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Yugi's POV
After that night with Yami I've been feeling my emotions for him becoming unbearable, my unconditional affection for him has grown stronger over these 3 days and before I knew it I was back in my own classroom teaching. I stood in my classroom. Only having 5 minutes before lessons I wrote the information needed onto the board, I suddenly felt a head rest on my head and two arms rest around my torso. My cheeks lit up a subtle red as I felt my heart beat rapidly,

"Y-yami?!" I exclaimed embarrassed.

"why are you so embarrassed? You weren't that night" he whispered in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine, I felt my hand shudder as I dropped the board pen that was tightly grasped in my hand as I felt him kiss my cheek. My heard erupted out of my chest as I then felt him kiss my collarbone,

"n-not here!" I moaned out feeling him hit my sweet spot. He then stopped realising the time and that the students were about to come in giving me a peck on the lips he leant over to my ear,

"Meet me outside after the school day ends" he whispered in my ear before running out to get to his own classroom. As I picked up the pen I had dropped and finished off the learning objective and date, after I started to write the starter I heard the class come in loudly. As they all chattered and sat at their desks I heard the talking mellow down,

"sir? What's going on with you and Mr Sennen?" I heard one student ask causing me to fluster up slightly.

"n-nothing!" I held back a stutter as I turned to the board and wrote down the grade and title,

"Sir your blushing! It's ok if your gay!" I heard a girl in the back yell. Her words warmed up my chest slightly as I smiled and started the lesson,

The cold air chilled me to the bone as I tightly pulled the fur ended jacket close to my shivering body, as 5 minutes passed I heard heavy footsteps make their way down the cemented stairs.

"sorry! I'm late I got delayed big time by some students, anyway, let's go! We don't want to miss it!" he yelled grabbing my hand a pulling my down the end of the stairs and into the streets. He was running incredibly fast as he rushed into and between people who had recently made their way out of work much like us, as we neared what I think was our destination till he ran into a clearing in the forest. The clearing was large and slightly eerie but showed a marvellous view of the night sky, hundreds even thousands of stars all huddled up in the large universe. All trying to be the centre of attention. As I turn my eyes away from the marvellous sight above I looked over to see Yami sitting on the green grass that looked like a comfortable seat, as I joined him in watching the sky I had to get this heavy feeling off my chest before it possibly crushed me front the inside. As I was about to talk I heard him start to talk,

"I wanted to show you this other than sit here by myself" he told me smiling as the moonlight light lit up his handsome features perfectly causing my heart to skip several beats.

"Y-yami? I-I I-" I stuttered out seeing him stare deeply towards me, my face heated up as I felt my palms grow hot and sweaty.

"You?" he asked me smirking from ear to ear as he leant in slightly,

"You what Yugi?" he then asked again only making me more nervous.

"Well I-I really like you! a-and I don't want to be a friend you've just slept with, a-a-and!" I nervously sputtered out as I looked down at my thumbs twiddling them,


"I love you Yami!" I finally exclaimed as my face shone bright crimson. Peeking upwards I saw Yami looking at me shocked as he had a glowing blush dusting his cheeks, I felt his warm soft hand upon mine as he tightly grasped it. Another hand suddenly grabbed my chin and lifted it up gently making me look into his beautiful alluring eyes.

"Y-yami?" I muttered softly as I felt him lean in and place his soft lips on mine once again, a sudden burst erupted as bright and stunning fireworks shot up into the sky making shapes of flowers and stars. The mood was perfect as we parted I felt complete,

"I love you too Yugi" I whispered hugging my small frame as tears of joy leaked out of my eyes. Never in my life have I ever felt so happy.

Unknown POV
"Guy's! Guy's! It's just up here! The best view to see the fireworks and Sir Sennen's secret hideout!" I yelled hearing my snakeskin pumps clacking against the pavement, I shivered in my sleeveless club shirt and miniskirt. My blonde hair blew in the wind as my two girls ran behind me mimicking my clanking,

"Oh! If only Mr Sennen would bring me up here!" I dreamed as tried to show more cleavage so that Mr Sennen could see that I was truly the only girl who deserved him since I was sexy and smart, I mean people keep saying he's gay or he and Sir Moto have a thing but there just a bunch of bitches who wants him for themselves. And if it's true I'll just have to split them up and get him myself, I mean people keep saying how cute Sir Moto is and they'd love to date him or have a boyfriend like him but I want a man, not a short boy.

"Brittney it's cold!" I heard Chantelle yell shivering with Becky running up behind her,

"Almost there I yelled quietly not wanting Yami to notice us.. well me. As we got to the top I expected to see Mr Sennen sitting there alone waiting for me to swoop in but instead I saw Mr Sennen and Sir Moto kissing, like proper lip locking under the fireworks. That should be me! Me and Mr Sennen under the fireworks together,

"OMG! Look at Mr Sennen and t-that boyfriend stealer!" I angrily whispered to the girls with me.

"but he's not even your boyfriend" I heard Becky mutter before I kicked her,

"I guess we'll have to just split them up!" I muttered evilly as I got out my phone and took a photo with the flash on but they didn't notice, I made sure it had Mr Sennen and Mr Moto in it.

"He'll regret even touching my man!"

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