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I know I'm late, but the idea just came to me that this could be important.

It was #NationalComingOutDay last Sunday.

Maybe that means nothing to some of you, or maybe to some of you it was a really important day.

I am bisexual, but I'm still figuring it out. And that's okay.

However you identify, that's okay. You're absolutely fine. You will be absolutely fine.

The problem is, some people like to call it the LGBTQA+ community and they exclude some letters. They don't understand how trans individuals are facing a lot of prejudice and hatred. They exclude bisexuals for having "straight passing privilege". They call some identities "not queer enough" for the community. They mock other sexualities/gender identities because they think they've been made up, or they're hard to believe or understand.

What I want you to believe is this: you, and your identity, are worth it. Just because you come across some rude people on social media or in your lives that have internalized homophobia against certain identities, does not devalue who you are. Who you are is special, and so, so important.

That being said, not all of you were able to come out that day. And that's okay. You never have to come out to anyone unless you're 100% comfortable. It's no one's basic right to know your sexuality/gender identity. That's your personal information, a fact about you that you share on your own terms. Don't feel like you weren't strong enough to come out last Sunday. You're very strong.

You get to decide when your Coming Out Day is. And I am so proud of each of you.

- - And to anyone reading this who identifies as straight, you're not less important. But it was not your day, and these are not your struggles. Please don't use our community as a punchline for your next joke. Coming out is sometimes a dangerous process. Every person is brave.

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