20 - goodbyes

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Luke's POV:
"Did you call 911?" Calum paced back and forth.
"No, she's 21, she can deal with herself." I sighed. I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Turn the news on, maybe they found her."
"Fine." I turned on the news.
"Body of Melanie Martinez found hanging at National Bank, officials say this was homicide. Evidence is not shown, and suspect list doesn't have anybody on it. Police automatically say this is a cold case." Calum stared at the TV, watching the horror. He crumpled down on the floor, balling up.
"Calum, listen to me."
"What?" He looked up, his eyes bloodshot. I knew who had done this, but I also knew that Calum would go after her.
"You are going to be okay, everything will be okay, Kyra will come back and we will be okay."
"How can you say that?" He stood up, looking at me. "Maya died, Melanie died, and who's to say Kyra isn't dead."
"Because I'm strong. Its time for you to be, too."
"Luke," he sighed. "Okay."
"Okay." I smiled. He hugged me, I could feel his breath against my neck. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. I could feel my body leaning in, closer and closer. Our lips brushed and I couldn't take it anymore. I connected our lips, closing the gap between our bodies.
Kyra's POV:
"What did that mean?" I asked. "What did it mean to you?"
"Kyra," I raised my eyebrows. "I like you." She sighed.
"Ashley, I like you too. But, Luke is sitting at home waiting for me."
"Who gives a fuck about Luke, let's run away together." She threw her hands in the air. "We can go to Canada and live in a five story house and have sixteen children and live in that five story house until we're old and frail, and then our kids will get married and we'll have thirty-six grandchildren and die happy!" She yelled.
"I wish I could." I lightly grabbed her cheek and she closed her eyes.
"Please." She whispered. A tear fell down her cheek, and I wiped it away. I sighed and nodded my head.
"I need to tell Luke."
"Then, lets go." We walked out of the house and got into my car, driving away. We pulled in front of the apartment building and walked in. We got up to the third floor and I signed, opening the door. There stood Calum and Luke, kissing in the middle of the apartment. My jaw dropped and Luke quickly pulled back.
"Kyra I-"
"No, its fine." I sighed, looking at Ashley. I intertwined our hands.
"Kyra," he gasped. "That, between Calum and I was an accident, I swear. Please don't tell me-"
"Ashley and I are moving away."
"What?" Calum's eyes widened.
"You heard. I'm packing my stuff up today." I walked back to my room and picked all of my stuff up, throwing it in random boxes. "Now, are you going to help me, or just stand there dumbfounded?" Luke dropped his head and walked into my room, packing my stuff into boxes. Once we were done, we walked downstairs and packed it into my car.
"Do you, um, want anything of Maya's?" Calum asked. I nodded my head and we walked back upstairs and I took a deep breath in before walking into her room. I opened her closet, staring at her clothes. I grabbed her orchestra sweater, remembering how much she loved it in high school. I grabbed the yellow sweater she had worn on our 21st birthday. I looked at the rest of her closet, deciding to keep the two sweaters and walked out of her room, closing the door behind me. I held up the sweaters and hugged Calum.
"Bye Calum."
"Bye, babe. Sorry I kissed your boyfriend." He blushed.
"Its okay." I chuckled. I walked over to Luke and hugged him.
"Bye Luke."
"You don't have to do this."
"Its for the better." I sighed, pulling away.
"I love you." He slightly smiled. I wiped a tear away from his eye.
"I love you too." I smiled. I stepped away and grabbed Ashley's hand, walking out the door. We hopped into my car, driving away from the small building and towards nowhere.
"How about California?" She broke the silence.
"Sure." I smiled, turning up the radio. 'Dead To Me' by some artist started playing and I felt myself breaking down.
"Hey, forget about everybody, let's have a fresh start." Ashley smiled.
"You're right."
"We should change our names."
"We should."
"I've always wanted my name to be Halsey. Not Ashley Frangipane."
"Oh. Hm. I don't have a name. How about Arky?" I laughed.
