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Yugi's POV
Brr! Brr! Brr! The alarm vibrated as I groaned rolling into Yami's sleeping state, he moaned hugging me while using one hand to slap the snooze button that stood proudly on the top of the clock. Hoping to get a few more minutes in bed a sudden laugh of a young child echoed through the bedroom, this was our son Atem. We had adopted him a few months back, he looked a lot like both me and Yami but was more tanned.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up Daddy!" he squealed as I felt him jump on my back while Yami sunk into the bed hoping he hadn't noticed him yet,

"Atem. Please.. Go back to bed" I moaned into my pillow as I curled up. Feeling something or someone crawl under, Atem's almost glowing innocent violet eyes staring at me under the quilt,

"Daddy?" he asked quietly as I hugged him into my chest kissing his forehead.

"Shhh.." I hushed feeling him curl up in my arms and fiddle with the rim of my shirt, suddenly I felt two arms wrap around us both while Yami's breath tickled my neck. All of us stayed like that for several minutes until little Atem wiggled out our arms and tried to pull us out the bed,

"Daddy I think somebody's hungry" I heard Yami chuckle in my ear as he gave the back of my neck a soft peck. A tired sigh came out of my lips as I got up shakily and looked back at him,

"Thanks for the help Dad" I teased as he groaned unhappily and turned over wrapping himself in the duvet.

"Well, my little monkey lets go get you some food then!" I joked sitting him on my hip as he giggled gripping my neck, our house was large but not too big just perfect. It was a three bedroom and two bathroom house with large garden, the kitchen was the right size for me or Yami to use when making meals or simply playing chef with little Atem, the living room was quite large and had two long sofas, a large television and a window connecting itself to the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen I looked into the fridge while Atem also took a peek grasping on the back of my shirt, in the fridge was 2 packs of bacon, eggs, milk, bread and other normal fridge foods.

"What would you like to eat? Your choice" I told him as he put on a thinking face,

"bacon and pancakes!" he finally let out cheering slightly with his decision. A sleek smile arose on my cheeks as I agreed and placed him down kissing his forehead in the process before he ran giggling into the living room and switched on his favourite show 'Spongebob Square Pants',

"Morning Daddy" I heard Yami's voice tease as he hugged my waist while resting his head in the crook of my neck kissing my collarbone tenderly. I dropped the bacon in the oiled pan and watched as it sizzled while I turned it,

"What're you making?" he asked while he watched me place each bacon strip on three separate black plates.

"Bacon and pancakes Daddy number 2" I replied as I saw him smirk and go over to the kettle to make me a tea and him a coffee,

"Don't forget Atem's chocolate milk!" I reminded as I poured the pancake batter mix into the pan and flipped it at the right times.

"I can't believe it been two years since we got married" Yami dreamily dazed getting three mugs out,

"It feels like yesterday.." I replied plating the final pancakes for washing them up. Placing each plate onto the table aligned next to the drinks,

"Atem! Breakfast!" I exclaimed hearing the shuffled scampers of his slippers as he walked and sat down. I placed a few sauces onto the table along with forks and knives, as we all sat down cute little Atem tucked into his meal looking satisfied. Once he was done eating food was smudged all around his lips causing me to chuckle lightly before getting out a napkin and wiping his lips.

"Now go get dressed" I told him as his face lit up and ran out causing both of us to smile at the small bundle of youth, I got up and started taking the plates away to wash and dry them up, as I filled the sink with soap and hot water I felt two arms wrap around my waist while a head was kissing down the side of my neck.

"How long has it been since we last had some super special fun time together? A week? Two?" Yami huskily questioned through each kiss making my cheeks heat up and a small moan escape my lips since he had found my sweet spot,

"L-later Yami" I mutter embarrassed as I let the water in the sink swim out but kept a small piece of soap at the end of my finger. Turning to face him I poked his nose leaving a small dot of soap on the tip but ignoring it he caught my lips softly while we thought about the rest of our lives.

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