The Compliment Game

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Ginny's P.O.V.
We all ended up going to eat because mom was steady complaining about how "that muggle family" never feeds him. I hate that he has to stay with them, but Dumbledore said something about saftey in calling home or whatever... but I don't know that.
We all ate sandwiches and mom kept putting more on Harry's plate. It was funny because every time she did, Harry would get a look of amazement. Then when he didn't want any more he would stare at it, but eventually, eat it.
I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore and I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. I wasn't the only one that thought it was funny, because Ron started laughing too. "What is so funny, Ginny?" I tried to tell her but it ended up sounding more like "face- full- sandwich- cheese." Of course that just made Ron laugh even more.
"Well, fine. If everyone is finished we have things to do. Ron show Harry your room. After that we all need to clean out the drawing room." Harry followed Ron out and I got off the floor.
We were about to go to the drawing room, when the portrait started screaming. "BLOOD TRAITORS!! WHY ARE THEY STILL IN MY HOUSE?!! GOOD FOR NOTHI-"
"Oh, shut up." Sirius forced the curtain closed. Harry was looking from the painting to Sirius with an adorable confused look on his face. "Now then, you've met my mother."
We walked up to the drawing room and started cleaning. Whenever he could get away with it, Kreacher (the house elf) would steal what he could grab. The desk in the corner was shaking and rattling. "Hmm, better get Alastor to look at that."
When we finally finished we sat at the table and Sirius was asking Harry questions about the attack. "And where were you?" He looked like he might scream at any second. "That ally where I first saw you." He nodded. "Curious. I'll get back to you as soon as Dumbledore tells me about it." Harry nodded.
"We still have an hour until dinner, so get out of the kitchen." I pulled Harry up the steps. "Do you wanna play exploding snaps?" He nodded. "Okay, I have a deck in my room, so you won't have to listen to Ron sulking about Hermione."
I pulled him into the room and we sat on the bed. We played a couple of games and it was beginning to get tedious, so I decided to do something different. "I like your hair." I said and put down a card. He smiled, "your freckles are cute." He put down his card. "Your eyes." He nodded. "Gin, hmm... I like your lips." He put down the card. *POP* it exploded.
I pushed him onto his back. "Give me one good reason." He grinned. "Well, for starters, they taste good." I leaned into him and kissed him. "I could say the same for you."
I laid my head on his chest and listened to his breathing. Then I had a hilarious idea. I started laughing and we sat up. "Harry... You said- you said you like my freckles, right?" He nodded. "Well, does that mean you like Ron's freckles too?" He was completely surprised at the question and his face made me laugh harder.
Ron came in the room. "I can hear you in the other room. Stop laughing- or are you crying?" I shook my head. "He told me my freckles were cute, so I asked him if he liked yours too." Ron's face was even better. I fell backwards and would have fallen off the bed if Harry hadn't of caught me.
"Well, you still haven't answered my question." He looked from me to Ron, mildly bemused. "I- I don't know... Erm... I guess, maybe... Not really though." Neither of them knew what to say, so Ron just backed up and left.
He laid back and I put my head on his chest. "You know what, Gin..." I sat up so I could see him. "You're a weirdo." I rolled my eyes and put my head back. "You are too." I could feel his smile. "But you're my weirdo." I was glad he couldn't see me blushing.
We stayed in there until mom called us down for dinner. Harry and Ron looked uncomfortable so, being the wonderful person I am, I made sure they sat next to each other. It was amazing. I have to remember to tell Hermione that we discovered a new emotion of Ron; awkward.

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