Hit Em Where It Hurts(Chapter Sixteen)

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----//KLAUS'S POV//----

I was seething with rage. But I will finally get Aria back. She had Tyler bite her...oh he's dead when I walk through the door. And the Salvatore brothers as well. I start to walk out of the building but Darius had stopped me. Such a loyal Hybrid but couldn't he see I was busy. "Klaus sir you have a letter." I glared at him but took the letter and read it.

"Klaus, you have refused my freedom, shame on you. But while you sort out your own problems. I have one last thing to offer you. I've caught wind that there is a witch in New Orleans named Jane-Anne Deveraux plotting a move against you and your beloved Aria. Hunt her down. What she has to say will rattle you so deeply to the core that chasing little old me will be the least of your concerns. It's been a fun five centuries, Klaus. But I've worn down too many good heels running from you. 

Love and Hate, 


When I get my girl I will hunt this witch down and get some answers.

----//ARIA'S POV//----

I stopped throwing up blood. But now I keep having these headaches and dizzy spells. Damn if I would have known I would feel this much pain I would have prepared myself better for this. Molly didn't leave my side which annoyed me. I wanted to just bite her and dra....oh God the pain again. I need to not think about killing her right now.

"Shhh Aria it's gonna be okay, Klaus is coming soon. He'll heal you." I wanted her to shut the hell up not comfort me. I glared at her but Elena sat in front of her. "Molly I think you should go Aria is getting that weird look in her eyes and I don't want her to attack you." Molly nods then looks back at me. "Get better Ar."

A growl escaped my throat as I watch her and Bonnie leave. Get better? I'm sitting here half dead because of her. If she would have just forgotten about me, then I wouldn't be in the situation. The pain was starting to fade and I was starting to feel...calm.

Is this what it feels like to die? Is this how people feel when they pass in their sleep? I know this time that I won't see that white light at the end of the tunnel. I've done do much to deserve that.

 Elena and Caroline were hovering over me. I feel myself fall asleep. "Do you think what Tyler said was true. That she planned for him to bite her to bring Klaus here?" I hear Caroline whisper. "If she did...then I'd have to say Molly needs to give up on her. I mean Aria put herself at deaths door just to bring Klaus here." Elena replies. I try to listen to the rest of the conversation but sleep hits me....

----//KLAUS'S POV//----

I drove to Mystic Falls as fast as I could. I would assume that Aria is at the Salvatore's place. I park out front and walk up the stairs. I bang on the door and see Stefan opens it up. I walk in past him and scan the room for Aria.  

I see Tyler standing at the window and when he turns around fear is in his eyes. I then see Elena and Caroline near Aria on the couch. I walk to her and she looks so deathly sick. "I'm here love." I touch her hand and see the nasty bite. Oh yes Tyler I'm ripping your heart out the second I'm done with Aria.  

Her eyes flutters open and she smiles at me weakly. "K...Klaus? Is...that....you?" I nod and look into her eyes. "Yes Aria it's me." She then glares at me. "If...if this...is some...kind of...trick Iyana...I'll Kill you." I chuckle at that. Nice to see she's still has her confidence even when she's so close to death.  

"No tricks sweetheart." I bite into my wrist and bring it close to her lips. She hesitates but latches on and I hear a moan escape her lips as she drinks. I kiss her hair as she continues to drink. I look down and see the bite slowly healing....

----//ARIA'S POV//----

His blood was just as I remember. Rich and powerful. I let his arm go and wipe my lips smiling at him. He's here. After all this time he's finally here. My heart was pounding in my chest from just being this close to him. "I knew you would come for me." I hug him close and inhale his scent. Just like I remember it. I missed it. I missed his touch...I missed him. He hugs me back then moves to look at me.

"Now did you have Tyler bite you Aria?" I look over at Tyler and smirk. "Yes I did, and he wasn't too gentle about it either." The growl that escaped Klaus's throat shook the house. He was in front of Tyler in seconds.

"Good Bye Tyler." Klaus raised his hand ready to rip his heart out but Tyler moves quicker and grabs Klaus's arm and twists it behind him. Suddenly Stefan and Damon flash in the room and take a hold of Klaus. Stefan jams his hand into Klaus's chest and he lets out a blood curdling yell.

"No!" I scream and I go to charge at Stefan but Elena and Caroline holds me down...

----//MOLLY'S POV//----

I'm lying on the ground in the woods as Bonnie kneels besides me. "Okay they have contact." Bonnie then starts to chant. I feel nervous but this is all for the people I love. As she chants I feel my heart starting to slow down. I feel my breathing gets slower as well and I stare into the sky.  

She chants faster and I feel my heart beat barley going now. I feel calm as the sky tunnels in my vision. If I do die it will be for everyone and most of all...Aria. I feel one more beat and I feel the world go black and silent....

----//ARIA'S POV//----

I scream as I hear Klaus's heart slowing down. No,no,no,no...stop it please...

A sob escapes my lips as I see his skin ashen. Klaus looks into Stefan's eyes and then he looks at me and I see the tear fall. I felt like my heart was dying with him. His heart beat gets slower and I feel my cry trapped in my throat. Finally his heart stops and Tyler lays him on the floor.

I let the scream/cry pass my lips. "Why? Why? Why" I moan out as I see him lying on the ground. "Aria he-" I glare at Elena and use all my strength to throw her and Caroline off of me. I run to him but I fall to my knees as I look down at him. Those beautiful blue eyes carried no light. Stefan had came to pick me up but I pushed him away and cried on Klaus's chest.

"Stefan, it hurts....it hurts so much..." I no longer feel the fight in me when Stefan picks me up. I lay in his arms as he walks me out of the house. I look back at Klaus's motionless body on the ground. My heart was on the floor with him. "Stefan... It hurts..." He gives me a sad look and holds me closer. "I know....Aria...I know."

----//BONNIE'S POV//----

The spell was complete and I felt something dark rush to me but I pushed it down. When I looked down Molly was looking staring at the sky but there was no life in her big green eyes.


I started to chant a resurrection spell. But after a few minutes she was still motionless. "Molly! Wake up!" I started to do mouth to mouth and pressed my hands on her chest. "Molly, wake up please!"

I hear a gasp escape her lips and she coughs. She sits up and I sigh with relief. "D--Did it work?" She says as she gasps for more air. "Yes, it did." She smiles at me and jumps in to my arms. "We did it Bonnie...we beat Klaus!" I hold her tight. "Yes we did Molly. Yes we did."


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