Oh So You're The Prom Queen?...Off With Your Head(Chapter Tweleve)

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----//MOLLY'S POV//----

Prom day was finally here and Aria just seems more happier about it than I do. "Elena how are you doing your hair tonight?" I ask as we all get our nails done. "I'm thinking about wearing it down with loose curls." I look over at Aria. "What about you Ar?" She pokes out her bottom lip and thinks. "I'm thinking since my dress and heels are stunning and proper I want my hair to be the opposite. Still stunning but I want a Mohawk."  

I almost choke on my water. "You're cutting your hair!?" She glares at me then rolls her eyes. "No Molls I'm gonna smooth my hair up on the sides then take the rest and put it in wild curls." She shows me the picture in the magazine and I nod. "That is wow. I can't wait to see it." She looks at me and smiles. 

"Molly I think you should do a nice side hair style. Get curls. Have some bangs for that big forehead of yours." I flip her off. And she laughs. "I'm kidding about the forehead part. But yeah I think the side curls and bangs will suit you. What do you think Elena?" She looks at me and nods. "Yeah I can see it."

  After our nails were done we went to Elena's place. Aria and Elena were walking upstairs talking about the after party and I head to the kitchen for something to eat. I bumped right into Jeremy. "Oh gosh I'm sorry Jer." I felt his hands on my waist and a shiver ran through my body. "It's ok Molly." He moved his hands and put them in his pocket. "So...are you ready for prom?" I asked as I rolled on the balls of my feet. "Yeah totally. What about you?" 

"Seeing that this will be my first senior prom before I'm even a senior, I have to say I'm so excited. Mostly because I'll be spending it with Aria. You know I really think she likes being here with me." Jeremy smiles at me.  "Well I gotta go and pick up Bonnie's corsage. But make sure you save me a dance k?"  

"Yeah I will." I say after him. I let out a sigh and smile. "Ehem did I interrupt something?" I jump when I hear Aria's voice on the stairs. "What? No. There was nothing going on. Nothing at all." She stares at me. "Yeah....right. Now come up stairs I have the scissors for your hair. We have about a good eight hours before prom and I still have my hair to do. Plus I gotta use enough hair spray to poke a hole in the ozone layer." She giggles and runs back upstairs. I follow her and get ready for the prom of a life time.


----//ARIA'S POV//----

When I looked in the mirror I had to say I looked good. My Mohawk was perfect and my dress well I was wearing it how much more perfect can it be? "How do I look?" I turn to Molly and gasp. "Awe my little sisters First Senior Prom. I think I'm gonna cry." I look over at Elena. "Our little Molly's all grown up. Where has the time gone." Elena giggles. "I know right back in my day girls never wear dresses like that." Elena says to me. "Really well in my day our dresses couldn't be no more than for inches off the floor." Molly rolls her eyes at our taunts.

"Really Molls you look great." I fix her bangs and look her over. "I can do some magic with a pair of scissors. I should go to beauty school. Oh before we go, here." I pick up her arm and slide a pure white corsage on her wrist. "What kind of date would I be if I didn't get you a corsage." My sister went to hug me but I swat her away. "If you ruin your make-up from hugging and tearing up I will kill you." I say with a laugh. 

We all head down stairs and see Jeremy all dressed up. "Bonnie's coming with Caroline and Tyler. But wow I have to say you all look great." Molly blushes and Elena says thanks. "Why thanks Jeremy. And might I add you clean up pretty nicely. What do you think Molls?" I see her shoot me with a death glare. Man I never get tired of that.

 "I think he looks very nice." She mutters. A knock comes to the door and I go to open it. "Stefan come in. Damon go jump off a cliff." I then walk away and hear them walk in behind me. "Aria be nice." I hear Elena say. I pout a little. "Okay I'll put the claws away for one night." I look over at Damon. "You look nice Damon. Much better than you did yesterday." He smirks at me and places his arm on my shoulder. I fight the urge to punch him. "And you look lovely tonight Aria. Promise to save me a dance tonight?" I feel my eye twitch.

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