siren *mavi*

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in which Avi loves Mitch's voice just as much as we do. maybe a bit more.
(this is barely anything and a knockoff of a better idea I had + another note at the end)

They were rehearsing for that night's show, and everyone was pumped. Any weariness had been long driven away by the anticipation they all felt at being back on stage. But it seemed like some were more excited than others, as showcased by Avi, who was being much more complimentary than usual. Especially to Mitch.

They had just finished singing Aha!, which Mitch obviously leads. Everyone were taking a break, drinking some water, talking. Mitch was standing by himself towards the edge of the stage, and Avi joined him.

"You sounded great," he said.

Mitch rolled his eyes as he took a drink of his water. Avi's always loved performing Aha! and he's always loved the way Mitch sings it. It definitely wasn't new to hear.

"No, really. You always sound great. Like one of those... Ah, what are those fairytale things that sing really well? Lure men away?"

Mitch choked on a mouthful of water. Lure men away?! Hardly. "Are you talking about a siren?"

Avi grinned, lighting up like a child with a toy. "Yes! A siren. That's perfect."

"Are you saying I've lured you away?"

Mitch figured the best way to get out of this with his pride would be to tease and try to embarrass Avi as payback. What other way was there?

It didn't seem to work. Avi only smirked at him.

"I'd say you have."

Mitch was glad he hadn't been drinking when he said that, he would've died. Too quickly, everything was moving again. They were being called back to rehearsing and people were hustling to get where they needed to be. Avi walked casually to his position, a whole stage away, and Mitch quickly stood between Scott and Kevin.

He'd definitely deal with that later.

wtf is this. oh well.

~ if you don't like shameless self promo, you should probably skip this lmao ~

if anyone would like to check it out, I added an actual fanfiction that I'll be working on, which is Mavi. I'll be adding more actual books as everything continues, probably. thanks!

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