stay the night *mavi*

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I'm not sure how this turned out. I like it though. kinda.

"Are you actually scared?"

"Shut up, Kirstie," Mitch said, closing his eyes as someone screamed on the television. It was the most cliché, high pitched he ever heard, but that didn't stop shivers from going down his spine.

She snickered next to him, poking him in the ribs in time with a loud bang on screen that almost sent him out of his seat. He didn't even look to see who was sitting on his other side before he was hiding his face in their shoulder. His face flushed as she laughed at him, getting Kevin to join in.

"It's just a movie, Mitch," Scott said, sounding on the verge of laughing himself.

He also sounded farther away than originally Mitch thought, meaning he was currently digging his fingernails into Avi's arm, and he wasn't complaining.

"Yeah, well it's a terrible movie, Hoying."

"At least you got Avi," Kevin chimed in, causing the other two to start laughing again.

"Can everyone just watch the movie?" Avi said, speaking for the first time since it started.

When everyone's attention was back on the movie, Avi put his arm around Mitch. He buried his face in Avi's chest, grabbing a fistful of his shirt when more screams came from the TV.


"Not just for your sake," Avi said, close to his ear. "I was afraid you were going to rip my arm off."

Mitch laughed, noticing how Avi's arm tightened around him whenever something happened in the movie. He lifted his head off of Avi's chest to grin up at him.

"You're scared, aren't you?"

"Shut up."

The rest of the movie went smoothly, save for when Kirstie and Scott screamed at the jump scare at the end and Mitch really wanted to tease them for it. But he didn't, because he was nice and exhausted and Avi was really easy to cuddle up to. He was starting to fall asleep when the end credits came on the screen and Scott got up to turn all the lights back on.

Kirstie and Kevin said their goodbyes quickly, both obviously a little frightened, but Mitch didn't say anything. Scott left the living room to get ready for bed, and Mitch groaned when he saw it was a little after midnight.

"Are you okay?" Avi asked. Mitch nodded.

Suddenly Mitch realised how awkward it could all get. Was he still afraid? No, he didn't even watch the movie past a half hour in. But he still wanted Avi to stay.

"I should get going," Avi said to him, rubbing his back slowly.

"No," Mitch said, "you shouldn't. It's too late for you to leave."

"Kevin and Kirstie left five minutes!"

"And now it's later and I want you to stay!"

Avi sighed. "Mitch... Why do you want me to stay?"

Why does he want Avi to stay? "Because I always want you to stay" seemed like too much for right now. He didn't think Avi would believe that he was still scared of the movie.

"Because, you're comfortable to sleep on and you're the only one who didn't laugh at me so it's not like I'm going to go sleep on Scott."

Avi laughed. "Fine. I'll stay. But I'm not sitting on the couch while you get to curl up."

"Taking me to bed?" Mitch asked, smirking as he got up to let Avi stand.

"I will leave."

Mitch laughed, grabbing Avi's hand and leading him to his room. They passed Scott in the hall, and he winked at Mitch before Mitch shoved him towards his bedroom.

this could end however you want it to end, basically. they're going to Mitch's room and Avi's spending the night - make of it what you will.

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