Bread Crumbs (Chapter two)

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---//MOLLY'S POV//---

(Molly's Dream)

I feel myself running from something, but when I try to turn around the room spins. " can't run from me..." I know her voice. I want to run for help.  

"Molly....don't you want me...don't you want me to come back?" not like this Aria. I turn and see my sister standing there in a dress covered in blood.

"Aria..." My words are caught in my throat. My sister smiles at me with her mouth pouring out blood.  

"Come here Molls let me get a taste." Her face vamps out and I run again. "You can't run forever like I can Molls...your not dead like me..."  

She appears in from of me and grabs me by my throat. " please." She smirks and for a second I see my Aria again but it disappears behind blood red eyes and veins.  

"You want me back Molly...well why don't you come join me." She whispers in my ear. I feel her lunge for my throat and I start screaming...

"Molly wake up!" I shoot up out of Elena's bed. "You were having a bad dream." I let my breathing calm down with my heart before I speak. "It was the Aria dream again." I tell her. She gives me a small squeeze on the shoulder.

"Molly, you know that Stefan & Damon are trying their best on finding her right?" I nod and hug myself thinking about my sisters demonic blood shot eyes. "Elena it's been six months and they just can't find her. I mean Stefan keeps telling me that Aria might not be able to control herself around me but he can, so can Damon and now you too."

I look over at Elena and think back to when she died going over the bridge that killed her parents. Matt had made it...but she didn't. And now she was a vampire. With some help from Stefan, she was in control of her urges. "Molly, I know you want your sister back but don't you think that she might not want to come back."

I feel my anger spike. "What do you mean Elena?! My sister isn't this monster like you guys say she is!!" Elena grabs me and hugs me close."I'm sorry Molly." I feel the tears and I hold on to Elena. "I just want her back home Elena. I want her back." She pats my head and coos me. "I know Molly, I know."

After my little breakdown, Elena and I go down stairs to fix breakfast. I see Jeremy at the kitchen table eating cereal. Ugh why did I have to wear boxers and a loose tank to bed. And I have bed head. Aria would be proud. I inwardly roll my eyes and grab a bowl.

"Morning Molls." I hear Jeremy say to me. "Morning Jer." I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see him. I lean over to grab the box of cereal and feel air hit my stomach. When I look down I notice Jeremy staring at that patch of exposed skin. I feel myself redden.

He clears his throat and excuses him self. "I got to go work at the grill see you guys later." He gives Elena a kiss on the cheek then gives me one too. Oh God I think I'm gonna hyperventilate. I sit down and see Elena smirking at me. "What?" I ask as I pour myself a nice bowl of cap'n crunch. "Nothing...just that I can hear your heart skip when your near Jeremy, and it went on over drive when he kissed you on the cheek." I blush and take a mouthful of cereal.

Just then Damon and Stefan come through the door. "Whoa little Buffy the bed head look is so not you." Damon says as he smirks at me. I flip him off and continue to eat my cereal. "Ouch that hurts Molls." Damon retorts. Stefan clears his throat. "Molly we have some news about Aria and Klaus's whereabouts." I feel myself get angry when I hear his name. The man who kidnapped my sister. He was probably making her do some sick and twisted things.

"Ok what's the news?" I ask after I swallow my cereal. They both look at each other. "Go on brother tell her." Stefan sighs at Damon's remark and tosses a news paper on the table in front of me. I look and the caption reads:

"Serial killer strikes again. Body count now 132."

I look up at them in confusion. "And your showing me this because?" Damon steps in. "Seems like the body count is unusually high for a regular person to do. But for a vampire, well..." I glance at the paper again. "Your telling me that Aria did this?" They nod.

"Molly the signs are all there. Each victim has been drained of blood, each were left in plain view to the public. It's not like Klaus to do this sloppy job. So it has to be Aria." I stand up and face Damon. "Don't you ever accuse my sister of murder or I will stake you myself, and from what I'm told Aria and I have the same temper."

I storm out of the kitchen and go up to Elena's room. I flop on the bed and cry. There's no way she could do this. Not my sister. Then I think back to the dream and shutter. The little voice in the back of my head tells me Aria is capable of anything now. I feel a presence in the room. "Go away I don't want to talk right now." I feel them come over and pull me up. It was Stefan.

"Molly I'm sorry that had upset you. But we want you to know what your getting into. Your sister is a killer now..." I wince when he says killer. "...and she needs to be stopped before she hurts herself." I look up at him. "Stefan if anyone could help her it's you... I mean you went down this path before and look your perfectly fine." He gives me a sad smile. "Yes, but I always fell back to the darkness. Only thing that kept me from going completely insane was Elena. She is my anchor."

I feel myself brighten. "Then when you bring her back I will be Aria's anchor. Stefan I'm not giving up on her I know deep down my big sister is still there." He kisses me on the cheek and stands. "Ok, since you are so sure that you can save her. We will bring her back by tomorrow." I literally jump off the bed. "You know where she is? Why didn't you tell me you jerk?!" I slap him on the arm and he chuckles.

"Ow! You know you have some really powerful hands. But anyway I had got a tip from someone telling me where we could find your sister." I give him a quizzical look. "Who was the tipster?" He looks at me. "Katherine." Katherine was the one who hated Klaus and keeps on the run because of him. "Why would she help you tell where my sister is?"

"Because she owes me a favor." He left it at that and walked out the room. I felt my heart swell. They were going to bring my sister home. All it took was a tipster and a few bread crumbs.

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