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Justin's p.o.v

I hadn't seen her in two months. I missed her more than anything. I wish I could go home and see her but I know I'll probably never see her beautiful face again.

It was my mistake to trust them. I've helped kill the council like they wanted. Caroline is in charge now along with my brother. They think they're fixing things and helping the creatures of our world when in reality, they just want to kill everyone and make an army for themselves.

At this moment, I'm locked away in a dark room with no food. I haven't eaten in months and I know I'm slowly getting weaker.

I just want to be with Ana again. I needed her more than anything else in this world. She was the love of my life.

I turned my head as I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. There was a knock on the door and the small window slid open. I quickly rose to my feet and was standing close to the window in a second.

"Calm down brother." Jason whispered.

"Why're are you doing this? I've given you what you wanted. Now let me go home." I hissed out.

Jason chuckled.

I heard the sound of the locks unlocking on the heavy metal door. Once Jason had begun to crack it a bit, I stormed out of the dark room and grabbed onto Jason. My eyes glowed a deep red as I felt my fangs eject from anger and hunger.

He didn't look scared so I let go of him and weakly stomped off towards the stairs. I ran up them and burst into the room of the house the group had been living in.

There was no one in sight as I made my way towards the front door. I quickly slammed it open and stepped onto the porch into the heat. I walked forward and into the light but hissed once I felt a burning sensation. I felt angry again realizing they had taken my ring.

"Missing something?" Jason spoke out. I turned to find him with a smirk on his face. I wish I could just kill him at this moment. But I knew he was my only chance on getting out.

"I need to eat, Jason." I said. I felt my stomach growl as I watched him pull a packet from out of nowhere.

It was filled with a red liquid and I could already taste it on my lips.

Jason threw the packet of blood at me and I swiftly caught it in one hand."Have fun."

I ignored his comment and ripped open the package. I took no time to finish it off and I immediately felt better. Although I needed more, I could now go a little longer without eating again and I felt somewhat stronger.

Jason disappeared for a few moments before he returned. He gave me a hard look and licked his lips." Caroline doesn't want to let you go."

"Why? I've done what you've asked." I spoke up.

"We know. I want to let you leave. You're my brother. I may hate you on some level but I can't help but feel that it would be wrong of me to punish my little brother." Jason explained truthfully. I nodded.

I hated him too but I did love him to some extent.

"So what does she want from me?" I asked. He looked down and brought his fingers to his neck to scratch. I did the exact same thing when I was nervous.

He didn't answer me which made me extremely nervous for the answer he was going to give.

"Jason?" I whispered." What does she want?"

His eyes peered back at me." She wants you to sit upon the council with her."

"What?" I said astonished.

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