Trust...Thats The Key(Chapter Nine)

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----//MOLLY'S POV//----

I'm sitting with Elena and Jeremy at the kitchen table. "I honestly think Aria is becoming more like her old self. I mean just look." Aria comes into the kitchen with her famous bed head and shuffles to the fridge.

"Morning Aria." I say to her. But she just grumbles and pulls out a blood bag. Elena giggles. "I see what you mean Molls." Jeremy gets up and gives me and Elena a kiss on the cheek telling us to have a good day as he goes to work. I blush as I watch him go. When I turn around I see Elena and Aria smirking at me. I just shovel in more cereal in my mouth.

"Morning ladies...Aria." Damon says as him and Stefan walk into the kitchen. My sister smiles at him then flips him off. "What are you doing here?" I ask as I swallow down my cereal. "We just came to make sure you guys are safe since we now have a psycho cutting girls necks open in town." Damon says as he sits down. Stefan goes over and talks to my sister for a minute. I see my sister frown. I wonder what they're talking about?

----//ARIA'S POV//----

"No Stefan I was with Molly the whole night I didn't see anything. I just smelled the blood and saw the girl lying there." I see Stefan think over what I just told him. "Okay...but I still find it strange that this happened and you know exactly where the body was and not to mention some crazy person just happens to show up and kills an innocent girl when your back in town."

I glare at him and drop my empty blood bag on the table. "Look I know what it looks like and I'm telling you the truth. You had Bonnie put a hex on me so I can't kill or go ripper on people. I'm trying to get your trust back. Everyone's trust." I glance over at Molly and Stefan looks in that direction. "Mostly Molly's trust. I know I hurt her and you were right that was the ripper talking."

I let a tear fall and Stefan pulls me into a hug. "Okay, I'm sorry I'm just trying to make sure things are not getting too out of hand." Stefan says as he hugs me tighter. A smirk plays across my lips. Oh Klaus I'll be home before you know it.

We went to the grill to play some pool. "You cheated!" Molly said while crossing her arms. "How do you cheat in pool?" I snapped at her. "I don't know but you did." Elena just sat back and watched our sister bickering. I seen Tyler come through the door and a secret smiles played across my face. Tyler sees us and comes right over. "Hey guys, um have any of you seen Caroline?" We shake our heads.

"Hey Ty can you show me that trick. You know the one where you can jump the ball over the other one." I say while attempting to try it but failing. "Sure." He comes behind me and helps me position the stick. I pressed against him making him breath heavy a little. "Something wrong...Tyler?" I said seductively in his ear. "What the hell is this!?" Tyler jumps away from me and looks up seeing a pissed off Caroline. "Care-I was just-"  

"Just having a too cozy time with Aria I see!" She walked away from us and walked out of the grill. "Caroline wait!" Tyler ran off after her. "Aria, why did you do that?" I heard Molly say behind me. "Do what? I was just asking him to show me that trick." I lean over the table and do the trick flawlessly. "Come on let's go get our drinks." I say as I put up my pool stick.


Molly and Elena were talking about prom as we drove over to Bonnie's place. "Seriously Elena, Caroline has been doing some over time to plan this years prom. I hear she's going to do something with pictures and knowing Care it's going to be epic." Elena had looked back at me. "Aria you do plan on going to the Prom right? I mean it's senior prom." I looked up from my magazine. "Well it wouldn't be prom without me there." We all giggled as we parked in the drive way. "Then we have to go dress shopping for you. How about we go shopping for it Friday?" Molly asked as we got out of the car. "Sure, I think I saw a really pretty red dress with my name on it back at that dress shop."

We walk up to Bonnie's door and knock. She greets us at the door and we all settle in her living room. "So Bon who are you taking to senior prom?" I asked while flipping through my magazine. "Jeremy and I are going together." I look up in enough time to see Molly look down at her boots. "I guess I'll go stag...wait." I look over at Molly and show her a page saying


"Molly will you go to prom with me?" My sister rolls her eyes but smiles at me. "Yes Aria I'll go to prom with you." She says with a big smile. I let out a big sigh. "Good, I really didn't want to show up stag at senior prom. That would be all kinds of pathetic."

I look up at Elena. "Who are you going with?" She sighs. "Damon and Stefan are taking me." I wiggle my brow. "Oh Elena so I take that your having a crazy vampire three some after prom." She slaps me on the arm and laughs. "No Aria. They're just taking me so that we can all have a good time together." Bonnie flicks on the tv and breaking news appears on the tv.

"Twenty-one year old Michael Banks body was found this afternoon in his home. Now the police rule out foul play since there were no signs of a break in. But this happens to be the second body found with the same attack wounds." The news caster then walks up to Sheriff Forbes. "Sheriff Forbes do you have any suspicions or hunches on who is terrorizing the Town of Mystic falls?" 

"Not yet but I do know that the person who did this was an angry and sick individual. We will try to find them but in the mean time everyone stay in large groups if your going out. Try to avoid dark places and most of all if you see anything suspicious call the police."

We all looked at the tv in silence. "Who could be doing this?" Bonnie asked with a sadness crossing her face. "I don't know Bon but from what Caroline's mom said I think we need to keep inside. I mean even I don't feel safe here." I say with fear playing across my face. Molly shivered and held herself. We all jumped when Bonnie's cell went off. She looked down at her phone. "Sorry guys, it's Jeremy. I need to take this." She excused herself from the room and we turn off the tv.

"I can't believe we have an actual murderer in Mystic falls. Vampires, werewolves and hybrids are one thing but to knowing someone's killing at random just sounds terrifying." Elena said as she looks at me and Molly. "I don't think it's at random." I say while tapping my chin. "What makes you think that?" Molly asked.

"Michael Banks isn't he a counsel member? And the girl from last night isn't her mom a apart of the counsel too?" They both give me a strange look. "So your saying they are connected?" Elena says while thinking over what I said. "I'm just going on a guess here. But yes I do." They both give me a feared look. "If that's so then no one on the counsel or their children are safe." Molly says as she gets up.

"That means you need to be careful Molls. Mom isn't here so she's safe." My sister sat down next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Aria...I'm scared." I soothed her and patted her head. "Your not getting hurt Molly, not while I'm here. Trust me."

THE NEW RIPPER - Sequal to FILWDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora