T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Anastasia's p.o.v

My eyes fluttered open but my vision was blurry.

I tried blinking it away before sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

When my eyes began to clear, I looked around the room to find Justin sitting in a chair in the corner. I couldn't see his face because of the darkness surrounding us.

I took a deep breath before trying to stand but halted when I heard a voice.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you. You're not strong enough. Caroline drained you." Justin spoke out.

I nodded to myself and stayed put. I adjusted myself into a comfortable position and turned to face Justin.

He slowly rose from the chair and walked towards me with an expressionless face.

He sat on the bed beside me.

I reached foreword to grab his hand."What's wrong?"

He turned to me."Are you hungry?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.

I swallowed to moisten my dry throat."No. I'm not. Justin, why are you acting so strange?"

He stood from the bed, shaking my hand off of his. He kept his gaze on the far window.

"I've got to go take care of a few things." He said and rushed out of the room, leaving me alone.

I let out a sigh and scratched my head.

I tried again to get myself out of the bed and once my feet touched the ground, I fell on my ass.

I grasped onto the sheets and pulled myself up into a standing position. I began to limp over to the door and cupped my hand around the cool knob.

I gulped back the ball in my throat and opened the door slowly. The long hallway was brightly lit before me.

I stepped out and limped my way down the many sets of stairs. I used the railing as support and when I reached the bottom, my eyes traveled around the room. I took in the many features I had missed during the battle that had taken place only a few hours ago.

I watched as several maids were scrubbing the bloody floors and others from Lucille's clan were stacking dead bodies onto carts and wheeling them out. I wasn't sure where they were going.

I used the wall for support as I limped over to two tall double doors that were closed. I used my force and pushed one open.

It was a dining hall with a long table. Chairs were placed around it. At one end of the table was Justin. Beside him sat Lucille and Alec.

Justin rose from his chair and quickly sat me on one of the chairs closest to us.

"Why are not resting?" He asked me.

Lucille appeared beside him and laid a hand on my beaded forehead. She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed my chin to look into my eyes.

She let me go and stepped back. Justin turned to her.

"Lucille? What's wrong?" He asked her.

I licked my dry lips and awaited her reply.

There was a long silence before she spoke again.

"It's not possible..." She whispered.

I tried to stand again but became lightheaded once more and Justin grabbed ahold of me before I fell again.

"She's not a newborn. Justin, she's human." Lucille spoke out.

My heart stopped.

Justin's eyes widened." How is that even possible? Caroline drained her and-and-"

"I'm not sure..." Lucille trailed off.

I wrapped my arms around Justin and buried my nose into his neck. I know he wanted me to be a vampire but I wasn't ready for that yet.

Even if we were planning on starting a life together.

Alec rose from his chair."She must have special blood. It's uncommon but it's a possibility."

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"He means that someone in your bloodline was immune to the poison. It didn't effect them. It's rare. It could've been passed down to you." Justin explained. I nodded in understanding but I could sense the sadness in his voice.

If this was true, then I would never be able to turn. I would never be able to be with him for an eternity.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered out. He shook his head.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, baby. I'm still going to be by your side."He reassured me. He kissed my head and we both turned back to the siblings.

"I can take her to Elena next week if you like. She can tell us if she has special blood." Lucille spoke up.

Justin looked down at me.

I smiled at him and gazed back at Lucille." I think I should know."

Lucille nodded and grabbed Alec to leave the room. Apparently they had business to take care of.

Justin sat me back down at the table.

"I'm going to get you something to eat. I would feel much better if I knew you had something in your system." He explained.

I watched as he scurried off towards another set of double doors. I'm guessing they led to the kitchen.

When he came back, he held a plate.

He set it down in front of me and sat beside me.

I grabbed the piece of buttery toast in front of me and began chewing away.

Justin stared at me intensely and I must say, it was uncomfortable.

I could tell something was on his mind.

I finished off the toast and left the other to sit on the plate as I sat back in my chair.

"Is this about me not being a newborn?" I asked.

"Of course not. I was scared. I thought you were dead and when you woke up I thought you were a newborn. I thought I had lost a part of you. I don't know what I would do if she would've killed you, Ana." He explained in such a sorrowful tone. I gulped back.

I grabbed his hand in mine and smiled." You know I love you right?"

He didn't hesitate before he spoke again." Of course I do."

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