Great Ideas....Take Time.. (Chapter Seven)

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----//ARIA'S POV//----

After I gather some clothes from my room, we arrived at Elena's house with a mass of horror movies, comedies, and even some romance. "Caroline I swear if you put in the notebook I will take that DVD and snap it in half." I say as she goes to pop in a DVD. She glares at me but she puts the DVD away. I head into the kitchen with Elena and Molly to grab some drinks. "Aria, here." Elena tosses me a blood bag and I catch it with ease. I don't even hesitate I rip the bag open and drink. It wasn't from the vein but for now I had to deal with this..for now...

I just about ate half of the pepperoni pizza. "Come on Aria save us some pizza too." I hear my sister whine. "Too bad little sis since you had Damon and Stefan bring me back I am going to eat you out of house and home." I say as I grab another pizza and blood bag. I sit back down next to her and feel her flinch. I smile inwardly. Fear is such a powerful thing someone can have for you. Now I see what Klaus is talking about.

"So Molly have you asked out jer-" "Okay! Lets go and watch a Freddy slasher movie." My sister says as she covers my mouth. I lick her palm and she squeals. "Ew! Gross! Aria!" I roll on the floor laughing. "I couldn't resist." I laugh harder and feel a pillow hit me hard on the head. I glare and see Molly held the pillow. The anger rushed me quick and I had her pinned to the couch. "You're gonna regret that."

Just then I feel pain in my head. "Ahhhhh!!!!!" I flash across the room and hold my side. "I told you if you think about killing the living you will feel pain." I hear Bonnie say as she eats popcorn. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry now make the pain stop!" I suddenly feel calm and I collapse to the floor. Molly goes and sits by Caroline. I glare at Bonnie and slowly stand. "Sorry Molly." I mumble as I go upstairs. "Where are you going?" Caroline asks me as they start the cheesy horror movie. "I'm about to take a shower. Feeling your head as if it's about to explode makes you want to go clear your head in some running water."

I go to the bathroom and bump into Jeremy. I smirk at him. "Sorry Jer." He barley looks at me. "Yeah..." He goes to his room and I follow him. "Nice room. I see you don't have those superman sheets anymore." I say as I admire his room. "Yeah, thanks but don't you have a slumber party to get back to?" He asks as he picks up his laptop.

"Actually Jer I was hoping we could have our own slumber party." I lean in close to him. "No thanks. And don't even think about compelling me I wear vervain." I smirk at him. You really shouldn't have told me that. I look closely and see the bracelet on his arm.

"Oh Jeremy that really hurt. I'm trying to turn a new leaf. But I guess I have to go back to my old ways." I move quick and snatch the bracelet off. I pin him to the bed and whisper in his ear. "I think you can be some great use to me. And I think mystic falls need to be shaken up a bit so your going to help me." I look him in the eye and give my demands... 

When I'm doing telling him what he is going to do I give him one last order. "You will not remember this conversation got that?" His eyes glaze over and he nods. " this might hurt a bit." I pick up his arm and bite deeply into his wrist. I stop after a few minute. Mmmm a blood bag can't compare to this....

---//MOLLY'S POV//---

Aria comes back down stairs towel drying her hair and a deep smile on her face. What's got her so happy? "Hey guys wanna play true or dare?" She asks as she sits down on the floor. "Sure, this Freddy Slasher movie is boring anyway." I hear Elena say. We all join in and sit around the couch. "Ok Bonnie truth or dare?" Aria says as she grabs a bottle of water.

"Dare." Aria smirks. "I dare you to let me out of town." She says as she leans back on her hands. "" Bonnie retorts. "Hey can't blame a girl for trying." She says with a shrug. "Ok Aria, truth or dare?" I hear Caroline say. I know my sister and she always pick dare in the beginning then truth when she gets bored. "I choose truth." Wow guess she's bored.

"Is it true that Klaus kidnapped you?" My sisters green eyes seem to pale a little. Weird... "No, I went with him willingly and I will be back with him soon." My sister says as she yawns. "Aria, are you tired?" I ask as I look at her closely. "Yeah...sorry guys but I feel so sleepy. Guess it was because of the food." She gets up and stretches and heads upstairs. We all follow and start to get ready for bed. I lay in Elena's bed while Bonnie and Caroline makes a pallet on the floor. Aria chooses the window and grabs a thick blanket and just goes to sleep. "Night Aria." I call out. "Yeah night Molls." I roll over and feel sleep pull me under.


"Molly..." I can't see who's calling me but when I look down I'm standing in a pool of blood. "See Molly... You could be a ripper" I look up and I see Aria. We're standing side by side in front of a mirror. We look so much a like its hard to tell who is who. I look back down and see Jeremy kneeling in front of me. "Kill him Molly. It's easy, just turn your emotions off." Aria whispers in my ear. I feel my jaw hurt. Jeremy looks up with fear in his eyes.

"Molly, please don't do this." I feel something inside of me. "You feel that don't you Molly? That's the hunger. Give in to it and I promise you'll love it." Aria says in my ear. I feel my face change and I grab Jeremy. I see my sister smile as she grabs his wrist. "Now feed Molly." I see her lunge and bite into Jeremy's wrist. The blood dripping down sings to me. "Don't...Molly..." I look into Jeremy's eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't help it." I bite down....

I feel someone shaking me. "Molly wake the hell up!" I shoot out of bed and see Aria standing over me. I scoot away from her. "I woke you up cause you were talking in your sleep about wouldn't happen to be dreaming about Iyana would you?"

I take in a deep breath and let it out. "No...I was dreaming about those crazy slasher movies. That's the last time I watch those before bed." I say with a nervous chuckle. My sister crosses her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes. But she leaves it alone and goes back to her pallet and goes to sleep.

----//ARIA'S POV//---

I know Molly is lying but if she doesn't want to tell me then that's her life. But if she is dreaming about Iyana then I have to deal with that creepy witch once again. I lay down and hear everyone breathing lightly. I look out the window and see the crescent moon. Nights like this I wish I was laying next to Klaus. We would talk about some really interesting things.

He told me about his childhood and even about his brother Henry. I was the only one who knew all those intimate details about his life. Not even his siblings knew. I even confessed to him that I wanted to have children when I had got older. But now that I'm a vampire that's just a painful dream. Oh well children are too much of a hand full anyway. I close my eyes and just think about his smell and his touch. I think about his voice against my ear and the chills he sent through me every time he would kissed me. "Klaus I miss you." Not long after I was taken to dream land...


"Aria love, where are you?" I hear Klaus's voice but I can't open my mouth. It feels like it's glued shut. "Tell me where you are so I can come get you." I try to say Mystic Falls but it comes off as a muffle. I look up and see Klaus but he's not looking my way. I try to call out to him but I still can't speak.  

He walked right away from me and I feel my heart breaking. I try to move but feel someone grab me. I shove whoever it was off and take off running towards him. It seems that the more I run the farther he walks away from me calling my name. I manage to get close enough to touch him but someone pulls me back.  

I turn and see Molly. "Your never leaving me Aria, ever." She takes out a stake and rams it into my chest. I look into Molly's bright green eyes and see no emotion. I feel myself fall to the ground and look up at Molly as my vision begins to tunnel. "Your never leaving me Aria, ever...."

I wake up and look over at my sister sleeping on the bed. She's lucky I can't think about killing her or else I would have broke her spine and drained her. No matter my plans are coming to play soon. She is going to regret ever bringing me back here...

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