"Perfect. Halsey and Kary."
"This should be fun."
"With you, anything is." I smiled.
"I know, I'm naturally fun." She laughed.
"We're going to California." I smiled.
"We are going to California."
"Ashley, wake up, we're here."
"It's Halsey." She groaned and yawned before sitting up and fixing her hair.
"Okay, Halsey." I laughed.
"We're in California?"
"Yes." I nodded my head.
"C'mere." She leaned in and grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me. I could feel her smiling against the kiss, and she pulled away. I smiled and we got out of the car and walked into the small donut shop I had spotted. It was called 'California Donuts' and apparently they had crazy donuts. We walked up to the glass and Ashley pressed her nose up to the glass like a little kid. We got coffee and a dozen donuts, each with cereal or decorated weird. We sat outside at the metal tables on the patio, drinking our coffee and eating our donuts. I bit into a blueberry donut, and I remembered I had been here before, when we had stayed here and Luke was run over by a car. I laughed out of nowhere and Ashley looked confused.
"Sorry, I was just remembering when we were here, Luke was run over by a car."
"Oh, I was wondering." She chuckled. Once we were done, we brought the rest of the donuts with us when we went to Hollywood. When we got there, we walked on the star sidewalk, finding the One Direction star and taking pictures by it. After that, we drove to Disneyland and went on almost all the rides, and got mickey ears. We stayed at a small hotel just outside of Los Angeles.
"That was fun." I sighed and flopped down on the bed.
"Yes, it was." She laid down next to me.
"Goodnight." I said, turning the lamp off and falling asleep.
"Goodnight, love." She kissed my cheek and closed her eyes.
Luke's POV:
"So, California?"
"Yes, Calum, I want to move to California. We need to leave this town." I sighed.
"Let's go, then." Calum smiled, lugging his suitcases behind him.
"Okay." I followed behind him and we got into his car.
When we arrived at the airport, we got two first class tickets and boarded as soon as we could, getting the best seats on the plane. I quickly fell asleep on Calum's shoulder, us holding hands.
"Luke, wake up, we're here." I woke up to see Calum's adorable face. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him, smiling.
"Yay." I said. He smiled back and we got off the plane, waiting for our luggage to come around the cart. When it finally came, we caught a cab to Los Angeles to begin our fresh start.
A/n : lots of cuts, sorry for that.
We arrived and got out, looking around. We decided to walk to Hollywood to walk the sidewalk of fame. I almost thought I saw Kyra by the One Direction star, but it was someone else.
A/n : #sorrynotsorry
We arrived at the five star hotel, paying the cab driver and walking inside.
"Right away." The bellhop came over and grabbed our luggage, directing us to our room. When we got there, it was magnificent. It had two king sized beds, a balcony view, a spa, and the beds were water beds. And it was a penthouse. I jumped on the bed and it sloshed around.
"Its like a giant chillow!" I laughed. Calum jumped on it beside me.
"Its a giant chillow!" He giggled. He rolled over and looked at me. "Are you happy?"
"I'm happy." I smiled.
"Me too." He smiled back.
I yawned, glancing around. It was 10am, and Calum was still sleeping. I wrote a note, telling him I was going for a walk and that he could text me if I needed anything. I left the hotel and went to a small coffee shop. I ordered a small latte and sat down on one of the leather seats.
"Luke!" I walked up to the barista and grabbed my drink, sitting back down. "Kary!"
I looked around at all the people, but one seemed to stand out. Her head was turned, but her hair was in a mermaid braid. She stood up to get her drink, and I realized who it was.
"Kyra?" She turned her head and looked at me, dumbfounded.
"Luke, what are you doing here?"
"I just moved here with Calum."
"Are you following me?"
"No, Calum wanted to get away from the city and go somewhere else."
"Oh. Well, I guess, nice seeing you here." She walked out of the shop and disappeared in the mix of people outside. I wanted to yell, grab her, stop her from leaving, but we were two different people now.
