dreams *scömìche*

393 12 1

Scott, you literally came up with this ship name and you can't spell it for shit. anyway, in light of recent events - this!

The car kept hitting every bump in the road it could find, and Scott's hand would end up on his knee for no reason. Each time he'd take in a breath, and Scott wouldn't notice. He couldn't even look at his best friend without the dream playing through his mind like a movie scene stuck on replay.

Mitch furtively took a peak at Scott's face - his eyes had been glued on the hand resting on his knee - and squinted. This was his best friend, no doubt about it. Did he really want to kiss his best friend? Not like he actually could if he wanted to.

"I'm really excited for this tour," Scott said, still looking out the window and squeezing Mitch's knee gently. Mitch almost jumped out of his skin, feigning an itch on his nose and clamping his hand to his mouth to hold in his gasp.

"Yeah, should be great. Kelly Clarkson is amazing."

Scott nodded, still gazing out at everything they drove by. They went over another bump, and Scott's hand slipped further up his leg, resting about halfway up his thigh. Mitch stared at it like it was a snake.

"Scott," he blurted. "I had a dream last night."

Scott turned away from the window to smile at him, and turned back. "Yeah? What was it about?"

"Us. We were, well, is first base where you kiss?"

Scott glanced over, eyebrows raised. "Usually. You had a dream about us and we were kissing?"

Mitch sighed. "More like making out but it was still first base."

Scott nodded. His hand was still on Mitch's thigh.

"I don't know why I dreamt about it," Mitch said, hoping he wasn't making things even more awkward.

Scott turned to him fully, keeping his hand on his leg and leaning in. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but Mitch was out of breath when they pulled away.

"There," Scott said. "Now it's not just a dream."
my little lovelies I don't even remember when I last updated this. I realize this is pretty short, more of a drabble?

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