18 - god i wish i never spoke

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Kyra's POV:
"I'm sure eventually they'll get back together, right?" I was worried, really worried. Maya was really emotional, especially in situations like these.
"Yeah, of course." Luke sighed. He was basting in his own relaxation, while I was boiling in anxiety.
"Should we check up on her?"
"No, she's probably crying and eating ice cream, let's give her space." He smiled and intertwined our hands. Suddenly, I felt something inside me that wasn't right. Something tearing, something wasn't right at all.
"We need to check on her, Luke, now." I ran towards the car and hurled myself in.
"Alright, calm down." He sighed and drove away from the mall and towards the apartment.
Once we were there, I ran up the stairs to the third floor, opening the door. It felt hollow and empty. There was something adjusted that just didn't feel okay.
"Maya?" I went into Calum's room, maybe they were in there. She wasn't in there, so I checked Luke's room. Then I checked my room, she was nowhere to be found. I finally walked to her room, hand wavering over her doorknob.
Luke's POV:
Kyra was over exaggerating. Maya was fine, somewhere hanging with friends or getting wasted. Kyra checked all the rooms except Maya's. I was somewhat worried, Maya had been suicidal in the past, but not really bad. She did cut, but I got her to stop.
"Luke! Help! No, Maya! Wake up! Please!" I heard a blood curdling scream and I ran to Maya's room and swung the door open. Kyra was clinging to Maya's pale legs. Maya's neck was tightened by a noose, and was now blue, her once pink lips were now purple. Her eyes were closed, but she didn't look peaceful at all. Her chest was red, and she was in the sweater she was wearing when she first met us. Her hair was down, still curly. I stared at her, I couldn't feel anything. My world stopped, right there. It felt as though time had froze, nothing would go.
"Luke do something!" She screeched. I picked up the phone and called 911. I could barely choke out words.
"My... Friend... Committed... Suicide." I choked out.
"We'll be there as soon as we can." After those words, the call ended. I dialed a number and pressed call.
"She's dead." I mumbled.
"Maya is dead!" I screamed. I ended the call and felt everything explode. I screamed, I punched the walls until my knuckles were bloody and felt broken. I cried harder than I had ever before. There was a knock at the door before policemen and paramedics and firemen busted through the door with a stretcher and a first aid kit. They ran into Maya's room, and a policeman grabbed Kyra and pulled her off of Maya. The door opened again, this time showing Calum. My blood boiled.
"This is your fault!" I screamed, hurling my body at him. Calum was crying and he didn't care to fight back. I punched him until the police pulled me off of him and put me in handcuffs. I huffed and felt gauze being wrapped around my knuckles. Calum was curled in a ball on the floor, pediatrics trying to calm him down. He was having a panic attack.
"Take the cuffs off for a second." The police shook their heads. "Trust me." They whispered to each other for a second before they unlocked the handcuffs. I sat down next to Calum and pressed my hand to his forehead. He slowly stopped shaking and looked around. A few tears fell from his eyes and I wiped them away. He looked at me.
"She's really gone." He whimpered.
"Hey, it will be okay."
"Its my fault."
"No, don't say that."
"There's a tape." The policeman brought us into the empty room, except the cut rope that laid on the floor, Maya's bed and dresser, and the video camera. We watched the video in agony, but held back our tears. I held Kyra's hand the whole time. After the all the police and paramedics and firemen walked out, we still sat on carpet floor in Maya's room.
"I remember when we handed out stuffed animals to all the kids at the hospital, how happy Maya looked." Calum broke the silence.
"I remember when we were little, I used to bite into lemons because I thought they were sweet. One time, she believed me and bit into one and cried afterwords." Kyra giggled.
"One time, we were playing Twister and she fell on top of me and told me I had nice eyes and accidentally poked one." I smiled.
"She's a great memory." Calum smiled back.
"Indeed." Kyra said.
"Let's have her buried." I changed the topic.
"Definitely." Calum agreed. Kyra nodded her head.
"Let's make a giant memoriam, with lots of flowers. And everyone is there."
"Oh shit, I forgot to call mom." Kyra blurted. She hurried out of the room, and came back with the phone. She took a deep breath in and dialed a number.
"Hey, mom." A tear streamed down her cheek. "No, its not okay." She choked out. "Maya- she- yes." She cried. "I know, I didn't expect it this soon either." She sighed. "Alright. I'll see you soon. Hey, its okay mom. Mom? Its gonna be okay." She ended the call and buried her face in her hands. "Its not gonna be okay." Her muffled voice cried.
Okay yeah I'm sure y'all are mad at me but I
I'm sorry. I updated twice so maybe that's the upside of this. I'll try to update soon. 1 chapter and an epilogue is it I'm sorryyyy
¿peace out, girl scouts?

SweatersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora