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The next morning I awoke to the bright light coming through my window as well as the breeze drifting from the open window. I was alone. I sat up and looked around to clarify that I was, indeed, alone. It was quiet which means that aunt Shelley must've left for work.

I checked the time on my phone.

11:57 am.

I quickly jumped out of bed and stretched out my limbs. I walked towards my bathroom and did my business and brushed my teeth. I left my hair in its braid and slipped my glasses on that I wore occasionally when I had migraines. They were black and square. I thought I looked sophisticated enough in them.

I walked down the stairs and found the house quite empty. I sighed and walked towards the fridge. I pulled it open to find it filled with food. Most of it was leftovers. I picked up a container filled with spaghetti and shrugged. I began heating it up. As I waited for the food, I sat on a stool that sat behind the bar. I laid my head in my hands and closed my eyes.

Last night Justin told me he loved me. He told me he was a supernatural creature. He was a vampire. He told me things and I didn't know how any of it was possible. I definitely had more questions for him.

The microwave beeped and I stood to get my food but suddenly the doorbell rang. I furrowed my brows and stepped towards the door. I unlocked it and slowly opened it. The wind blew as I stood in the doorway. Nobody appeared to be at the door. I bit my lip and took a step foreword. My bare feet were set on the porch floor and I whipped my head to one side. The porch swing swayed. The chained holding it up creaked. I looked to the other side.


I walked back inside and shut the door. I walked towards the microwave and opened it up. I used an oven mitt to take out the food because the plastic container was so hot. I set it on the granite counter top and opened up a drawer to grab a fork. I mixed the sauce and noodles together and took a bite.

I turned towards the bar and stopped in my tracks. My heart fluttered in my chest and I almost dropped the container in my hands onto the floor.

"Hey." Justin spoke out.

"H-Hey." I said, trying to calm myself down from the scare." You can't just do things like that. You're gonna give me a heart attack."

He chuckled." Sorry."

As I stood at the counter, I remembered something.

"How come you're out at this time of day? I never see you during the day.." I questioned. He smiled.

"I usually like to keep my distance and stay lurking in the shadows but I have this." He showed me a ring on his finger. It had a blue stone set in it and there was some type of symbol shown on the stone in black.

I nodded." So you can walk around in the sun?"

"Basically." He stated.

I finished the spaghetti while Justin stared at me. I left the bowl in the sink and wiped my hands with a paper towel.

"Let's do something then." I spoke up. He pursed his lips.

"I've got just the thing. Follow me." He said.

*  *  *

"This is beautiful." I said breathlessly.

Justin had brought me to a clearing that was further into the woods. There were tons of flowers of all colors. It was like a meadow. The sun was shining and it was the perfect temperature today. I sat on the ground and then laid back completely. I looked up into the blue sky and watched the clouds.

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