12 - ambulance

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[A/n I know you guys probably h8 me for the last chapter but it gets better guys I promise :))]

Kyra's POV:
I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. Calum was lying in the bathtub, surrounded by pills. I could hear sirens coming closer and closer. He wasn't breathing. I crunched down into a ball, bringing my legs to my chest. My breathing got harsher and harsher and my heart was beating rapidly. I could tell in this moment it was a panic attack. I couldn't bear to look at Calum for one more second. Tears were streaming down my face like a river and I was rocking back and forth. Maya was crying, Michael and Ashton were still confused. Luke was walking towards me, shaking. He sat down in front of me and pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. His hand was cool and soft, and it made me wonder about him. His piercing blue eyes were looking straight into mine, not flinching, not blinking. It was slightly dark, only the bathroom light illuminating the features of his chisled face and the small lip ring covering a bit of his thin lips. I put one hand on his cheek, feeling his stubble. I felt around and found his lips with my fingers and replaced them with my lips. He kissed me back for a split second, then slowly pulled away.
"Any riders on the ambulance?" Everybody raised their hands and the paramedic nodded his head. We followed him and Calum, who was now on a gurney, out to the ambulance. Luke helped me up onto the ambulance and everybody else climbed in. The paramedic gave the driver the signal and we started to go.
"Unfortunately, we have pumped his stomach, but there is no response. We can wait up to 15 days and then we have to, um, pull the plug. Before we pull the plug, you have to decide if he's going to be an organ donor, or if you want to donate his body to science. I know this is hard, but you have 15 days to figure it out. If he does wake up, he'll need food, water, morphine, depression pills, and comfort. We want to make him feel like he's wanted. Remember, he's waking up with a failed attempt, so he may not talk or he may not be happy, so give him some time." The doctor with the pearly white teeth and dark blue scrubs went on about Calum's medication and everything, but I couldn't concentrate. Her white sneakers had small, brown spots on them, probably dried blood, and her golden hair laid perfectly on her shoulders to border her slightly wrinkled face and light blue eyes.
"By the way, I'm Dr.Grey, so if you need anything, ask a nurse to page me." And with that, she walked out the door, walking towards the elevator.
"Wait! Doctor Grey!" I yelled, running after the doctor.
"Does anybody usually wake up from this?" She looked down at her blood-stained shoes.
"Only few people."
"What percent?" She continued to look down at her shoes. "Doctor Grey." I said in a harsh tone, wanting an answer.
"Ten." As the words glided off of her tongue, I knew Maya's world would crash down if she found out.
"In a medical opinion, do you think he'll make it?" She looked up at me, speechless, only a gentle shake of her head. She turned around and pushed the elevator button, disappearing behind the silver doors. I turned on my heel and walked into Calum's room, sitting next to Luke. He raised an eyebrow, but I looked away and acted as though I didn't see it.
"We should probably go get some rest." Michael suggested. Maya shook her head and looked at Calum.
"I'm sure they have a place for Maya to sleep, we can all go home and check on them tomorrow morning." I looked around at everybody, and they nodded their heads.
Maya's POV:
"Calum, I need you to wake up. Please. Its been a week, nobody visits anymore, not even your mom." I sighed, hopeless and inarticulate. One side of me hoped he'd wake up, but the other half hoped he'd go the way he wanted to, in peace.
"Alright, it is the end of 15 days, have you made a decision?" Doctor Grey walked in and stood by Calum's bedside.
"I think we want to do the organ donation. He'd save a lot of people, right?" Calum's mom was obviously worried, but she'd pretty much given up on him ever waking up now.
"He would. We have 7 people on the list that would be saved by him."
"Okay, then I guess that's what we'll do." Joy started to cry, and she grabbed Calum's hand. "I'll let each of you kids get a moment with him before they take him up."
"Okay, I think Maya should go last." Michael said from across the room. I nodded my head and walked out of the small room. Luke, Ashton, Kyra, and Joy walked out behind me. Michael stood in front of Calum for a moment, then started to cry. He went on and on talking, tears still streaming down his face. Ashton walked in next, dismissing Michael. We rotated until it was my turn. I took a shaky breath and walked in, standing next to Calum. His head was positioned the way you could see his golden skin in the white light. His eyelashes were sitting just below his bottom eyelid, and his jawline was set among the shadows of his neck. The breathing machine made quiet pumping sounds from beside me. A tube was poked into his body everywhere you could think. I grabbed his hand, and set my ear on his chest. His heart was beating steadily as I stroked my hand through his hair.
"C-Calum, you mean the world to me. I hate to see you go like this, in a small hospital room and not while being an old wrinkly man who couldn't stand up right." I slightly laughed, a tear rolling down my cheek. "But I know this is what you would've wanted. And I hope that you'll watch me from above, that way I'll always know you're there. I just wish I could've said better last words then just 'I hate all three of them'. I don't hate you. I love you, Calum. I love you." I cried harder and harder, tears not stopping.
"M-m" I looked up, and Calum's eyes were open. I gasped and waved my hands at the doctor. She rushed in and pulled the tube out of his throat that helped him breathe. "Maya, I love you too." He sighed and let go of my hand. "But I need some time." He turned away from me and looked at his mom. "Get her out of here. Get everybody out of here!" He yelled and looked around. "I said get them out!" He screamed this time, the only thing holding him back were the tubes hooked into his body. The doctor escorted us out of the door and closed it behind us, Calum still screaming.
"He needs time. Give him some space, let him breathe." She walked away, leaving all of us stunned. I looked down at my hands and ran them through my hair. I looked at Calum, who was now calmer, but his face was red. I put my hand against the glass, hoping he'd calm down. He looked around and found the glass vase on his bedside table, and threw it at the glass where I was standing. It hit the glass, but shattered to the floor. I backed away from the glass, frightened at anything else he'd do. This wasn't Calum.
Mkayyy I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll update soon that's all I have to say. Bye.

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