17 - teeth gap

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Calum's POV:
"I can't wait to see you in those bras." I smirked at Maya and she laughed.
"Why did we go to Victoria's Secret?" Luke groaned, carrying 3 bags from Victoria's Secret.
"Now you know her secret." Kyra laughed.
"Whatever." Luke laughed back. We headed towards Urban Outfitters, apparently Maya needed a dress for something. I sighed, sitting on a bench in the main walkway outside the store.
"Tired?" A girl beside me smiled.
"Definitely." I smiled back.
"I know how you feel." She pointed towards a girl with white short hair in Urban Outfitters. "My best friend loves shopping so much."
"Yeah. I hate it." I frowned.
"Same here." She held out her hand. "Melanie."
"Calum." I shook her hand awkwardly. Her hair was half died black, the other died an aesthetic pink.
"You come here often?"
"Not really. I usually let my girlfriend do the shopping." She frowned a tiny bit, then quickly smiled again.
"I usually let my best friend do the shopping. I just stay home and watch the Spanish channels for entertainment." She laughed. She had a gap between her two front teeth, and it was pretty cute. When she smiled, she had dimples right below her eyes.
"I do that too!" I laughed.
"Maybe one day we could watch it together."
"Yeah, definitely." I smiled. "I'll give you my number." I pulled out my phone, a new contact screen set up. "Okay, its one eight-hundred hotline bling."
"Really." She laughed. We exchanged numbers and texted each other to make sure we had the right person.
"Alright, I'll see you around?" Melanie smiled.
"Yeah. I'll text you or call you or something." I smiled back. Her friend walked out of the store, smirking. She whispered something to Melanie.
"Ashley, I swear to god." She blushed and elbowed her in the stomach. "Bye, Calum." They walked away, Melanie's face still red.
Melanie's POV:
I gave Calum his phone back, and texted him to see if I had the right number.
"Alright, I'll see you around?" I smiled.
"Yeah, I'll text you or call you, or something." He smiled back. Ashley walked up next to me and leaned in, ready to whisper.
"You gonna bring him home?" She smirked.
"Ashley, I swear to god." I elbowed her stomach. "Bye, Calum." I waved, my face still hot.
"I was only kidding." Ashley smiled.
"Yeah, whatever." I smiled back.
Calum's POV:
Maya strutted out of Urban Outfitters, another bag in her hands.
"Who was that?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Some girl who wanted my number." I tried to sound unamused.
"Did you give it to her?" She growled.
"No, of course not babe." I sputtered.
"Good." She smiled and handed me her bag. Luke and Kyra walked out of the store shortly after, and we walked towards the exit of the mall. Melanie was sitting outside, smoking with her friend.
"Oh, we meet again." She giggled.
"Yep." I smiled. I could feel Maya's glare from behind me, but I ignored it.
"Catch you later." She said, blowing out smoke.
"Okay. Peace out, girl scout." I laughed.
"I don't want you talking to her anymore." Maya said lowly.
"Okay, I won't. Possessive much?"
"Excuse me?"
"I can't talk to one girl without you riding up my arse."
"Oh fine, go talk to any girl you want, as long as its not her."
"You're not my mom, I can talk to whoever I want, Maya."
"You know what, I don't even know why I ever said yes."
"What?" I felt something inside me, like a light going out.
"You heard what I said."
"Are you trying to say what I think you're about to say?"
"If its leaving you, you're damn right."
"Maya, come on, you and Calum have been dating for a long time now." Luke piped in.
"Shut up Luke." She growled. I felt something inside me break, my heart felt torn in two, and all the life in me drained out. I felt tears well up in my eyes.
"You're going to regret that, Maya." I felt a tear drip down my cheek.
"You better wish I will. Right now, its the best decision I've ever made." She flicked her hair over her shoulder. My world crashed down.
"Am I not good enough for you? Do you want money? Am I not handsome or tall enough? What is it? Should I become Mr. Potato head so that you can do what you want with me?" My fists clenched, and I banged them against the brick wall.
"Calum, get over yourself. I have to go, I'll see you around." She sighed and rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and walking towards her car. I slid down the wall, tears still running down my cheeks.
"Wanna smoke?" Melanie handed me a lighter and a cigarette. I had never smoked before, but this seemed like the right time.
"Thanks." I lit the cigarette and breathed in the cancer-causing drug. I didn't cough once, it felt normal.
"Its gonna be okay, got it?" She smiled.
"Yeah." I chuckled.
"What?" She scrunched her face up.
"You," I smiled. "You're so cute."
"Thanks." She blushed.
"You into music?" I blew smoke out.
"Yeah. I write a little too."
"What kinda music?"
"Its creepy music." She grinned.
"Yeah, mostly about killing and poison."
"Have you ever thought about killing someone?"
"Yeah, just a second ago."
"Huh. What stops you?"
"The little sane that I have left." She sighed.
"I don't have much sane either."
"We have a lot in common."
"We sure do."
"Kiss me."
"Kiss me, Calum. Let's be crazy together." I reached my hand to the back of her neck and smashed my lips into hers. She was startled, but she kissed me back, our lips moving in sync.
Maya's POV:
I was worthless. As I stared out the window of my car, Calum and that girl were talking. Suddenly, he smashed his lips against hers. It looked so passionate, he had never kissed me like that. I cried into my sweater, knowing what I had to do. I drove home with shaky hands. I walked into the apartment, rummaging through things before I finally found the video camera. I took a chair from the dining table and took a rope from the closet, still crying heavily. I tied one end of the rope to the ceiling fan, the other around my neck and pressed the record button on the video camera remote.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being born, and for finding you guys, and I'm sorry for doing all the things I did to you guys." I sighed. "I'm sorry Calum, for being an arse. And I'm sorry for breaking your heart. Go find someone else. Be happy with that mall chick. You'll find love better than me eventually." By now, one of my feet was off the chair. "I love you." I cried, tears furiously running down my cheeks. "Don't blame this on yourself, it was my decision, and mine only. Its not your fault." I sighed, the other foot inching towards the end of the chair. "I love you all so so so much." I cried. I pressed the stop button on the remote and dropped it. I took my last breath and stepped off the chair.
Sorry guys I had to.
I really am sorry.
Just see what happens, I guess.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been super busy.
But I hope you enjoy the next 2 chapters because I'm sad to say they're the last. Anyways, love you guys. Xoxoxox
Peace out, girl scouts.

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