frozen *scömìche*

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here we go...

It'd been a long day. 15 hours of nonstop work and smiling and positive thinking. Mitch was over it.

Scott was the only one who managed to keep up his energy even when they finally opened the door to their apartment. There were no lights on (it's always Mitch's job in the morning to turn them on and he always forgets) and freezing cold. Much colder than the late night breeze they were already coming out of, so Mitch only started shivering harder. It was like walking into the North Pole of apartments.

"What the hell?"

He could see Scott trying not to let it affect him, smiling for Mitch's benefit and his own, but he hated the cold and he was going on only a few hours of sleep. Mitch could tell he was going to snap sooner rather than later.

"Did you change the thermostat?" Scott asked, and Mitch shook his head.

It was a mutual agreement when they first moved in that Mitch wasn't allowed to ever touch the thermostat. Not after he accidentally set it in the 80s for three hours during the summer. How ironic.

Scott laughed. "Well maybe now you should." He clearly remembered the first time.

Mitch rolled his eyes, focusing on how when he breathed out, his breath came out in wisps of smoke, and trying to make his t-shirt become warmer than it was. Suddenly, his mind went to their cat, Wyatt, who was usually chilly most days since he was hairless.

"Scott," he said, trying to get the blond's attention. "Wyatt."

Scott nodded and left the room to search for their cat, while Mitch went to check out the thermostat. Maybe he could get it back to heat again. Looking at the screen, it said that the apartment was 82 degrees. That was obviously not correct, so it was definitely broken. Mitch sighed. Great.

Scott came back with a bundle in his arms; Wyatt wrapped up in one of Scott's jackets, looking as exasperated as Mitch was starting to feel.

"He was under your bed."

He smiled, handing Mitch a sweater he'd brought from his room.

"Thanks, babe."

Scott tried fixing the thermostat for about fifteen minutes before he gave up and joined Mitch and Wyatt on the couch. Their cat was asleep in the jacket on Mitch's lap, and Mitch was barely keeping his own eyes open. Scott sat down right next to Mitch, pressing their sides together and mumbling about conserving body heat while he closed his eyes.



"It's really fcking cold."

Scott smiled, making Mitch involuntarily do the same.

"I know."

Mitch couldn't sleep. Not on the couch, not with Scott right next to him, not with Wyatt constantly shifting around on his knees, and certainly not in this Arctic apartment. It didn't matter that he was exhausted, he was not sleeping.

"Scott," he said again. He knew Scott wasn't asleep either.


"We need to do something to get our blood pumping to get warm."

Scott smirked, keeping his eyes closed, and Mitch felt his face flush. He didn't mean... Well, he wouldn't exactly oppose... No, he didn't mean it like that.

"Shut up. We should dance or something."

Scott laughed, opening his eyes to look at Mitch. "You want to dance, at 11 o'clock at night, in the freezing cold?"

No, of course he didn't. Who would? But it was a better option than shivering on the couch. Mitch stood up, Wyatt whining in protest, and started swaying. He felt stupid, but he started humming something anyway.

Scott was smiling at him, watching him sway ridiculously, until Mitch snapped at him.

"Dance with us!" he said, kicking Scott's ankle with his foot. Wyatt was starting to purr against his chest, the only one able to fall asleep.

Scott shrugged and stood up, grabbing his phone from the table and putting on some music, a song Mitch had showed him a few days ago. He wrapped his arms around Mitch's shoulders, leaving enough space between them to not crush Wyatt, and swayed with him.

"I hate this," Mitch said.

Scott laughed, resting his forehead against Mitch's. "Why? This was your idea."

"It's freezing in here!"

"It's not so bad anymore."

Mitch disagreed, but he wasn't in the mood to argue. He wanted to get closer to Scott, rest his head on his chest and hug him tightly, but he was still holding Wyatt. He stepped away from Scott, ignoring his pout, and placed their sleeping cat on the couch, tucking the jacket around him to make sure he'd stay warm, before stepping back into Scott's outstretched arms. He did exactly what he wanted and wrapped his arms around Scott's waist.

"I want to kiss you," Scott said.

Mitch stopped swaying. What.


"I don't know. I always want to kiss you, but now I'm tired and you're right, it is freezing, and now I really want to."

Mitch squeezed Scott tightly. None of that made sense, but he wasn't going to say no.

"You should."

Scott stopped swaying. "What?"

"You should kiss me."

He stepped back to look up at Scott, and even though he looked surprised, he was smiling.

"You should," Mitch repeated.


Scott kissed him slowly, still swaying along to the music. It was a sweet kiss, nothing too fancy, nothing too fast, and Mitch felt warmth spreading through him.

They didn't fix the thermostat, but they had something better to focus on.

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