1 - cotton

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Maya's pov:
"Ugh, mom its so early though. Let me sleep longer, just a few hours?"
"I wish I could let you, but you have to go to school, obviously."
"Okay, I guess I'll get out of bed." I rolled out of the bed and fell on the floor, groaning. I pulled open my drawer and picked out a Brandy Melville tank and a cardigan. I grabbed my white sandals, dark blue shorts and my backpack and got ready for school. I grabbed an apple and chomped into it while running out the door.
"Bye mom! See you after school!" I yelled, and slammed the front door behind me.
"Just in time! Surprising me every day." Liam smirked. We got onto the bus, hand in hand. We hopped into our regular seats and watched out the window. We walked into school with all eyes on us and all conversations stopped.
"What? You guys act like you've never seen a couple before?" Liam smirked and linked hands with me. We walked into first period and Liam sat in the desk next to mine. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
"Hey girl!" Megan yelled as she walked into the classroom, sitting in the desk on the other side of me.
"Hey chica!" I laughed and she playfully shook her head at me. I grabbed my pencil and notebook out of my backpack and got prepared for class.

. .

. . .

. . . .

"That was the slowest day ever." Megan whined.
"At least its over." I smiled.
"Hey babe." Liam wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. Niall jumped on my back and covered my eyes from behind me.
"Hey Niall."
"You guys look like high school musical." Kyra walked beside me and laughed.
"Jesus Christ, she's right." Liam smirked.
"My twin is finally right on something!" I smiled sarcastically and walked out the doors. Four guys were leaning against the fence cheekily, each covered in ripped skinny jeans and band t-shirts. One had a quiff gelled into his hair and a lip ring, another one had black hair with patches of purple and blue. It looked like a galaxy plopped on top of his head. The one on the end had black hair with a streak of blond and the one in the middle had long, blonde curly hair. They looked like they were fresh out of jail. Except the one with the quiff. He was hot.
"Sup losers." Never mind, he's ugly. I looked around and it was just Kyra and I. Liam was talking to Niall and Megan was talking to Abby.
"Are you two the ugly twins or something?" Galaxy hair.
"Are you four the gay crew or something?" Kyra snapped back. The one with curly hair scoffed and looked up and down Kyra.
"What? You have something to say about all this curvaciousness?" She flipped her hair and rolled her eyes at the boys.
"Hey, Calum. How come you aren't saying anything." Quiff.
"Cause I don't want to."
"Weak." I coughed out.
"What's weak is boys fighting against girls." Calum leaned away from the fence and looked harshly at me.
"Only you would know." Kyra snorted.
"Let's just go." I said, Calum's eyes still locked with mine.
"Hey babe, I'm back." Liam came from behind with a worried expression on his face. "Anything wrong here?"
"Nope. Just having a friendly conversation." Quiff smirked.
"Oh, okay." Liam smiled as we walked away. I kissed him while the four boys were watching and we got into the car.
"What was that about?" Liam smirked.
"Oh, like he said, just a friendly conversation." Kyra said from the backseat. Niall ran to the car and hopped in beside Kyra.
"Hey babe, how was your day?" He asked as he kissed her cheek.
"Great, how about yours?"
"Good!" We drove away and towards home.
"There's this party tonight we got invited to..." Niall smiled from the backseat.
"Yay! We have to go shopping for dresses! Let's go!" Kyra yelled from the backseat.
"Calm down!" I laughed. "But yeah, we should go dress shopping. Even though I'll totally be wearing skinny jeans and a T-shirt."
"Aren't, you glad you didn't get that other dress? This one is awesome!" Kyra laughed as I slid into the tight dress.
"It feels like I'm wearing a giant rubber band." I frowned.
"Just go with it." I looked down at the sparkly dress which wasn't my style at all.
"Okay, Niall is coming around seven o'clock to pick us up. Its six fifty-six right now." I slipped on my heels and grabbed my phone while walking towards the door. I heard a honk from the front of my house and I walked towards Niall's car outside. I hopped in next to a handsome Liam and Kyra sat next to Niall, obviously.
Okay so I hope you guys like the start of this book I'll update soon. Dedicated to Kyra and Maya because yes. Plz fave and follow for more 5sos.

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