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Yami's POV
Humming softly I happily walked through the large doors of Kaiba High, after yesterday I've been in higher spirits than I was before. They do say love changes a person, the halls were empty as I entered 2 hours early to get prepared for all my classes, but as I walked into the hall I was mortified. On some walls were pictures of me and Yugi yesterday down at the forest when he had confessed to me, when we had kissed; it was a wonderful photo so I cleared them up I put one into my bag then checked Yugi's room to see him curled up by his desk. And I don't blame him, looking up on his board was words like 'whore' and 'Skank'. I walked up to it rubbing it off I then turned to him and sat down beside him,

"Yugi?" I whispered to him only hearing a sobbed response instead. I sighed angrily at who would ever do this to such a kind and timid man like him, reaching over I hugged his curled up body only to have him hug me back. Digging his face into my chest, his low sobbing noises ringing in the air. Clenching my fists I felt his qwivering cease,

"How did anyone find out?" his soft timid voice wept.

"I don't know" I muttered rocking him in my lap and kissing his forehead tenderly, lifting him up I felt him latch onto my neck as I placed him on his own desk.

"I know this is hard, really. But you have a lesson to control and students to please, if after this you're just feeling even worse. Come to my house" I said to him writing down my address and pecking him softly on the lips before leaving him to get ready, after gathering all the last pictures in the school. I returned to my room only to see a note for me, 'Meet me afterschool in the your classroom <3 - B.H' was written on a sticky label and stuck to my whiteboard. Clenching the note I got prepared for my lesson knowing exactly who B.H was,

"Brittney Huntsman".

Breaktime with Yami
Hurrying down to the classrooms. Walking into the only classroom F-1 I saw her looking all smug and sitting seducingly on the old desks,

"Mr Sennen I've been waiting for you" her voice dripping with lust. I felt sick only looking at her after what she did,

"Mr Sennen! I know this is a bad thing to do. But I love you!" she confessed acting innocent. She ran up to me trying to embrace me only to have me grip her shoulders and rip her off my tall body,

"No.. I can't!" I yelled trying stop her from embracing me. She suddenly stopped after hearing my response,

"W-why not?! I'm the ideal woman for you! Smart! Beautiful! And you could do anything you wish to me! I will devote myself to you!" she yelled angrily at me.

"I'm gay! And I already love somebody else!" I yelled back as she started turning red from fury,

"Oh? Yes! That childish little Mr Moto! Why date a selfish attention whore like him?!" those words upset me most.

"Get.out" I told her as she looked taken back,

"N-no I didn't mean that!" she exclaimed realising what she had said.

"Get.Out.Of.My.Classroom" I ordered angrily as I clenched my teeth causing her to quickly scurry out without a sound, once she was gone I leant back on my desk breathing deeply to calm myself down. As I got ready and packed up to go home I had a thought,

"I wonder what Yugi's doing" I muttered to myself as I was about to take a small detour to Mr Kaiba's office.

Yugi's POV
As I walked home. The rain pelted on my small shoulders, reaching the large apartment complex I hoped that Yusei and/or Jaden would help get me back to my toes. The rain dripped from my hair down my back as I walked up those flights of stairs, reaching my door I opened it seeing Yusei like always. Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and watching Hell's Kitchen, upon hearing my entrance he swiftly turned wearing a face of concern before fetching me a towel and making a hot chocolate to warm me up. When sitting down I took small and careful sips of my drink feeling the warm liquid roll down my throat,

"Whats up Yugi?" he asked concerned.

"Somebody in my school, a student. Found out about me and Yami and took a photo of last night, of us in that forest. They stuck them around the school a wrote such cruel things on my board" I whimpered as I felt him put a hand on my head and ruffle my hair,

"Don't worry about it Yugi. I'm sure Yami will sort it out, you're basically the wife. So.. Mary or Ja'Nel?" he asked scratching his chin,

"Ja'Nel" I giggled.

"Really? I bet you £10 that Mary wins",

"Deal!" I exclaimed shaking his hand and immediately we both got out both our money and awaited the results. Finally, the results were called and Ja'Nel won, exactly at the same time the door opened to reveal Jaden and. His girlfriend; walking in she scowled at me laughing as Yusei almost regretfully passed over the bet money.

"Tahnee.. Hi" we muttered deeply as her glare shot through us like knives,

"And why! Are you two here?" she bitchily as she stomped around like she owned the place.

"We live here" Yusei grumbled sipping his Coffee as she went red with anger,

"Jaden! Why do you hangout with these Gay assholes?!" she exclaimed as she stomped her feet like a child.

"Don't they realise gay is a choice!? That its a sin?! They don't even deserve love! Its unnatural! Guys should only be with girls so they can have a family! Can they have kids and a family? Ofcourse not!" she yelled spitting more heartbreaking and offensive sentences that ripped my heart in two, as I heard everyone argue violently I felt tears trying not to press out my eyes. Out of everything I hate in the world the biggest was arguing, violent arguing, several tears slid down my face as Tahnee turned to me.

"And one of them is a pussy" she teased only making me feel worse,

"Don't call him that!" Yusei yelled angrily as he ruffled my hair reissuringly as I pleaded over to Jaden with my eyes to make it stop as puddles were errupting from my eyes; but he only looked away unconfortably so silently I snuck out and went to the only place I could think of.

Yami's House
I really don't like Tahnee from this story, she can't just make Yugi cry!

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