misunderstanding *mavi*

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this is based on the tags on @ gothgirlmitch's post on tumblr :)

It wasn't his fault he was cranky. Honestly, everything seemed to be testing Avi today, and he was definitely over it.

Even Kirstie noticed, pulling him aside to ask if he was okay. He told her he was fine just so she wouldn't worry, (or worse, tell Esther) but he really wasn't fine. For most of this tour, Mitch wouldn't stop talking about the different guys around. Avi didn't like to think of himself as the jealous type, but it was getting on his nerves more than he'd care to admit.

And it just got worse. A few days ago, Mitch tweeted something about having a crush on every guy that works with them, and Avi suddenly wanted every male fired. Childish, of course, but it seemed like a valid response at the time.

Once Avi started snapping at people, they decided it was time to take action. They came to him one by one, Scott first with Kirstie and Kevin following. When it was finally Mitch's turn, Avi had caught on.

Mitch met him backstage in their dressing room. Scott had taken his hoverboard out, Kirstie was with Kate and Genevieve most likely, and he didn't know where Kevin was. Point was, he was alone with Mitch, and for the first time in a while, it wasn't what he wanted.

"Hey, daddy," Mitch said. Avi rolled his eyes.

"What's been your problem lately? You're too pretty to frown so much."

Any other time, he would've enjoyed Mitch's flirting. Not when it was the cause of his annoyance.

"I just think you flirt with people too much and it gets confusing. I mean, every guy on tour just seems excessive."

Mitch stared at him, eyebrows raised. Avi cringed. That sounded a lot less judgmental in his head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, considering you're the only guy I flirt with on this tour."

"What about that tweet the other night? You don't call that flirting?"

Mitch laughed. "Did you stop to think that you work on this tour, too? And that it was a joke?"

Avi stopped. No, he really didn't think about that. Why would he? Because that included Scott and Kevin if you thought about it. Avi didn't really want to think about it anymore.

"Is that why you've been so bitchy?" Mitch asked. "Because you thought I've been flirting with other people?"

Avi didn't say anything.

"You're such an idiot."

"As if you wouldn't think the same thing!"

Mitch laughed again. Avi could hear the sound of talking outside the room, and he knew there were only a few minutes left before someone found them.

"I don't think we've addressed the fact that you said you actually flirt with me."

Mitch smirked. "I don't think we've addressed the fact that you're still into me."

Of course he would remember that. Of course he would. Avi refused to give him the satisfaction of saying anything. After a minute, Mitch sighed.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?"

yep, I wasted a scömìche update for this. sorry

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