all worth it. He had never felt remorse for his crimes against three different realms, but now he felt so possessive over you that he began to feel bad. He didn't regret what he did, but he wondered if he was worth a second chance? Surely Queen Frigga thought he was, and surely King Odin thought he wasn't. But he knew that more innocent citizens would side with Odin.
Of course, by morning, he would forget these self-loathing thoughts and be back to his cocky self.

You had a secret to hide, however. And you'd been careful to keep that secret from Loki, as much as you hated to. You only let yourself go when you knew he was asleep. He couldn't leave without you, so you had to make sure he was sound asleep.
You hadn't been so careful one morning. He was still asleep, and he'd had a late night, so you expected him to sleep in. You snuck into the bathroom and transformed, your four legs turning into two legs and two arms. Your fur shed and skin appeared, smooth and naked. You stood from your crouched position on the floor and combed your fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) locks, gently pushing through any tangles.
Loki awoke to the sound of the shower. He sat up immediately, alarmed when he couldn't feel your presence on the bed. Who in the Nine Realms would be in his shower?
He stood and held out his hands, feeling around to make sure he didn't bump into anything. He couldn't hear you barking to warn him, which didn't settle his nerves at all. Was he not in danger of tripping, or were you nowhere within his range?
He pushed open the bathroom door, and you froze.
"Who's in here?" he growled.
"Me..." you replied cautiously.
"Identify yourself."
"Loki, it's me, (y/n)."
"(y/n)?" he replied, confused. "Why are you in my shower?"
You turned off the water and pulled a towel off the rack, wrapping it around yourself. You stepped out onto the fluffy rug, tightening it upon seeing him with your human eyes. He was gorgeous, and you were naked.
"I know you can't see me-"
"How are you speaking to me? Have you always been able to speak?"
"I'm really a human. I turn into a guide dog to help people."
He hesitated, digesting the information. He stepped closer and reached out with a hand. "Can I... see you?"
You smiled and complied, grabbing his hand and resting it on your face. His other hand came up and rested in your still dripping wet hair. The hand on your face began to travel, ghosting over your eyes and forehead and nose, down to your lips and chin and neck. A blush claimed your cheeks as he stepped closer. You knew he couldn't see you, but you still felt unbelievably vulnerable under his gaze.
"You're beautiful," he breathed.
"What makes you say that?" you asked as one hand traveled down your shoulder.
"I can tell," he replied. His hands returned to your face, gently cupping your jaw and resting his forehead against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. He closed the gap and you responded immediately, resting your hands on his chest. His arms wrapped around your lower back, pulling you close against his chest. Your arms wrapped around his neck as a soft sigh escaped your lips.
He pulled back, nose brushing against yours.
"This explains everything," he whispered.
"How so?"
"I felt so... protective over you. I couldn't explain why. I just had to keep you safe, and to myself." He paused to press another kiss to your lips. "I think I love you."
You grinned and returned the kiss, pulling him closer. "I think I love you too."

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