Calum's POV:
I missed Maya. I really did. I had missed her for the past five months and I still do. She wasn't supposed to matter anymore, I was with Luke. He walked in the hotel room, holding two coffees. He smiled and handed me one, sipping on the other.
"Thanks babe." I smiled back.
"No problem." He turned on the TV to the news channel.
"Killer of Melanie Martinez at Disneyland? Officials say suspects have left the state, their house was found and the room they used to torture her was filled with dead bodies."
"Oh my gosh." Luke gasped.
"The tops suspects are on the loose, so watch out and be safe, California.
"Kyra." Luke frowned.
"They both did it." Luke looked at me, terror in his eyes. He dialed a number and pressed the phone to his ear.
"Did you kill Melanie?" He immediately asked. "What do you mean, she deserved it?" He was getting revved up. "Kyra- I don't care what you call yourself, I'm calling you Kyra." He paused. "No, I'm not turning you in." He paused again. "Okay, bye, stay low." He ended the call. "She did it." I shook my head.
"Did they both do it?"
"So what are we gonna do?" I asked.
"I don't know. We aren't turning them in." Luke replied.
"Do we leave the state, leave the country?"
"Calm down, we didn't kill those people."
"Neither did Kyra, or Ashley."
"Obviously, they're still worrying about it because that's the first person they've killed. Melanie wouldn't give a flying fuck about killing somebody after killing all those people." I finished, taking a deep breath.
"You should be a detective."
"That's not the point, they could still both get arrested."
"Wait, who slit Melanie's throat?"
"I don't know."
"That's what we need to find out."
"Its none of our business." I shut his idea down, knowing we'd get deeper in trouble if we got into it.
"So what do we do?"
"Nothing. We relax, while we can, and go on like we know nothing." As I finished my sentence, there was a knock at the door. I opened the door, and there stood two police officers.
"Hi, officer Brown and officer Conlin. We have some questions about the Martinez case." My stomach dropped.
"Uh, come in." I smiled. They came in, observing the large penthouse.
"What do you know?" One of the police officers asked.
"I knew Melanie. She was a friend of mine for a few days, before we didn't talk anymore." I blurted.
"What happened?"
"I had a girlfriend at the time, we broke up and I met Melanie, at the mall. We kissed, and I realized my mistake and I haven't talked to her since." The police officer was furiously writing while I spoke.
"We know who killed her." Luke stood up. "It was Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin."
"Okay, we will have them arrested as soon as possible. Thank you for all your help. The police officers shook our hands and left. After about five minutes I turned towards Luke.
"What the hell was that?"
"I'm sorry, I don't want the girls to go to jail." He frowned. He buried his head in his hands.
"So you blame it on our friends?"
"I'm sorry."
"Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'll call the girls and tell them they're fine."
Ashley's POV:
"So we're in the clear?" I asked.
"Yes." Calum said through the phone.
"Okay, I still feel guilty. But thanks."
"No problem. See you later." I ended the call, facing towards Kyra. I nodded my head. She smiled and hugged me. "We're safe."
"Thank the lord."
"I think we owe Calum and Luke a visit."
"I think so too." She agreed.
I knocked on the door nervously. I heard footsteps and a confused Luke opened the door. I hugged him with my head empty of thought.
"Thank you." I mumbled. He patted my back.
"Anything for you guys." He smiled. We walked in and sat down on the bed.
"Nice penthouse." I laughed. Kyra nodded her head and laughed.
"The Hemmings family is pretty snazzy." Luke smiled.
"That's why I'm here." Calum winked.
"Again, thank you guys so much. I don't look good in orange." Kyra smiled.
"No problem." Calum smiled back.
"Do you guys want to grab a smoothie or something?" Luke looked up at us. We looked at each other before nodding.
"Jamba Juice?" I suggested.
"Sure." We all agreed and went outside, jumping into my car before driving away from the large penthouse. It was the beginning of an amazing life, and I was thankful for that.

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