You Are My Sunshine

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You Are My Sunshine
Request for Lady Deadpool's pet Kiara

The balls of your feet bounced on the floor as you skipped to the elevator, bouncing back and forth as you rode up to your floor. Skipping out, you looked around, frowning slightly at the lack of Avengers to share your day with. You'd had a wonderful day and were in such a good mood you wanted to tell everyone what had happened.
You'd gone out shopping and found the perfect gifts – or materials to make the perfect gifts – for each of the Avengers for Christmas, which was a couple of weeks away. (1) You'd also cashed your checks, paid your bills, done some grocery shopping, and rented the next book in your favorite series from the library. Many people would see your adventures as work, but you were proud that you'd gotten so much done.
You sauntered down the hall to the technology lab, hoping to tell Tony about the amazing present you found for Pepper (since he'd been begging you for ideas). Your skipping was cut short as you saw the white knuckles attached to the billionaire's hands, gripping his cell phone hard enough to smash it. His eyes were filled with fire as he glared down at the scrap of metal on the work table he was seated at.
"Go away," he growled out, having heard your footsteps approach the door. Slightly afraid of Angry Tony, you nodded and turned on your heel, totally not running down the hall.

Your next stop was Bruce. As long as his skin had a natural tannish color to it, he was in a good enough mood for you to babble.
Your hips wiggled with excitement as you made your way to the science lab. Unlike Tony, Bruce would only be there when he was in a good mood. If there was a chance of him Hulking out, he'd go somewhere more private.
Apparently he changed his policy. You peeked in through the doorway, your footsteps catching his hyper sensitive attention. He glared up at you and you noticed his hands gaining a greenish color. Gulping in fear, you backed away, waiting for him to look back down before you turned and ran.

It seemed that everyone was in a bad mood today, even Mr. Happy America. His punching bags had all exploded and it seemed that his impenetrable shield was... not impenetrable. Natasha had gotten into a fight with her sister, Clint had gotten into a fight with Barbara, Thor had gotten into a fight with Jane... Everyone was a mess.
Tears streaked down your cheeks as you shuffled into your room. Maybe it was stupid to cry while everyone else was dealing with something worse, but you couldn't help it. You curled up on your bed, fisting your hands in your blankets and burying your face in your feather pillow. You were in such a good mood... and now all of the presents seemed obsolete.

A certain raven-haired god grew worried when you were nowhere to be found. He waited on the couch in the living room on one of the lower levels of the Tower, where the two of you went to read with minimal risk of being interrupted. Everyone preferred the more updated upper levels while the simply designed lower floor suited you and Loki just fine.
Furrowing his brows in concern, he stood from his spot on the couch and began looking for you. He checked every room on every floor, having no idea why you would miss your nightly reading session with the man. You'd become quick friends after he'd been accepted into the team, spending most of your time reading with him and swapping stories.
He finally made it to your floor, having checked everywhere else first, and knocked gently on the door. His confusion grew when you didn't respond, and his worry grew when he heard the soft sniffles coming from the other side of the door.
"(y/n)?" he greeted gently, pushing open the door. The sight inside your room broke his heart. You, curled up on your bed, sobbing into your pillows.
"(y/n)..." he breathed, crossing the room to sit beside you on your bed. He rested a hand on your arm, gently pulling back to roll you over. You refused, pulling your arm away and keeping your face hidden.
"Darling, who has hurt you?" he asked gently, brushing a few strands of tear-dampened hair away from your face.
"Everyone..." you mumbled back, sniffling.
"Tell me what happened," he requested, and you slowly sat up. You kept your head down as his arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you close. Your head rested on his chest, teary eyes staining his dress shirt, as your hands sat limply in your lap.
"I came home really happy," you began, choking down a sob. "I wanted to tell everyone how much I got done. I paid my bills and got all my Christmas shopping done and I was really excited. But everyone was in a bad mood and told me to go away..."
Loki's arms tightened around you as anger bubbled in his chest. How dare they ignore you and make you cry! He moved up on the bed until he could lie down, pulling you down with him, never removing his arms from your back. Your head nestled in the crook of his neck and your arm rested limply over his waist. He ran the fingers of one hand through your hair, the other drawing soothing circles and random designs on your back.
"Thanks, Loki," you mumbled, nuzzling closer. He felt his cheeks heat up as he nodded, closing his eyes.
"Anything for you, darling."
You looked up at him, the movement causing him to open his eyes. "There's one thing that would turn my day around," you whispered.
"What is that?" he asked softly, always willing to make you happy.
Taking a leap of faith, you leaned forward and closed your eyes. He caught on quickly and followed suit, closing the gap between your lips. A startled gasp left you – you hadn't expected him to respond so quickly. Your arm left his waist and slid up his chest, reaching to tangle in his long black locks. The hand that had been soothingly running through your hair now gently gripped it, holding you in place. Another gasp left you as a pleasant shudder ran down your spine. His other hand found your hips, squeezing gently, pulling you closer. His tongue ran across your bottom lip as you pulled away for air.
"Did that help?" he smirked.
You nodded, eyes half closed. "I could use a little more."
His smirk turned into a grin as he pulled you in again.

After your steamy make-out session, you cuddled into his chest and quickly fell asleep. He never left your side, arms wrapped securely around you, your nose in his neck. He closed his eyes and focused, sending out a telepathic message to all residents of the Tower – save for you, of course.
If you ever hurt (y/n) or make her cry again, I will personally neuter you with a fork. (2)

(1) I know it's summer but it's the only reason you'd be buying stuff for everyone.
(2) Too violent? I wasn't sure whether to be violent or just mean enough to be funny. It is Loki, after all.

Loki Laufeyson x Reader One Shots CLOSED Where stories live. Discover now