10 - Bet

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Calum's POV:
"Just a cat shirt. That's all I'm looking for." I looked at the blue-haired Target employee and she smiled, leading me towards the women's section. She pointed at a rack with graphic t-shirts and one of them had a cat on it.
"Here are our graphic tees, if you need anything else, just ask the manager for me."
"Okay, thanks." I smiled. I looked at the sizes and decided on a medium. I looked around a bit more and decided on a bag of candy, a birthday card, and a beanie. I walked to the register and found the lady that helped me before.
"Hello again." She giggled.
"Hey." I laughed and put my things on the conveyor belt. She grabbed them and rang them up, giving me the total as I grabbed my wallet out of my pocket. I paid and grabbed the bag. As I walked out of Target, I could already hear the buzz of the mall. I decided to grab some lunch while I was walking by the food court. I grabbed Taco Bell and went out the exit door, towards my car. I hopped in my car and started it up, driving away from the large building and towards Michael's house. My mind was racing with thoughts. I wonder if I could call the bet off? I'd have to talk to Michael and Ashton. Luke called it off weeks ago, but me being the jerk, I decided to keep it going. I had started falling for Maya a few days after we had started dating. All the stuff I had said to her when I had asked her out was bet. It was Michael who had seen her at the grocery store. I pulled into his driveway, full of guilt. I grabbed my empty bag. I had eaten my lunch on the way to Michael's. I walked inside, hearing a cry.
"Are you sure he would do that?" Maya whimpered.
"Yeah. He said it would be funny. We told him not to, but he did it." Ashton replied.
"I can't believe this." She cried harder. I walked in and Maya glared at me.
"Maya I can ex-"
"No! You are a sick boy!" She pounded her tiny fists against my chest and looked at me with pain in her eyes. "I can't believe you would do this to me." She looked into my eyes for the last time and turned away. "Why did you do it?"
"I wasn't the only one, I can explain."
"I asked why, not who."
"I did it because I was stupid, it was a mistake. I shouldn't have made that bet with Ashton and Michael. I didn't think I'd fall for you in the end."
"Oh so now its not just you lying, they knew the whole time." She looked at Ashton and Michael and shook her head. "I can't trust anyone in this goddamn house. Does Luke know about this?"
"No, he doesn't even know that we are dating."
"Let's keep it that way. You don't have to tell him something if it isn't happening anymore." And with that, she walked out the door, slamming it behind her. I felt my knees wobble and my eyes tear up. My whole world was crashing down around me and it was all because of me.
"Finally. I thought you'd never tell her!" Michael laughed. I scoffed and walked out of his house, climbing into my car. I drove away from the house of now bad memories and towards my own house.
Maya's POV:
"I just really needed to see you." I sighed, looking at Kyra.
"Yeah, it's been a long time." She laughed. I sipped my tea and looked around.
"The apartment is nice."
"Thanks. I decorated it myself so, you know. Of course it would look amazing." She smirked.
"Hey, I have to go see how Luke's doing, you wanna go?" I looked at her with questioning eyes and she shrugged.
"Sure. I'll be there for moral support." She poked her cheeks and smiled. I laughed and grabbed my car keys, heading for the door.
"Lukey Pookey!" I looked at the aussie who's head was now wrapped in white gauze and bandages from his major surgery.
"Mayita!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. "You're here to see me?"
"Yeah, why else would I be here? Its definetly not for math tutoring from Liz." I laughed.
"She's the best maths teacher ever, but I'm totally glad you're here to visit me." He laughed back. I kissed his forehead gently and sat in a chair next to his bed.
"Speaking of Liz, where is she?" I looked around the small, white room but Liz wasn't one of the things in it.
"She's phoning my dad." He shrugged, unknowing of the conversation.
"Okay." I looked down at my phone, checking the time.
"So how's it going with you and Calum?"
"What?" I frowned.
"You and Calum. Don't pretend you don't know."
"Uh, good. We actually were playing video games this morning, but he crushed me." I giggled fakely.
"Oh, I always beat him." He laughed.
"That's why you need to come home."
"I still have a week of recovery." Luke sighed and looked down at his hands.
"Hey, you made it out of that surgery alive. You have perfect speech, and you remember everybody. Some people don't get that." Kyra looked at Luke with sad eyes.
"You're right. I should be happy."
"Okay, well I'm gonna go use the ladies room, I'll be back." I walked out the room, looking for the ladies room.
Luke's POV:
"Thanks for that, really. I guess I didn't see what's infront of me." I looked at Kyra's blue eyes, my heart fluttering. I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I haven't been looking at guys. I've been looking at Kyra.
"No problem. I came for moral support, remember?" I could hear the laugh tucked in between her words.
"Yeah." I smiled. I looked down at the hospital bracelet that covered a small bit of my wrist. "I'm glad you came."
"Me too." She smiled back and grabbed my hand. "You're gonna be okay. And soon you'll come home." I looked at her small hand in my gigantic hand and smiled at how it fit perfectly. She looked up at me and turned her head to the side. "What?"
"Oh, nothing." I smiled.
"It has to be something." She furrowed her eyebrows and then raised them like she had come to a conclusion. "Oh, my bad. I forgot." She sheepisly took her hand out of mine and blushed.
"No, I like it." I blurted out.
"But I thought you were-"
"I'm not with you. You make me feel something different. Like I'm not. I don't know, its just, you're beautiful." I sighed, the relief of the words finally coming out. She smiled and put her hand back into mine. I scooted over and patted the spot next to me. She laid down next to me, putting her head in the crook of my neck.
"Can we stay like this for awhile?"
"Yeah." I smiled. I stroked her long, blonde hair as she rubbed her finger in circles on my hand. "I like you."
"I like you too."

I think

I think

I think I just died.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, hopefully its not confusing. I'll be back soon for another chapter. Peace out girl scouts.

SweatersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora