T H I R T Y - O N E

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"Maybe he's under a lot of stress." Lucille suggested.

I sighed.

"There's something else. He has never acted like this before. I don't know what to do." I said.

"Look, I don't know what's really going on with Justin but from what you've told me, I remember when I was little. My mother was pregnant with Alec and I remember my father acting different. He wasn't himself. My mother took us to hide out somewhere because he was being so irrational but my father found us and almost killed my mother and Alec." She explained in one breath.

My breathing hitched."What's that story got to do with..." I trailed off, not wanting to hear her next words.

But I had no choice.

"Ana? Could you possibly be carrying his child?" Lucille whispered out.

I gulped back the lump in my throat.

"I-I don't know. I don't think so. He told me that it was almost impossible for a vampire to get a human pregnant." I said honestly.

Lucille raised a brow."You believed him?" It was as if she was surprised.

"Yeah. He's my fiancé, of course I believed him." I stated.

"Well Ana, it's not impossible. There's a great chance of it happening. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I guess it depends on the human and the vampire." Lucille explained.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

Why would he lie to me?

"How about we get you a test? Huh? That should tell us if you're pregnant or not." Lucille suggested and I nodded eagerly.

"I'll have one ready for you first thing in the morning." Lucille said as she climbed into the bed comfortably beside me. I held the covers up to my neck and kept my breathing slow and steady.

She switched off the lamp beside her and shifted her back towards me.

I laid in the dark thinking about everything Lucille had just told me. I began to piece it together and my emotions flooded with an overwhelming sensation.

I couldn't grasp the concept of having a baby.

But I knew that Justin already had and this is something he made happen.

I knew I wouldn't have a say in any of this even if it was my body.

But could I be quick to make such a decision without a second thought anyway?

My brain was telling me one thing while my heart was saying another.

Soon enough, my body was slowly unwinding and shutting down and my eyes closed completely, letting my thoughts and assumptions become lost in my dreams.


The next morning I awoke to the sun shining through the curtains. I blinked open my eyes and let out a yawn. When I sat up, my heart stopped and I jumped back a bit.

"Oh my god!" I said exasperated as I held my hand to my chest.

Justin stood at the end of the bed with his eyes locked on me. His face was serious and he looked as if he was stone.

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