T H I R T Y - T W O

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I wiped the back of my mouth and flushed the toilet without looking back. I slammed the lid down and rose to my feet, feeling exhausted.

I stumbled to the sink and filled my mouth with cold water. I swished it around for a few minutes before spitting it back into the sink. I brushed my hair down and wiped my wet eyes.

I wanted this to all be a dream that I would wake up from but it seemed that wasn't likely.

I shoved the box into a drawer and left the test on the counter.

I took a deep breath before exiting the bedroom.

I found that the kitchen was clean and nobody was around.

I walked towards the living room to find Alec and Lucille speaking in hushed whispers. I could only assume she had told him about what was going on with Justin and I.

He gave me a solemn look when he noticed me and I swallowed back the lump in the back of my throat. Lucille turned to face me and she bit her lip.

I could tell she wanted to comfort me in the best way possible but didn't know how.

She came towards me with her arms extended and when she reached me, she embraced me. She brushed her palm over my hair.

"So it's true?" She whispered into my ear and I nodded.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could, I heard the voice of someone else speak up.

"What's true?" The voice asked from across the room.

I turned to find Justin standing with his arms crossed and his body leaning against the frame of the walkway.

I mentally shot myself.

I should've known that he would be around, listening, waiting for something.

My heart hammered in my chest and it was like I couldn't speak.

He stood taller and walked closer to me. He took long strides until he reached me. His eyes burned into my own.

"I-I'm pregnant." I whispered out.

I wasn't sure if anybody had heard me and from the look on Justin's face I couldn't tell.

He nodded. His face not showing any bit of surprise.

I knew he had already known but this confirmed my fears.

He had almost killed Elena just because she was going to tell me.

He thought I would've gotten rid of it.

He didn't trust me.

He caught the few tears that had fallen from my eyes with his index finger and looked at me confused."Isn't this what you wanted?" He asked.

I shook my head."You know this is what you wanted."

He chuckled darkly.

His eyes flashed red.

Before he could make any other further movements, Lucille stepped in front of me.

"Justin, calm down. Do you realize that she's carrying your child? Do you want to hurt them?" Lucille asked in a low tone.

"I suggest you stay out of this." Justin hissed. His eyes burned into my face but I kept my head down and my hand pressed against my flat stomach.

I felt sick.

Alec stepped foreword."Watch yourself Bieber." He said in a serious tone as his eyes narrowed.

Justin scoffed."Fuck off Alec! We all know you want to be me so bad. Newsflash, it ain't gonna happen. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere."

I felt the air thick with tension and I felt like I was suffocating. I needed to get out.

I stepped around Lucille and towards Justin and looked into his eyes, searching them for the Justin I knew.

He was nowhere to be found.

I wiped my eyes before the tears could fall and slid the diamond engagement ring off of my finger. I grabbed Justin's hand and closed his palm around the ring.

I shuffled past Justin and headed up the stairs to grab a few of my things.

I needed to get back to reality and go back home to aunt Shelley. After all, I was going to have a baby and I needed to be in a safe environment away from Justin.

He had shown me that he couldn't be trusted with his psychotic behavior.

I grabbed a suitcase from the closet and began filling it with my clothes and other necessities.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm glad that it did but I fucked up and now we're having a baby, Ana." I heard from behind me. The clicking sound of a door was heard indicating he closed the bedroom door behind him as he entered so we could talk privately.

I turned to face him, his eyes shining a golden brown.

"No. No we're not having a baby. I am. I'm having a child because you lied to me." I spoke and threw in the last bits of my clothes that were tucked into the dresser drawers.

"Ana...please..." Justin begged.

"I can't be here with you while I'm carrying this child. I need to be away. I have to protect us. I don't trust you, Justin." I explained truthfully.

"I would never hurt you or our baby. You've got to understand that. I don't know why I've been acting the way I have but I can't control the anger and the possessiveness. It comes out at the wrong times. I'm sorry." Justin's voice cracked.

I shook my head." I'm sorry too. I should've never come back for you. I should've never fallen in love with you. I should've never trusted you." My words began stringing together as I couldn't hold myself together. At this point I was spewing lies.

I wanted to hurt him.

I wanted him to feel pain.

I lifted the suitcase from the bed onto the ground.

When I looked back at Justin, his eyes spilled tears."You don't mean that." He whispered out in disbelief.

And he was right but this was the easiest way for him to let me leave.






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