Farwell Old Friends....Farwwell Little Sister(Chapter Twenty One)

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----//ARIA'S POV//----


I walked over to my house...no it's not my home anymore. Man this emotions heightened crap is gonna kill me. I knock on the door and hear footsteps. My mom answers. "Aria!" She goes to hug me but I stop her. "No, mom stay in the house." She gives me a frown. "But, Aria..." I look at her with a sad smile. "Mom I came to say good-bye." I see her eyes get wet.

"You just came back, c-" I cut her off. "No mom don't invite me in. I just wanted you to take care of Molly. Since I'm leaving." She grabs me and my face changes. "Oh my God.." She gasps and steps back into the house. I let my face change back and I feel a tear fall. "Yes mom, I'm dead..."  

"No, no, no baby you can't be..." I feel more tears coming but I push them back. "Mom, I am dead. But I want you to know that I'm happy." I close my eyes and breath. "I don't want to stay her mom. I hate it here, but you wouldn't have had a choice on bringing us back, because dad had compelled you."  

She gives me a sad look and a tear falls. "Mom, just...just look after Molly. Give her all the love that I couldn't. Don't ignore her when she comes home and wants to talk to you about her problems. Just...just hold on to her mom."

I let another tear fall. She pulls me to her and hugs me. Damn I'm gonna miss this woman so much. But I have to do this. "I don't care that your a vampire. You still my baby girl, and I love you. I love you and Molly. Just please don't go."

I let out another breath and look into her eyes. "You will not ask for me, you will know I died a painless death. You will take care of my sister and let her grow up into a beautiful young woman that we would be proud of. And mom just know that when I died, I did it for you, Molly and for the rest of my loved ones." Her eyes were glazed over and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.


"Bye Mommy I love you..."


"Good bye Mom I love you..."


I walk off the porch and walk down the road to Elena's place. I get there and knock on the door. Caroline answered and I stepped in. "Okay Care I know what I did with Tyler was so against the girl code and all and I'm-" She pulled me into a hug. "I forgive you Aria." She then whacked me upside the head. "Ow! Care did I ever tell you that you have man hands?" I giggle and give her another hug.

I see Elena and I step to her. "Molly told me about what you did to Jeremy." I give her a guilty look. "Elena I wish I could tell you that I didn't mean to do that but at the time I wasn't in my right mind. I know your brother means the world to you since your parents passed and I am deeply sorry. I understand if you don't forgive me, I wouldn't forgive that quickly if someone had hurt Molly like that."

Elena steps to me with no emotion on her face. Okay see gonna hit me. God don't let it be the face. I like my nose. I close my eyes and feel her hug me. "Good thing I'm not you Ar. I forgive you." I sigh and hug her back. "Thank you...Elena thank you so much."


We step apart and I hear her. Her slow breathing upstairs. I know she's sleeping. I walk towards the stairs slowly feeling as if I don't do this now then I will never get my chance to. I open the door and see her sleeping. She's as beautiful as the day I seen her in that little clear bed. This good-bye is going to kill me....

As I walk to her I think of all those memories. The day we had the 80's Dance. We danced to so many songs but she was just happy to be with me. Those nights she slept beside me and I would alway look at her freckles and wonder if she will look like me when she grows up.

The day we had ate my ice cream together when hers had fell. I wanted to hold on to those memories of us and I want her to have the good ones too. When I stepped closer to Molly, my heart melted. I would miss this little girl. She was my shadow, my best friend....my baby sister. 

I sat on the bed and swept her bangs away from her eyes. Her eyes had fluttered open.  

"Aria..." She hugged me and I kissed the top of her head. "Hey Molls... I was just coming give you something." She moves back and I give her a little white box. "This is for me not getting you a present on your birthday." She opened the box and I saw her eyes light up at the charm bracelet.

"Aria! I love it! Thank you." She goes to put it on and I help her. She smiles brightly at it. "I knew you would love it Molls..." She looks back at me. "Why does that sound like a good-bye?" Sharp kid. "Because it is Molly." She grabbed my hand.

"Why?, you just started getting some brains back in that thick skull of yours." I smirk at her. Yup she is so like me. "Molls I have to go, Klaus is waiting for me." She scowls when I say his name. "I know what you're thinking but, I love him Molly. I love him with every meaning of my existence." She frowns. "But how? He's....Klaus." I roll my eyes at her and smile.

"But he's different with me. He makes me happy and he just makes my world...bright." Molly grips my hand tighter. "Aria...please don't go, I just got you back." I can hear her tears just about to fall. I had an urge to say okay I'll stay. But my life belonged with Klaus and I knew that. 

"Molly I almost killed you. And if I had done that I would had gone full ripper on this town. I'm leaving for mom, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, Caroline, Jeremy, Stefan and even Damon. Ugh." She giggles at that. "You always make a joke out of everything Aria." I wipe away her tears. "But most of all I'm doing this for you, and for myself. And don't worry Molly I'll help you forget."

She gives me a panicked look. "No, I don't want to forget about you. Please don't take away my memories." She jumps into my arm and hugs me tight. Her tears hit my shirt. "See Ar, I can be this close to you and you don't vamp out. Just don't go."

She's making this so hard. But I got to do this. I didn't even fight my own tears. "But who's to say I don't slip up. Besides it took Stefan almost a century to control the urges and he still slips up now and then." I let her go and make her face me. With quickness I pull off her vervain necklace and look into her  green eyes one last time.  

"You will remember only the good things about me. You will live your life and even go have a normal teenage life. You will grow a pair and ask out some cute boys...even Jeremy..." I let a sad laugh pass my lips. "...you will fall in love, get married, have kids and tell them that their aunt Aria had died a hero. You will never ask for me because I...am dead..."

I leave Molly sleeping in Elena's room and I meet Klaus at the border of Now leaving Mystic falls sign. Bonnie had called and told Elena she lifted the spell off of the town and the phones. So I could leave.  

"Everything all done love?" I nod. "Yeah, there's nothing holding me back here anymore. So I will never come back here again." We get in the car as I watch the Now Leaving Mystic Falls sigh grow to a little dot in the distance.

I'll come back, maybe in twenty years to check on Molly and her kids....but in secret of coarse....


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