Chapter Twenty Eight

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I lay next to Daisuke's cold body, my head resting on his chest. I felt no comfort in this cold embrace, because there was something missing.

A heartbeat.

I stare up at the falling sky, blinking as the raindrops fall on my face. My world had been slowly piecing itself together. I was going to escape my parents. I was going to live with Daisuke and his family. I was going to be happy. I was going to fall in love with Daisuke, and finally let him take me on a date.

And now my world was being torn apart.

I don't know how long I lay there, not shivering, but slowly growing colder. I held into Daisuke tighter as thunder rumbles overhead.

Already I missed him. I missed his laugh, his sparkling green eyes. I missed the flutters in my stomach I always denied when he came close. I missed catching his eye accidentally and not being able to look away. I missed his long eyelashes that would part so slowly when he awoke. I missed the way the wind tugged at his hair. I missed his idiotic attempts for a kiss or a date.

I missed him.

I lifted my eyes to his face, so small and pale in death. It was so different from when he was alive. When he was alive it was so vibrant and vivacious and full of life and love and now he was empty.

Suddenly I hear shouts, but I can't even bring myself to look up. Even as footsteps surround me, pounding into the earth. I can't bring myself to even respond until someone's hands are on me, pulling me away from Daisuke.

"No!" I shriek, clinging to him, "No!"

"She's alive!"

Immediately there are several more people around me, tugging Daisuke and me apart. I struggle.

The last thing I see before the darkness gripped my mind was Daisuke face, so small and pale in death.


There was no moment of blissful ignorance when I woke.

I knew immediately what had happened, why I was in the hospital, and an inhuman cry tore from me.

I ripped at the monitors, ignoring the machines' screeches of protest as I tugged needles from my skin. I tore at my clothing, at my hair, trying to find some way to ease the pain that was all I was. All I had become. Pain.

Doctors rushed in. People were shouting. Ice entered my veins and then I was once again blissfully unaware.


When I next awoke the pain still stabbed at me, but I had it under control. It was like trying to contain an atom bomb exploding in my chest. I felt as though I would implode, fall apart, die at any moment. The pain that I was trying to live with was unbearable, and I'd only just become acquainted with it.

A nurse was there.

"Good news!" She said cheerfully when she saw I was awake. How could she be cheerful? How could anyone in the world be happy again? How could everything keep going as though nothing had happened?

"Your Sensei pulled through!"

Mind numbing shock rips through me. Sensei... Was alive?

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