6 - gone girl

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Maya's POV:
"What the hell?" I pushed Calum away and turned around, running away. My head was full of thoughts and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I tripped over something, probably a rock. But I kept going.
"Maya!" Calum was running after me, yelling. I felt my breath escape from my lungs with each step. I didn't want to look back, but I knew Calum was right behind me. I felt his hand latch around my wrist and I halted to a stop, breath filling my lungs once again. I turned around and looked into his brown eyes as he looked into mine. We stood there like that for awhile until he finally pulled me in and hugged me. I didn't hug him back, I just stood there, emotionless.
"Maya?" I didn't answer. "Maya." He pulled back and looked at me. I stood there. "Maya!" I didn't know what was happening, I could feel my heart pounding and I was dizzy. I felt my body fall and everything blacked out.
Calum's POV:
"Yes, its an emergency!" I screamed at the nurse.
"Sir, we need you to calm down." I sighed and looked at her.
"Maya Gutierrez."
"Only family can see her unless you are requested."
"Can you tell her I want to see her?"
"She just went into cardiac shock. She has to take it easy for now." My hands balled into fists and I sighed again. I ran to her room without letting the nurse tell me no and ran into her room.
"Maya! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are the nurses treating you okay?" She looked at me and smiled.
"I'm fine. I don't need anything and yes, the nurses are treating me great! You seem a little young to be my doctor." She giggled and looked back up at the television.
"What? No, I'm not your doctor."
"You aren't? Then who the heck are you?"
"What's wrong with you? Don't you remember me?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me and shook her head. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest so hard that it might pop. I just stood there, in the doorway of her room. Her mom was sitting in the chair next to her and she frowned at me. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me out of her room.
"Maya, Maya, Maya!" I screamed her name until I couldn't anymore and I kicked at the security guards, but they wouldn't budge. They left me at the door of the hospital, staring at my reflection in the glass door.
Maya's POV:
"I don't think I can do this." My hands were shaking.
"Its for the best, sweetie." My mom grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I jerked my hand away from hers and glared at her.
"It wasn't Calum's fault."
"Confía en mí, Mayita."
(Translation: Trust me, Maya.)
"¿Cómo debo confiar en ti cuando Calum era el único aquí para mí?!" I screamed at her and tried to take the wires off of my body.
(Translation: How should I trust you when Calum was the only one here for me?!"
"Mayita!" My mom yelled at me. I could hear the machine go flat line as I hopped out of the bed, running out the door. I wheezed and kept going. I hit the elevator button and jumped on, hitting the lobby button. The elevator whirred and started moving down. The silver doors seperated and I jumped off, running out the glass doors. I could see Calum's car driving slowly away. I waved my arms at his car as I ran to it. I screamed his name and waved my hands harder. His car stopped, but then kept going. I ran harder, not waving my hands anymore. I finally reached almost to where his car was and ran as hard as I could. I reached his window and slammed my palms against it. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and finally stopped the car. He set his head against the steering wheel and cried harder. I was breathing heavily, still setting my palms against his window. I pulled on the door handle and sat on the leather seat.
"Calum." I looked at him and put a hand on his back. "I'm sorry."
"Maya, I need to tell you something."
"No, Calum, let me explain."
"My mom told me it was for the best. She didn't want me to like you, to see you. She said that we would never talk again and it would make it better for the both of us. And I'm sorry for that. This is all my fault. I just couldn't deal with it all."
"I'm sorry." I cried into my sleeve and looked out the window of his car.
"Maya!" Calum screamed at me and I looked over at him. "I found someone I hate leaving. I found someone I feel like I can call at any hour of the night. I found someone who I want to watch my favorite shows with and have pillow fights and wear my sweatshirts and wake up next to and see them wearing my T-shirt and I found someone who accepts me for who I am and doesn't want me to change and I feel like I can't get enough of her and I feel like I can fall madly in love with her." My jaw slowly dropped and I felt my heart pounding. "Her name is Maya."
HAHA IM ENDING HERE LEAVING YOU LIKE CANE THE CLIFF HANGER sorrey but I gots to or else it would be a boring chapterrr hope you like the feels so yea. You just take that in. Take a breather. You'll need it.

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