I Will Rip This Country Apart looking For Her(Chapter Six)

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----//KLAUS'S POV//----

"Aria, love call me when you get this message." I hang up and get the urge to throw the bloody phone across the room. "Did you find her yet!?" I snap at the red headed witch. "It takes time Niklaus. Rome wasn't built in a day and finding this girl isn't going to happening if you keep breathing down my neck." I pace around seething with rage. She's never been away from me this long. Maybe she went off on a ripper spree? No I told her to behave, besides the news would have reported it. What if someone kidnapped her? I feel a growl in my chest. If I find out who ever took her I will kill them and their whole family including everyone they have ever met. I think back to three days ago.


I was on the phone with Elijah telling him about my plans. "Yes dear brother, I plan on asking her hand in marriage but I want to wait until tonight. I want you to get Rebekah and Kol then meet me..." I turn around and see Aria walking into the room with an annoyed look on her face. But she smiles at me and I go back to my phone call. I hang up and have a smile on my face. "So love how did the reservation go?" No answer. I turn around and see she isn't there. I walk up and knock on the bathroom door. "Aria, sweetheart?" No answer. I open the door and the bathroom was empty. Where is she?

I walk out of the room and head down to the front desk. I see a thin man flirting with with a blonde at the front desk. "Excuse me mate, but have you seen a girl with dark brown hair, green eyes, wearing a plaid brown and white shirt?" He only glances at me. "Nope, sorry buddy." He continues to flirt with the blonde. I glare at him. I tap the woman on the shoulder and look deep into her eyes. "Wait outside in your car and don't drive until you see this man walk out the building." Her eyes glaze over as she walks away. "Hey, I was busy." I grab the man by the front of his suit and pull him to me. "Now that I have your full attention I will ask you again." I feel my face vamp out and the mans eyes widen. "S-she was here a few moments ago to make reservations and that's all I haven't seen her after that. I swear." I grin at him. "There that wasn't so hard now was it?" I look him in the eyes. "No go walk out side and let your little blonde friend hit you with her car. Got it mate?" He nods and walks out the door. A few seconds later I hear a huge crash and some screams, but I don't care I need to find Aria.


I keep pacing until I hear Monica give a frustrated sigh. "Niklaus, this is no use. Who ever has your girl is keeping her location on lock down. In fact it's like she's never existed." I turn on her. "You find her. And I don't care what it takes. I will rip this country apart to look for her and if I can't find her. I will got to the next continent and the next one until I rip this entire planet apart in search for her." I pick up my phone and dial one of my hybrids numbers. "Lucas, I want you and the others to scatter across the country and look for Aria. When you find her call me immediately and I will be there first thing. And make sure she doesn't get away." I hang up and look over at the witch. She's lucky I still need her services or else she would be dead right this moment...

----//ARIA'S POV//----

The next day I was up early and look over the few clothes that Stefan had bought me. I look them over again and felt that it was my style. After my shower I put on a nice nude bra and pantie set and some ankle socks then I picked out a white tank with a black heart on it. A pair of shorts and put on some black sneakers. I looked around the room and found some trinkets. Hmmm I can use these. An hour later I had a nice leather bracelet and little black bow earrings. In the mist of my searching I also found one of Elena's old grey nail polish and some shades. I was all set for my plans today.

I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." When I turn around I see it's Elena. "Hey...Aria." I look her up and down. "What you came to break my neck too?" She holds her hands up as if showing she wasn't a threat. "No, just came by to say hi." I roll my eyes. Even as a vampire she has the peace maker attitude, and I'm sure that it's heightened ugh. "You said your greetings now bye." I say as I turn to the mirror and pull my hair up thinking whether I want my hair up or down.

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