A/N *there was no reason for this*

495 7 3

I honestly can't believe that this didn't completely flop and so far I guess y'all have liked it! I'm having a lot of fun doing this, but I'm running out of ideas haha. everything really good has already been done, so I'm working on it! I think some of y'all prefer the Scömìche ones, and that's all right, but this is a book for both. which makes it more difficult sometimes but I don't mind.

QUICK question for anyone who might read this, do any of y'all know any fanfics where Kirstie is gay? I don't know, the idea just hit me like twenty minutes ago and now I really want to read that.  if there are any. I think I saw one that was Kirstie/Esther but I don't remember. comment if you know any?

okay this is long enough. basically I'm trying to keep my ideas and inspiration consistent, but it isn't working. which is why some days I'll have like four things written and post two, and other days nothing happens lmao.

(shoutout to slaymitch for getting a favorite from Scott on Twitter though like you go girl, hopefully I'm next lol)

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