P5 [Smut]

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[ I'm not completely knowledgeable in these buildings so please don't dis or hate on me. I'm just writing from what I've seen and remember ]

Yugi's POV
Entering the school. The halls were clouded with students, students from my class calling me over in miniature groups and asking if I was going to teach. But shuffling my duffle bag I had to break to them that I'm not going to be in for the rest of the were, I then placed my way over to the principles office. Sitting there was Yami with a slightly different duffle bag,

"Yugi? You were called here too?" he asked genuinely confused but pleased not to be alone.

"I guess but I'm still confused why we had to bring sleepover gear. Field trip?" I questioned while answering his question,

"Maybe but the children don't have their bags?" we continued this discussion trying to figure out the mysteries of this puzzling adventure. But suddenly the door opened.

"Yugi Mutouu, Yami Sennen?" the what seemed principle Seto asked holding a duffle bag of his own. We both nodded.

"Well us three are going on a trip, just to free any stress this school has thrown on our shoulders. There's a small hotel resort a few hours from here, and we're going" he stated not giving us a chance resort back.

Le time skip brought by KC

Getting out of the bus that Seto was highly disgusted on, towering over us was a large hot spring. As we walked through they checked us in then directed us to our room. When we got there the room was a lot like a shrine room, it had a shoe stand where we would swap out our shoes for sandals and socks. And hung up on the wall across us were pearly white kimonos, all the right sizes for our body frames. Around the corner was a large room with a low table followed by many kneeling pillows. There was a cupboard and it was futons.

"So this is where we're staying?" Yami asked putting his bag in the corner, where we followed and did the same.

"Yes and get dressed, I'm going to the bathhouse. Care to join?" Seto asked. Earning nods as we all started stripping.

Now dressed we walked over to the bathhouse to be introduced to two walkthroughs, they were coloured coded and labelled 'woman' and 'men'. We walked through the men's entrance to see a large room with many shelves filled with empty baskets, all choosing a basket we stripped off. I felt a bit awkward to be but naked around my friend and a man I hardly know, I went In first feeling the awkward stares of the two men behind me.

I walked over to the shower sitting down and washing, the guys next to me who did the same had firm eyes locked onto me.

"S-So. Isn't this refreshing?" I awkwardly asked trying to divert the attention away from me. I just earned a few members of yes's.

"Hey, Yugi you missed a bit" Yami informed me taking my shower head and rinsed the bit of my hair that was too far for my to reach. I swear I heard Seto growl. When we finally got dressed we explored. Finding outside an hot spring he agreed to go in it; even though we had already bathed it seem refreshing. So walking in with a towel we together walked into the welcoming smoked water.

"So Yugi, want a game of truth or dare?" Yami asked me leaning back against the rocks and crossing his legs.

"Sure, Yami you go first!" I said gladly. Seto looked over moving closer to us, properly to listen in or join in.

"Um. Dare!" he challenged. I walked up to him and leant over to reach his ear,
"I dare you to grab Seto's towel" I whispered softly in his ear, my warm breath tickling his outer lobe causing him to shiver slightly.

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