my cheerleader *mavi*

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obviously based on Cheerleader.

"When I need motivation, my one solution is my queen 'cos she stays strong."

Mitch was falling behind. He was exhausted and there was already too much coffee in his system to even attempt drinking any more, but the caffeine wasn't doing it's job. Scott looked a little sleepy, too, leaning up against the wall when it wasn't his turn to sing, and Kirstie was barely keeping her eyes open. Kevin had taken to sitting on the stage, and Mitch was halfway there with him.

But if he sat down, he'd lie down, and he'd be asleep immediately. They still had too much work to do for that.

During Cheerleader, Mitch took a glance over at Avi's side of the stage. He was doing a dorky, bouncy little dance and watching Mitch as he sang his part of the song, and Mitch felt himself start laughing in the middle of the verse. It stirred everyone up a little, Scott and Kevin laughing and Kirstie smiling again. They'll get through it, they always do.

Always there when I need him, Mitch thought, smiling at Avi as Scott took over.

It was an interesting thing to be with Avi. Something still new and special. A whole new insight to his character and someone new to care about you completely. Mitch knew that Avi was just as dead on his feet as the rest of them, but he kept going.

When it was Mitch's turn to add his "right there, right there when I need her" backgrounds to Scott, he pointed at Avi across the stage. They were all going to pass out as soon as they hit their rooms, might as well have fun now.
At the end, Avi walked up to Mitch and took his hand. "You did great," he said.

Avi was definitely Mitch's cheerleader.

I don't know why I have a hard time writing Mavi. and I like this a lot because we know Avi loves Mitch's voice and always compliments him (especially during Aha!), so I like to think of him as Mitch's cheerleader (:

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