Hallucinating...(Chapter Fifteen)

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----//ARIA'S POV//----

Tyler had brought me to the boarding house. He carried me bride style over the threshold. "Damon! Stefan! Come here quick!" He laid me on the couch and went looking for the Salvatore brothers. 

My wrist hurt like hell and my body kept shivering from shock. I heard Stefan growl and then a crash came out of no where. "You bit her!" I smirk knowing no one would believe Tyler over me. Stefan came down and rushed to me. "Stefan...I feel so sick...you have to call Klaus or I'm going to die."  

Stefan held me close. "Stefan I'm telling you the truth! Aria planned all of this!" I hear Tyler yell. I look at him. "Why would I have you bite me Ty? I just came over to talk and you....you went and lunged at me." I whisper in pain. His eyes glow yellow and he lunges for me.

Stefan grabs him and pin him to the wall. "Get out of here Tyler! Or so help me I will kill you myself." Just then Elena and Molly came through the door. "Stefan what are you doing?!" Elena grabbed Stefan and puller him off of Tyler. Molly looked right at me on the couch and ran to me. "Aria what happened?"  

I look over at her weakly. "Tyler....bit me." Molly glared at Tyler and picked up a fire poker and was ready to stake Tyler but he grabbed it from her. "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't just kill you right now Tyler! And it better be a good ass reason too!" I hear her snap at him.

Everyone's eyes were on Tyler. I smiled at him devilishly. "She made me do it. She made me do it so Klaus could come and heal her. I swear." Everyone looked at me then. I smirk. "He's right....I did and I would do it again." Molly moved close to me. "Aria? Why would you do that?" I scoff at her but wince in pain.

"Because Molls I'm miserable here. I miss Klaus, and this is the only way to bring him to me." I feel something and lean over the couch and puke up blood. "And if you don't hurry quick....I'll be dead." I wince in pain again and feel the room spin....

----//MOLLY'S POV//----

Elena and Stefan had stayed to keep Aria from vomiting more blood. Tyler had went to get Bonnie and Caroline. I held myself sitting outside. Why? Why would she do this to herself? Soon Bonnie and Caroline came up the steps. "Is everything okay?" Bonnie went over to hug me. I held into her for dear life. "She...my sister is dying Bonnie I'm so scared. I..." I break down and cry.  

"Caroline go check on Aria I'll take care of Molly." Caroline said yes and went inside. "We can't have Klaus come back here. Not only will he take Aria away but he'll kill us without thinking twice about it." I feel a panic attack coming on as I think about Klaus killing all of my loved ones in front of me. Bonnie holds me at arms length and looks me right in the eye.

"No Molly I won't let that happen. My mom had taught me a spell for just this occasion. She had told me that my magic was too pure for this spell but I told her I'd kill myself trying to take down Klaus before he kills someone else I love. She caved and told me about a desiccation spell." 

I feel a chill when I ask my question. "What is a desiccation spell?" Bonnie doesn't look me in the eye. "In order to stop Klaus's heart I have to actually stop a human heart from beating, to create a balance in the world."  

I think about what she says and look at her with boldness. "I'll do it... I want to help you take him down. Klaus Mikaelson has taken enough from us and he's not walking out of this town with my sister. Bonnie brown eyes sadden. "Molly are you sure about this? There is a possibility that you could die." I nod. "For all of you and my sister I am willing to take that risk."

We go inside to tell Stefan. He was with Elena rubbing my sisters back while Elena held my sisters hair while she puked up more blood. I wince from the scene. "Stefan can we talk to you." He walks over to us and we bring him into the study. Before I could speak we hear a scream and a growl.

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