T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"Where am I taking you again?" Harry questioned as he kept his eyes on the road ahead of us.

I explained to him that I was staying in a big mansion about an hour away with my fiancé and a couple of friends as a getaway trip.

I couldn't exactly tell him the truth.

Harry absorbed all of the information and nodded.

The fog surrounded the car and I didn't know how Harry could see. It frightened me a tad.

My fingers rested on my thighs and I tapped them slightly before reaching foreword and switching on the radio.

Harry smiled at me as I looked to him for approval. Some sort of old tune filled the car and I found it interesting that he listened to this sort of music.

As if he knew what I was thinking, he spoke out."I was really close with my grandfather and he got me into this. It's from the 1940's. My mother got me this tape for my birthday." He explained and I found it to be heartfelt.

"That's really....nice. I never knew my grandparents. But I've never been close to my parents either." I said. I felt the need to share this bit of information with him as he had shared something moments before that was personal.

Harry was a sweet guy and any girl would be lucky to have him. He was kind and he actually listened.

Of course, he was no Justin but there's no need to compare.

Justin was my fiancé, after all.

Harry was only a friend. Actually, scratch that. He was merely an acquaintance.

I shook my thoughts away and rested my head back on the headrest. I really needed to sleep after today.

And get down to business with Justin. I had no idea what was going on with him lately but I didn't like it. I hoped it was something we could work through but if he didn't tell me, I would never know.

The silence filled my ears along with the happy tune that was turned as low as possible. Harry took deep breaths in and out as he focused on the road ahead.

The streetlights blurred as we passed them and the fog parted as we drove through it.

"I never asked you..." Harry started,"Why were you alone in the city that's an hour away from where you're staying?" He looked over at me for a moment.

"I just-I was supposed to be shopping. I parted ways with my friend and I couldn't find her. I tried looking but she didn't turn up and that's when you found me sitting on a bench." I explained.

He narrowed his eyes at the road and then raised a brow. I could tell he was trying to decide whether or not to believe me.

I cleared my throat."Well, what were you doing in the city besides hitting on girls?" I tried turning the question around on him in a joking manner.

I heard him chuckle." I was ring shopping. I had no luck though."

At least he didn't try to deny the fact that he was hitting on me...

"When are you planning to propose then Harold?" I spoke in shitty British accent. I couldn't help but laugh and apparently Harry thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard because he was crying from laughing so hard.

After he sniffled a few times and regained himself, he replied with." I'm not sure yet. I wanted to do it in a few weeks. I don't want to wait long before we actually get married. Maybe a year. Basically I'm trying to wife her up as soon as possible." He explained. The last sentence coming out as if he was a gangster. He was trying to sound as cool as possible but that was very hard.

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