
911 41 5

Yugi's POV
Waking up my eyelids were heavy and sore from crying last night, I felt another body clamped around my waist tightly as his breathing tickled my neck as I felt his chest rise and fall. I turned to face him and felt him toss slightly as he made a soft groan and held me tight once again, his sleeping face was relaxed and calm while several messy hair strands fell down his face. Giving him a small peck on the cheek I snuggled into his chest only to hear a raspy chuckle,

"Good morning to you too Yugi" he muttered in my hair opening his tired fluorescent purple hues. As I wrapped myself around his torso he pushed he pushed himself up carrying me with him, this gave me the opportunity to take a peak at the digital clock placed on his nightstand. My heart spiked up when I saw the time,

"Y-Yami! It's 9 o'clock! We're late for work!" I panicked trying to get up and dressed but was instantly held back as Yami's strong hands pinned me down. A thick blush travelled across my cheeks while I closed my eyes as his soft lips touched mine, I could feel his grip loosen as one hand held me down and another travelled up my chest. Caressing my sensitive nipples and making me moan through the sweet sensational kiss we both shared, as we parted I felt Yami hug me nuzzling his head into my chest.

"I called them a few hours ago and got us a day off so you could fix things with your friend, and we could go out somewhere" he explained as relief washed over me,

"Your friend called last night. A few minutes after you went to sleep, of course I took the call" he said bearing deep into my eyes. Shock clouded my mind an I hadn't expected Jaden to call me after last night,

"He wanted to apologise so I told him he had to tell you himself" he finished getting up. Stretching he turned to me with a mischievous grin plastered on his lips,

"I'm going in the shower. Won't be long" leaving the room he said earning an agree from as I wrapped myself up in the duvet, the sheets still smelt like him giving me a warm and cared for feeling. I'm not sure how long I rested there since the bedroom door opened and closed,

"Your turn" Yami's teasing voice whispered through the protection of the duvet as I felt a heavy blanket like thing weigh down the bed. Peeling back the soft cover I got up on my two still sleeping legs, grabbing the towel I walked out and headed for the bathroom feeling his gazing eyes bare in the back of my head. Closing the door behind me I walked through the corridor to see directly in front of me the bathroom, wet footprints still lingered across the honey coloured wood that furnished the floor. Walking into the bathroom I heard the shower running, taking off my clothes I closed the door and walked into the shower. The tips of my hair suddenly flung downwards as I scanned my eyes over all the hair and body lotions he used, his shampoos and shower gels looked quite expensive. I washed my hair and body and walked out the shower as I wrapped the towel around my skinny waist, exiting the bathroom a chilly waft of air brushed against me making me shiver lightly. As I walked back into the bedroom I saw Yami had put out some clothes for me, I guess it was lucky we were the same clothing size.

"Wanna do a bet?" he suddenly asked me as I put on the pair of teal boxers underneath the towel,

"Hm? Sure?" I asked slightly sceptical about what I was getting myself into.

"Good. So, we will pick using heads or tails. If you win I'll do anything you want and If I win you have to do anything I want you to do, wear anything I want you to wear" he explained as he held a what looked like shirt but I had a hunch it was much more than that,

"Sure? Heads" I replied uncertainly as he got a penny out his back pocket. He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, silver black stringed dog tag and a black dog collar around his neck. Balancing the coin on his thumb and pointer finger he flicked the coin up in the air, the time felt like it stopped as It twirled vertically in the air and finally landed in the palm of his hand. Inside I dearly hoped that It would land on heads because I don't even want to imagine what he would possibly make me do, grasp the coin he unfolded his hand to show a bronze coin in his palm.

"Tails" he grinned as he passed me the white shirt like thing and sat down the chair in the corner,

"You're going to wear this and we're going on a date" he said smugly. Lifting the soft piece of clothing I was shocked to see a white layered dress that came with white earrings, a white fancy neck bow and two ribbons that I guess you wrap around your wrists.

"Y-Yami?!" I exclaimed shocked and flustered but I knew I had to wear it since I had lost the bet,

"Put it on Yugi, think of it as practice" he explained tapping his finger against the side of the wooden arm chair. I slipped it on fumbling with the ribbons that were meant for my wrists,

"Come here" he chuckled as he beckoned his finger towards me. Walking towards him I felt him push me onto him as an I sat awkwardly on his knee, I felt him kiss my shoulder as my face flustered up bright crimson. Pulling back he gently grabbed my wrist and tied the ribbon around and did the same to the other before wrapping his arms behind my knees and lifting me up.

"Let's go then!" he chirped happily walking out the room and picking up his keys and walking out the door.  

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