over here *scömìche*

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this idea came from the song Here by Alessia Cara, and if you haven't listened to it you really, really need to because she's amazing.

It was the fourth time someone bumped into him. Scott was trying to make his way through the masses, shoving and getting shoved, tripping in an entirely different way than 80% of the attendees. Just trying to make it to the kitchen that seemed to be thousands of miles ahead of him when it was just a few steps. It was decidedly the last time he was going to agree to staying home for one of Jake's parties.

Good to be back in L.A.

Scott had been standing just behind another guy when he was shoved into him, sending them both against the wall. Scott blushed harder than he ever had in his life as he realised he was chest-to-chest with a stranger.

"Sorry!" he shouted at him, panicking. The music was loud, but not that loud.

Mr. Stranger, who was getting increasingly cuter as more and more lights passed over them, smirked up at Scott. While that was interesting, Scott still stepped away. He was going to the kitchen because he needed a drink, and that was now doubly important.

"It's fine," the stranger said. He had dark hair across his face, but it looked pretty damn good on him, and nice lips. "I'm Mitch."


Mitch nodded, still smiling. "You're one of Alex's friends?"

You're one of Alex's friends? Scott wanted to ask. He didn't, obviously, he just nodded. He'd have to ask Alex later why this specific friend never crashed on their couch before. If he could ever find Alex.

"Yep, I live here." Scott thought the song playing was a nice track to compliment his awkwardness.

Mitch just kept smiling. It would've been weird if his smile wasn't so pretty. If his overall self wasn't so attractive.

"You look like you need a drink," Mitch said, finally speaking up.

Scott nodded. Right. The original mission.

Mitch grabbed his hand - a nice development, seeing as Scott wouldn't have done it first - and pulled him towards the kitchen. The people seemed to part for him as he went by, no matter how drunk or otherwise non-sober. It was impressive in Scott's opinion.

It wasn't any easier in the kitchen. While there was more air to breathe clearly, there were less distractions. Meaning, Scott was entirely entranced by Mitch and Mitch was able to see it all perfectly.

He just kept smiling as Scott drank the drink he mixed for him, which was pretty strong but still delicious. Mitch was leaning against the counter, and Scott really wanted to sit him up on it.

"Where'd you learn to mix drinks?" he asked. Wasn't the coolest question, but there was genuine curiosity.

Mitch grinned. He has pretty teeth. "Many nights drinking at home, and many nights drinking alone."

Scott laughed. He found Mitch to be very funny. He also decided that meeting Mitch was worth this entire party that he'd have to clean up tomorrow.

"So, you said you're one of Alex's friends. He mentioned a third roommate. Would that be you?"

Scott nodded, tipping his head back and taking a long drink. If this was going where Mitch made it sound like it was going, Scott certainly was not drunk enough.

"So, you live here?"

Scott nodded. "If you trying to get me to take you to my room, you can just ask."

Mitch laughed, the only thing he hadn't done yet. Scott almost dropped his drink. Apparently everything this man did was incredible.

"I'm not really a people person," Mitch said. "Not one for parties."

"Then why are you here?" Nice.

"Alex. And a very nice girl who I like to call my best friend, but she tends to argue."

Scott rolled his eyes. Mitch was very different than most of his other friends.

"Why do you want to go to my room?" Scott asked him, moving so a guy could get passed him. For a few seconds he was right on top of Mitch, just like against the wall. Then it was over.

"I'm sure it's quieter, less crowded. Like I said, I'm not much of a people person."

Scott was confused. He really should've asked what was in this drink before he took a sip. It probably wasn't drugged, but it was a lot stronger than he was used to.

"Not a people person, but you're asking me to take you to my bedroom."

Mitch smirked, ducking his head and flipping his hair out of his face. Scott was probably under a spell by this point. "Well, I'm kind of a you person, right now."

Scott was a mess. Instantly a mess for this man. That was the smoothest thing he'd ever heard, though he wasn't exactly known for having high standards for pick-up lines. He would personally thank Alex tomorrow for his friendship choices.

"And you can kiss me, if you want," Mitch said.

Scott almost choked on his drink. Not a people person, but he sure was confident. "What?!"

Mitch shrugged. He had the decency to look a little flushed, though. "You seem like the type of guy who would ask, so I'm saying yes."

Was that a compliment? Scott wasn't sure. He was sure that this guy was worth it, though.

Scott put his drink down on the table and walked over to the counter, where he kissed Mitch shortly on the lips. He was given permission, might as well take it.

Mitch started smiling again and Scott mirrored it.

"You're sure you want to go to my room?"

"I'm pretty sure now, yeah."

so if anyone was keeping tabs on my new Mavi fic, I'm also putting the note here that it's now on hold. I thought it had everything figured out, but I don't. so until I do, I'm not going to be doing anything with it.

check out the song mentioned, though, ok?

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