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Yugi's POV
Another day, another lesson done and duelled until next time, Yami had before asked me to meet him outside since he wanted to do some Christmas shopping before it was too late. Packing all my stuff up and putting them all in my bag I locked my desk and left the classroom, walking through I waved to teachers who had to stay later for meetings of sorts while they waved back. Outside, Yami was leaning against the rail that slid down each side of the large stairway.

"Took you long enough" he joked as an I walked down the stairs before he slid his hand into mine,

"So, done your actual Christmas shopping yet?" he asked lightly swinging our arms as we walked out the school gates.

"Some" I replied smiling at him brightly while he held me closer to him,

"Y'know, this is our eight-month anniversary" he gleamed kissing my forehead.

"I'm pretty sure that's not even a thing" I joked leaning into him only to have him lean back,

"Then it's our thing" he simply said making my heart go Doki Doki Doki. Finally reaching the end of the kerb where the centre was literally just round the corner, suddenly I felt myself get lifted on a pair of shoulders.

"A princess should never walk" he joked running slightly as I held onto his head,

"Princess!?" I exclaimed blushing furiously. Getting into town I gently rested his head while had both hands on my thighs keeping me study, we were getting judgemental stares of adults and elders and stares of envy from teenagers and young adults. But it also seemed that there weren't as many gay couples out as thought, a large Christmas tree was set out in the centre of the town. Decorated with white lights, different coloured tinsel and fancy ornaments it stood out perfectly.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Yami breathed out while I nodded resting my chin on his head, our first destination was a small shop just by Duelmart. Climbing off his shoulders we walked into this shop which had rows of gifts such as clothes, plushies, jewellery and other things like that,

"I need to talk to the checkout worker, be back in a minute" he told me walking over to the checkout. As I looked around I saw something that caught my eye, It was a giant Slither The Sky Dragon plushie that might even be bigger than Yami. Feeling myself get closer to it a tap came in contact with my right shoulder, turning I saw Yami standing there with a cocky smirk.

"You want it?" he asked as I violently shook my head,

"N-no! It's much too expensive anyway" I exclaimed muttering the last bit. After a bit more of looking around I found the last few presents that I was looking for while Yami only picked up a few, maybe he had already bought it all and was just picking up a few bits. After paying at the checkout we walked out hoping to spend a bit on ourselves.

"Want to go to the arcade maybe?" he asked me while drinking a bottle of water he bought in the shop, nodding I got dragged over to the arcade that was radiating music. When walking In I saw a row of claw machines and 3D simulators, tucked away in the corners were lines of Photobooths.

"So what's first?" he questioned getting out his wallet as I got mine,

"Maybe. The claw machines" I pointed out as we walked over there. In the claw machine were hundreds of plushies that were from the popular card game Duel Monsters, inserting the penny I pointed at the Blue Eyes White Dragon which was in the centre of all the rest.

"Hold my hand for luck" he whispered face filled with determination, my eyes watched as the claw moved, reached down and grabbed it. As it grabbed the plushie it slipped and tumbled,

"For the love of! Why don't you try" he exclaimed as I took the jobs and button. I felt him lean on shoulder as I became determined to get something on my first go, watching the claw move and pick up to item I hoped it wouldn't drop and it didn't. Watching as listening to the plushie roll into the prize collector space Yami looked dumb folded,

"y-you're just lucky" he pouted embarrassed. Taking it out I had noticed that there were two plushies connected by a tag, as I took them both out I split the tag shyly giving one to Yami as his face lit up slightly before giving a warm smile and a comforting hug,

"thanks for the gift" he said placing a small peck on my forehead before grabbing my hand and walking away to somewhere else in the arcade.

"why not go to the photo booth?" he asked pointing to a small booth that could fit roughly 3 people to its crowded area. Nodding slowly we walked over it getting in to see one chair, a screen and a coin slot. Yami got in but then surprisingly grasped my waist and placed me onto his lap leaning his head against the crook of my neck,

"are you comfortable like this?" he asked as I gave hum of agreement. We scrolled through the many frames you could get and finally picked on that took two copies of three photos with a panda border, when pressing the button I smiled brightly feeling the camera take the picture, on the screen was a countdown indicating when the next picture was. I felt soft lips touch my left cheek as I blushed deep scarlet and another picture was taken and the last I turned to feel Yami place his warm lips onto mine, melting in I felt him wrap and arm around my waist. I hadn't realised the picture had been taken until we parted and he nibbled lightly on my collarbone,

"let's go, it's getting late" he muttered yawning while resting his head on my chest. He lifts me out and got out himself while two strips of the photo printed out, picking them both up I gave one to Yami who smiled gladly.

"Let's go home"

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