Bye Bye Jeremy...(Chapter Thirteen)

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----//MOLLY'S POV//----

Caroline had ran over to make sure no one would touch or crowd around Ashley's body. "I'm calling my mom right now." Caroline says out loud. Many or the party goers started to flee the room some were crying hysterically.  

"How did she fall?" "I think she tripped..." "No she got pushed...I mean she had to right?" I kept hearing the questions being whispered around. I felt an arm around my shoulder. "You okay kid?" I hear Aria say with concern. I close my eyes and let the tears fall. This was suppose to be a night of dreams and memories. Now it's just nightmares and a murder of an innocent girl. "Aria....why do people keep dying?" I burried my face in her chest and feel her rub my back. 

"Well Molly, everyone has to die one day." Why did it sound like she had a smile on her face when she said that? 

I look up and see my sisters green eyes glow bright for a split second. "Come on Molly lets go and get you some fresh air." I move back. "No Aria, I...I think Jeremy pushed Ashley off the stairs." I whisper to her. "What? That's impossible. Jeremy is like the nicest kid." Aria says with a frown. "Lets go find Elena, Molly so we can get this all straighten out."  

We find Elena outside talking to Caroline and Tyler. "Elena, Molly has something to tell you it involves Jeremy." My sister says as she pulls Elena to the side. She looks at me with worry in her eyes. "What's wrong Molly?"

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Elena I think Jeremy pushed Ashley off the stairs. Now before you go off on me just hear me out. When I looked up at the top of the stairs Jeremy was walking away. He was the only one besides Ashley up there." I felt my palms sweat. If Jeremy did kill her...why would he do it?

Elena's expression seem to go from worry to shock in a matter of seconds. "We need to go look for Jeremy now." Elena walked off like a woman on a mission. Aria and I went upstairs looking for Jeremy. So far no luck. Aria had went to look in a spare room while I went into Tyler's room. I froze on the spot when I saw Jeremy standing in the room. He turned to me and smiled.

I don't know if my heart was pounding in fear or pounding because of that smile but I'll go with fear since I'm not too happy being in the room alone with him. "Jeremy, come down stairs. We want to talk to you about Ashley." I slowly step in to the room and keep him in my eye sight.

"Molly you never answered my question." His eyes seem to show no emotion whatsoever. My body went cold. "Jeremy, I don't think I'm the right one for you. But....we can be friends." He looked at me with a frown on his lips. "That's too bad Molly, I guess I have to kill you." I felt rooted to the floor. "What?" I whimper out.

"My orders were to kill you if you say no. I always follow my orders. Just like with Ashley and the others." I step back away from him as I see him pull out a knife. "J-Jeremy...what others?" I stutter out as I feel the wall pressed on my back. He stops. "The other people I killed, they told me to kill the girl at the party, the man in his house, and the man in the woods. Then they told me to kill Ashley."  

"Who's they Jeremy?" He hesitates and thinks about it. "I don't remember. They just told me my orders and I follow them. Now don't scream Molly it will be a quick slice across the throat." He lunges at me and I scream. I hear a hiss enter the room and when I look and see the knife on the floor and Aria pinning Jeremy to the wall. Her face was all vamped out.

"You dare try to hurt my little sister. You must really want to die!" My sister goes to bite him but I scream for her to stop. "No Aria don't! Someone is compelling him!" She looks over at me then back at Jeremy. She curses under her breath but still pins him to the wall. I hear foot steps and Elena, Stefan and Damon comes through the door. "Aria let Jeremy go." Elena hisses at her.

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