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Yugi's POV
Walking out the school next to Yami, I was given a various of goodbyes from my students.

"so we will meet at 10, at the Foxy Boxes". Yami cheerfully stated while walking away, walking home I questioned myself about what I'm going to tell my roommates, since they are the only man and man who know my secrets. I possibly couldn't start falling for this man. I don't want history to repeat itself, not again.

Standing outside of my complex apartment block I sighed heavily, as I started walking towards the double doors I saw the janitor leafy. Of course his name was only an inside joke but it was funny at the time. He gave me a gentle wave before heading back inside to clean the halls, leaving me alone with my thoughts my troubled thoughts. I was entered the vast halled building that at night made you imagination run wild, with the unimaginable. I got to my room. Room 54. Twirling my key in the complicated locks I could hear Jaden and Yusei yelling over petty things like Yusei calling Jaden a Kuriboh.

"MY HAIR DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A KURIBOH OR A WINGED KURIBOH!" a loud enraged voice yelled followed by a slam of the door. Opening the door I saw Yusei washing his hands and drying them off.

"Hi Yugi" his cool voice muttered. I gave him a curt nod placing my bag on the table,

"I'm going somewhere tonight" I alarmed his while he looked at motorbike and car parts.

I was ready and dressed up for the big night. Well, first night I've gone out in months. I never really did have friends to go out with other then Jaden and Yusei and they were always working.
Walking over to the table to get my wallet, 2 familiar voices asked behind me.

"so who's the lucky guy?~" they asked. Turning I saw Jaden and Yusei sitting down drinking tea, talking about the argument I guess.

"Just a friend who works at the school" I then replied cheerfully.

"yeah totally" they both teased looking at eachother. I quickly left after that not wanting to be held up. Since they know I'm gay but so is Yusei, him and jack are adorable. Jaden I guess is the only one in the apartment that's straight, his girlfriend Alexis is beyond homophobic just the thought could make her throw up. We keep her away because of that. I started to walk over to Foxy Boxes since it was only down the street, the summer heat warmed me up. Keeping my unaware of any coldness that came my way. Entering the busy pub, I looked around to see two friend managing the pub. But silently bickering over simple things. Scanning the area, the pub was a large space. Several tables and chairs were layed out almost randomly. Among all of loud drunken babble was Yami waving happily in the back infront of the large oak wood stage.

"Yugi! Over here!" the loud mouth trio coloured boy yelled from a across the room. I walked over to his table and sat,

"Hey Yami! Ordered drinks?" I gleefullyly jeered. Sitting down,

"well I wasn't sure if you drank so I waited" he said shuffling his toes.

"well I do so thanks anyway" I reassured him. Like a ring of the bell Marik walked over carrying two drinks I usually ordered here.

"On the house Yugi, holy ra how long has it been since you last drank here!" Marik exclaimed overworked. Laughing it off he walked away to serve other people,

"so you're a regular here? Wait this is my favourite drink!" he exclaimed.

"No I just went to school with the people who own the pub" I meekly replied.

Time flew past like a a duel between me and Tristen, I was tipsy and Yami was smashed they usually say. Spurting out weird sentences about his life and us bring friends, I didn't drink as much since I know I'm a light weight and I knew Yami was going to get drunk. It was extremely late and it being a weekend I couldn't take him home. Damn where does he even live I mean now the only place I could take him is.. my apartment.
It was decided I'm going to take him to my apartment, Jaden and Yusei.. I'm never gonna hear the end of thiss.

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