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Request for Maximum

"Can you Do a reader X Loki maybe? Where like the reader has like been experimented on and her skin could kill people if anyone touches her, but maybe few special people are an exception???"

Loki grumbled to himself as he wandered the surprisingly empty streets of New York, looking for a place to crash for the night. He had been banished to Midgard as punishment for his crimes against it- the irony was not lost on him- and the Allfather had decided to just dump him in a random city with no contacts and no place to go. So he wandered through town, watching happy families and content couples huddling together for warmth against the chilly December air, wondering what in the world he was going to do with himself. Anyone who recognized him would turn the other way, and those who didn't recognize him conveniently had a "no strangers staying in my house" policy. As a Frost Giant, he was genetically equipped to handle the cold weather, but he didn't much fancy sleeping on a park bench during his exile.

"No, stop!" a feminine voice called. Loki turned his head, unsure why the call of a young woman in distress interested him. He saw a (h/c) haired girl pulling away from a homeless man who was trying to take her purse. Loki raised a brow as he watched the encounter. The man quickly gave up on the woman's belongings and decided to attack the woman herself. Loki jumped to his feet, slowly making his way over to the two. He didn't know why he was so interested, but perhaps this would help him in repenting for his crimes and carrying out his sentence.

You struggled against the man who was surprisingly strong for living on the streets. You looked down at where his hands were gripping your wrists, your gloves loosening ever-so-slightly. You had to pull them back up, but he wasn't letting go. You let out a whimper as he pulled you to his chest. Looking up at him, you could see the wicked intent in his eyes, and it made you cringe. You'd had enough of strange men touching you, thank you very much.

He continued to pull on your hands, and your gloves came off. You bit your lip in concern, trying to back away before the man could attack you again. He wasn't taking "no" for an answer. He lunged at you, grabbing your hands in an attempt to control you. A gasp left his lips and he fell to his knees, still holding your bare hands. Your mouth fell open in realization, knowing full well that you had an audience now as the man crumbled to the ground. You watched the life leave his eyes as you absorbed his energy, killing him in a matter of minutes."

Loki's gaze darted between you and the crowd closing in on you. He watched in concern as you turned and sprinted away, leaving your gloves and the man behind. He waited for the crowd to disperse before he followed you, wanting to make sure no one else would join.

He found you sitting on the ground under a tree, your knees up to your chest and your face hidden by your hands, which were still gloveless. He clutched the fabric in his hands before kneeling down before you and offering it.

"You left these," he said softly, trying not to startle you.

You looked up with a gasp on your lips, your gaze falling on the gloves he held. You carefully accepted them, taking care not to brush your skin against his. He noticed your hesitance and tilted his head, watching as you slipped your fingers into the fabric.

"Thank you," you replied barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry that man attacked you," the raven-haired man said, and you could hear a hint of sincerity in his voice.

"Why do you care?" you countered, harsher than you meant. He raised a brow in surprise at your spunk and you let out a sigh. "Sorry. I'm just not used to people caring about what happens to me."

That seemed to upset him. "Why is that?"

Your brows furrowed. "If you saw him attack me, then you saw what I did to him. People don't tend to like you when you can kill them with a handshake."

He held out his hands as though expecting yours in return. When you simply stared at him, he nodded at your hands, emphasizing his silent request. Not sure where he was going with it, you hesitantly placed your hands in his. He stood and pulled you to your feet, keeping your hands joined. You opened your mouth to ask what he was up to when he began sliding off one of your gloves.

Your eyes widened in horror. "No, don't do that!"

"Tell me what happened," he requested softly, ignoring your protests. You tried to retract your hand, but he held it firmly by the wrist.

"I was kidnapped a few months ago," you explained. "Some creeps in lab coats experimented on me. I don't know what their end game was. But ever since, it's like my skin is poisonous to the touch. It drains people of their energy, I guess. It kills them in minutes. I can't control it, and I can't turn it off. The only thing I can do to stop it is to cover as much skin as I can."

As you told your story, Loki placed your bare hand in his, only tightening his grip when you tried to pull away. He looked down at you, watching your face for a reaction when your skin had no effect on his. Well, he wouldn't say it had no effect... just not the effect you were concerned about.

"Why isn't it hurting you?" you breathed, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiled softly at you.

"I'm different," he replied.


Right before your eyes, his skin and eyes changed. The hand holding yours turned cobalt blue, and his once emerald eyes were now blood red. You stared in awe, more overwhelmed than anything.

"You're not afraid?" he commented cautiously.

You shook your head. "Should I be?"

He frowned and looked at his boots. "Most people are afraid of this side of me."

You squeezed his hand. "You saw me kill someone and you're not afraid of me. Why should I be afraid of you just because you turned blue?"

He chuckled and shifted back, his skin fading back to pale and his eyes returning to a gemstone color. His hand never left yours.

"This is kind of forward, especially for me, but... do you have a place to stay? I know we just met but I've been alone for so long... Everyone kind of abandoned me after... And you understand..." You looked at the ground, worried that you'd just made a fool of yourself.

A cool hand found your cheek, tilting your head up to meet his gaze again. "I would love to stay with you."

Loki Laufeyson x Reader One Shots CLOSED Where stories live. Discover now