15 - morphine

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Luke's POV:
"Kyra? Can you hear me?" The doctor pushed Kyra's eyelids open, flashing a light across her face. He sighed, checking something off on his clipboard. "First things first, she's gonna need major surgery. I'll need plastics, general, neuro, and ortho in here. Then, we need consent forms, blood tests, an MRI, and a CT. Get on it." The intern standing next to the doctor wrote all this down on a notepad, then rushed out of the room.
"I'm sorry, what did all that mean?" Worry overflowed my brain, and all I could think about was Kyra going through so many things.
"She needs multiple tests and surgeries. She has two broken bones that we can detect, her brain isn't responding to anything, and there is abdominal bleeding. We have to get in there as soon as we can." He sighed, finally taking a breath.
"Oh god." I whimpered into my sleeve. I walked over to the bed, grabbing a chair and sitting next to Kyra. I grasped her hand in mine, hoping her ocean blue eyes would flutter open and look at me. But that's in a perfect world, a world that I don't live in. I felt tears running down my face, it was almost like my eyes were clouds, dispensing a giant storm. But I had no emotion, no expression. I just stared at her beautiful face, stroking her blonde hair.
"Hey baby, I hope you can hear me. I love you, and I want you to fight. Fight for me, for Maya, for your mom. Please. You have to make it out of there alive. I don't want to see a black bag with your name on it. I don't want to go to a funeral, dressed in a black suit. And I don't want to cry. You have to be strong, please." I cried. "You're my person. I love you, forever and always."
Kyra's POV:
I wanted to scream and shout and kick my legs, I wanted to tell Luke that I loved him too, I did. But I couldn't. I only heard him, sobbing against my body. I couldn't feel it, I could only hear it. I tried to wake myself up, get out of this trap. My efforts weren't going to work, though. I heard shuffling in the room, then a door open and close, notifying me that Luke was gone. I was left with only the sounds of pumping air and beeping. I tried to wake myself up, but with every try, my body weakened. Eventually, the monitor started beating rapidly and I started to drift away.
Dr. Grey's POV
"Get that abdomen open, now!" I ordered the intern. She nodded her head and cut a straight line down the patient's abdomen. Blood gushed out everywhere.
"Suction! I need suction over here! Get some towels too! We need to clean all the blood out and close up the leak." Towels came out of every direction as I grabbed each one, soaking up the blood. The way was finally clear and I felt around with my fingers. I felt a hole in the liver.
"Its the liver!" I got out my supplies for closing the open hole, and sewed it up. "Alright, first one down, two to go." I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my scrubs and continued searching for another tear.
"I have good news, and bad news." I sighed, walking towards the patient's family.
"Bad news first." Her mom looked at me with disappointing eyes.
"The bad news are that she still desperately needs surgery, the good news are that we closed up all the leaks in her abdomen." Her mom sighed in relief and smiled.
"Thank you so much." She cried. "I don't know what I'd do without one of my baby girls."
"I completely understand. We'll get orthopedics in there next to fix her broken bones."
"Great, and again, thank you so much."
"No problem." I smiled.
"Alright, that was her last surgery. She might wake up soon, she might wake up in a week, we can't be sure." I discussed everything with the mom. "And all of us doctors decided to do the surgeries for your daughter pro bono."
"What does that mean?"
"It means we did them for free. The hospital paid for them."
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much."
"No problem." I smiled.
"Can I see her?"
"Yes, but her face will be covered with a bandage from her facial reconstruction."
"Alright." The woman walked into her room, throwing a hand over her mouth. "My baby!" She cried, running over to the girl. "She's okay." She hugged her tightly, panting. The girl's eyes fluttered open, looking around. She started hyperventilating, scared from the tight arms around her.
"Okay, okay, let's let her calm down." I put a soft hand on the mom's shoulder and she nodded, pulling away from the girl. "Kyra? I'm doctor Grey, the one who helped you today. Do you have any pain anywhere?" She pointed to her face and I nodded. "I'll give her some morphine." I told the mom, and waved the nurse over. She walked over, then injected the morphine.
"So, how long will it take for her to recover?"
"We can't be sure. She has been through a lot, and she's lucky to be alive after going through that."
"Oh. Okay. Thank you, for ev-" Suddenly, the monitor attached to the girl started beeping rapidly.
"She's coding!"
Thanks for reading...
I'll be posting the character q and a soon so message me your questions! Peace out girl scouts!

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